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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. That's what people said about SDSU when they lost Zenner and Sumner. Turns out they replaced them just fine.
  2. Those schools do make big money. But some of them also don't take state money for athletics I believe. Fiscal autonomy gives them a lot more power.
  3. Proof of that being a cause of instability? The Summit loses teams because there are better conferences nearby. No one is leaving over the Summit tourney haha
  4. Actually moved from Fargo. Just had forgotten to update my location. Have only briefly been to Crestview. Seemed really nice, but the commute sounds gross. Moved to Fargo for a year and a half and forgot to update my location. Too busy giving you guys grief. Ever want to grab a beer or something, let me know. V Meister can vouch, I am not completely terrible. Was in Pensacola on Friday to see the president. Didnt get a chance to enjoy the town at all... dark, wet, and cold. Will definitely make more trips there in the future.
  5. Im in Fort Walton. I work at Eglin. You over here too?
  6. I just moved about a half hour east of Pensacola. Very neat area. More "southern" than "floridian."
  7. JohnboyND7

    2018 Season

    It really is a low bar to get to. Lot of bad football out there.
  8. Haven't missed one of these games since they started the series again. Sad to miss.
  9. It looks like he said NDSU turned the ball over five times and that is atypical. Believe it or not, most teams lose from time to time, in some cases, about half the time(see: UND in FCS).
  10. NDSU has a playoff game this weekend. Doubt you'd get a big contingent from Fargo for this one.
  11. Cutting scholarships certainly levels the playing field. That's undeniable. Not sure it's fair to blame any particular individual though.
  12. 4 is perfect. Keep it exclusive. I think they should get rid of about half the bowls but I dont let it bug me.
  13. The FBS regular season as a whole would be ruined. Half the fun is that many big games are basically playoff games. (Notre Dame knocked out USC, Miami knocked out Notre Dame, Clemson knocked out Miami, etc.) I don't know about the FCS playoffs. A 6-5 team has gotten an At-large bid in the past. 7-4 teams get in often. That's ridiculous.
  14. Gross. Ruins the best season in American sports.
  15. I'm not claiming Alabama did anything special this year. Boise St never got denied anything. UCF wasn't denied anything. They played one P5 game. Against 4-8 Maryland. Thats not going to win you much support. Sorry.
  16. UCF didn't beat anyone.
  17. Alabama had great luck with Florida St sucking. The point of scheduling that game is getting a big time W to look good come playoff time. Alabama didn't have a marquee win this year. Are they a top 4 team. I have no idea. If Ohio St had scheduled Ohio instead of Oklahoma they'd definitely be in the playoff. If USC had scheduled UNLV instead of Notre Dame, they'd possibly be in the playoff.
  18. Follow the WalMart model. Logistics are crucial.
  19. The margin of error in FBS is pretty slim. Alabama(11-1) potentially not making the playoffs has no FCS comparison. They let 6-5 times in the FCS playoffs lol
  20. I would venture to say if NDSU lost to SD it would rank among the top fcs upsets of all time.
  21. I don't think I've called UND a future bottom feeder anywhere. UND was hot garbage this year and still beat Misery St by like 30. I have no idea how UND will do. I don't follow closely enough to feel educated on that.
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