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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. If the school is not putting it somewhere where it can be appreciated.....and it isn't being played for, it belongs in a museum. People who went to a school tend have more of a connection to the team and the school that the team is playing for. You implied that putting the trophy shouldn't be in a museum because of the cost. That sounds ridiculous. There is no rule that you need to do anything special for a chunk of metal that probably isn't in perfect storage anyway. Heck, putting it in a glass case is probably greater than or equal to the treatment is receiving now. If it could receive professional treatment, that is great. If not, well I think it'll be ok. I have perfectly fine reading comprehension skills. Your just mad that I pointed out that the Nickel trophy doesn't need to be treated like King Tut's tomb. It is a trophy....made for a game between schools that are rivals. In 200 years people probably won't find it interesting anyway. God forbid that it get rusty or something. If it makes you feel better, you can insult my field of study, accounting/finance. My point: The trophy....if it isn't going to be played for anymore, belongs in a museum or other public government building, so that people who are looking at important North dakota things, can see it, rather than be in a place where a very small number of people can see it....where honestly, they probably don't have museum quality protection anyway. So WORST case scenario, you give it a spot on a wall in a public building. Next worse scenario, it is placed in a decent display case in a public building. Best case scenario, it is in a nice display case in a museum......and during tours, someone who already is being paid to give tours, shows the display of the Nickel trophy, and mentions some cool facts about it. I doubt anyone, especially 82SiouxGuy, can make a good argument against. There is nothing to lose in those scenarios. Noow if you believe the trophy is UND's property, I can understand, but it is a cool piece of history regardless of who you cheer for, and would be a nice piece to put into a museum.
  2. Ok, so you are saying, that you'd rather have it be hidden somewhere, rather than just putting it somewhere public where people can see it. No one says that you need to treat this trophy like it is some ancient Egyptian artifact. It is a big metal nickel that is like 75 years old. I think that it would get treated better in a public place (museum, capitol building, etc.) than it probably is now, unless the people taking care of it hired some museum preservation whatchamacallems to take care of it. It is probably sitting in some box or hung up on a wall or something. If it is just going to do that, you might as well just hang it up on a wall where people can see it. Anyone suggesting it should still be hidden is just being stupid.
  3. I am not asking that they do a perfect job preserving the dumb thing, I am not asking for a king tut exhibit. Just something simple that people can see. Who cares if dust gets on it? Who cares about UV protection? At least people would get to see it rather than hiding it where only a few people get to see it.
  4. I do not know how to make videos. And if I did, I would probably do a piss poor job and it wouldn't be funny. I just saw this on AGS I believe and thought since Measure 4 is a major topic of discussion, you guys might want to see it. I warned in the first post that a lot of it is stuff you might not enjoy, but the part simply about measure 4 raised some funny points. At least someone has a sense of humor.
  5. According to Lakes, we were when we beat Minnesota a few years back.
  6. Oh dear, you are seriously using cost as a reason that the Nickel shouldn't be in a museum? Who cares? All they'd have to do is put the trophy behind a glass case and have a sign for it describing the trophy's significance. Right now you sound stupid for claiming cost as a reason to not put it in a museum. The state has a boatload of money, I'm pretty sure we can afford to pay a few hundred bucks for a display case....we don't need a seperate room for it.
  7. Right now I am seeing 45 views. I hope some of you took the time to vote. It takes literally about one minute and it goes to a good cause.
  8. Alright guys, I know you all dislike me for the most part. Anyways, this small company does videos every week during the football season. He does a lot of FCS games and he does a pretty good job. Plus he is funny. I'm sure soon he will even start doing some of the UND games. Mods, feel free to move it, just put it here because this is a main page. His company gets a pretty solid prize if they win I think.
  9. Agree to disagree then. I have witnessed plenty of posts on here claiming that UND fans have moved on and do not care, and the same people probably are some of the same ones who attack NDSU people for claiming the rivalry is done. Other than some people such as Lakes, I do not know anyone particular who doesn't look at UND as a chief rival. The rivalry has went from a real honest one, to a pretty childish feud at this point though IMO.
  10. Warhawks sounds stupid because it is just two random words put together.
  11. This is frickin pathetic. I wonder if it will be easier for the government to break this up now?
  12. I understand that this was meant as a slam. I see you forgot the Pharmacy kids, and the engineers at NDSU as well. But regardless, that is a dumb idea anyway. Airplanes, stethescopes, cows, tractors, barns, and women have nothing to do with the game. .....So NDSU will be FBS by 2020?
  13. Well since it was my idea, I better be invited to the groundbreaking ceremony. Heck, I'll send my kid instead. I'll be in the nursing home.
  14. Isn't UND building a 35,000 seat retractable roofed stadium at Memorial? Might as well just wait until that is done.
  15. Yeah, I really liked the nickel trophy. It was a pretty cool idea. Assuming NDSU/UND start playing again...and yes, anything is fair game considering the idiots over in the B1G. Maybe a large metal object shaped like North Dakota. And whoever wins gets a small school logo stamped on it. It would keep track of who has won the games too. it'd end up looking a bit like an Ohio St. helmet after 100 years but thats ok.
  16. The person he was referring to was most likely me. So you are saying that a trophy that was rewarded to the winner for 65 years should stay hidden somewhere when the game isn't even played anymore and the Sioux nickname is probably gone? It belongs in a museum. It is a pretty cool trophy especially when compared to some of the stupid ones other schools play for. Everyone deserves to be able to see it at this point. 75% of this poll so far believes the Nickel should not be played for, if it shouldn't be played for, in your opinions, then it doesn't belong hidden somewhere in Grand Forks. There is no reason that it shouldn't be in a museum now. Prairie View is wetting themselves as well, just for other reasons
  17. Real sad deal. They seemed like a program was going to be a force to be reckoned with.
  18. What does the overall record have to do with the fact that I think that the trophy should be in a museum where everyone can see it. Will it make you happier if I said it should have a plaque that has a list of all the Nickel game scores on it?
  19. When NDSU swept UND (I think we did?) in volleyball and absolutely destroyed UND in basketball last year, I still wouldn't have been "GET THEM ON THE SCHEDULE!!!!" Texas A&M and Texas won't be playing anymore it sounds like. Those songs won't change. Even if they don't play, it won't change the fact that they hate one another. Don't pull the "holier than thou" card. I have loads of friends at UND. When we have went to house parties and such and I wear an NDSU hat, I get harassed all night. And thats fine. That is how it goes. Don't go claiming that it is just NDSU people who can't let it go. Bohl has said he doesn't want 12 games I believe. he has also said that he is open to discussing it though too I think.
  20. I'm not going to rewatch it. I will presume there was some poor grammar and misspelling using Ballet instead of Ballot?
  21. I cited the Montana schools as an example of teams I'd like to see NDSU play. We have agreements in place to play both of them I believe. I don't think too many people are "envious" that UND is going to play them. Just like UND probably isn't exactly envious that we play Northern Iowa and Southern Illinois and Youngstown State. I'd say right now the game is more important to UND than NDSU because NDSU has a lot of big, positive momentum. UND right now, is struggling with attendence, and fan interest. I imagine if UND makes a smooth transition into the Big Sky and gets its issues fixed, then the game will not benefit either side more than the other. I am not sure, but they've received about $10 million since September. I first remember hearing anything about renovations after the Woodside Administration made it to the Big Dance.
  22. http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/360888/ Haha, sorry darell but it sounds like the money is pretty well there now to get started as soon as this fall. But if you want proof NDSU's football budget is better than UNI's look no further than last year when we gave their defensive backs/defensive coordinator a demotion and he came to Fargo because he was getting a raise.
  23. I voted to retire it. I doubt NDSU and UND will be playing annually anyways. I'd send it to some state museum or something. It is a cool piece of history.
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