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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. Threw it enough to get Stacy Robinson drafted in the 2nd round A QB is a QB. They move the ball down the field.
  2. Not entirely sure passing was required back when NDSU was putting up 40-50 points a game and walking through everyone on the way to National Championships. haha I assume you are kidding. Steve Walker played against better competition and lit those teams up in a run-first offense. Now I am positive you guys are kidding.
  3. Hmm...NDSU has had a few good ones come through in the past. Ever heard of Bentrim? Simdorn? Couple of harlon hill winners there. Beachy? Steve Walker> anyone to play QB at UND thus far.
  4. I have no idea if NDSU will have the QB play to compete with the school up North... Oh wait. I forget the official NDSU offensive motto. "In Brock We Trust."
  5. Honestly reapers is a stupid idea. Too new and trendy sounding. Naming your team after a USAF vehicle? That is something I'd expect from an Arena League team. How dumb would it sound in twenty years when A.) they might not be associated with 'reapers' at GFAFB anymore, and B.) they are outdated vehicles. You wouldn't name your team the "Phantoms" because a local Air Force Base has a squadron of F-4's. You wouldn't call your team the Warthogs because the local base has A-10 Tankbusters. Or the "Flying Fortresses." Just my opinion. Bring back the Flickertails. A.) State animal correct? and B.) adorable little guys.
  6. I'd have to sell buddy. Most Bison fans believe 2013 is when we will reach our peak in this cycle. We will have a senior class that is ridiculously (and dangerously) large. Too much firepower in Fargo I believe. I understand your concern, but in games when NDSU needed to score, they scored, outside of the YSU game and the title game. NDSU runs a conservative offense because of the great defense, if the great defense goes away and become average or just good, I imagine the offense would put up the points to compensate. UND may have 7 home games, but a game against Montana is never a good thing regardless of location. And, losing to K-State would probably not hurt NDSU's ranking whatsoever. Much like when EWU lost to Washington. A loss at home to Montana State however...could complicate things.
  7. He was overpaid for putting a team with no defense on the field. I see what you are saying. But it should be noted that Jerry Moore at App State is still hanging out there. I believe he did try to the FBS thing once upon a time though, not entirely sure. Bohl is getting older and sooner or later, he might be off the radar of the big schools at some point. The good thing about losing coaches to FBS schools, it makes your school more attractive to high quality coaches. Such as Klieman from Northern Iowa, we pay coaches well here apparently, so we steal a coach from the cream of the Valley. Also took a coach from Tulane I believe, FBS school. If UND can be competitve and finish towards the top of the Sky, it will be a great time for casual fans in North Dakota.
  8. Nagy just made it to the Dance for the first time. He has not been that successful until this season. I do not know if his salary changed after that or not. I thought it was a fine article, all he did was pointed out the lower salaries.
  9. I believe I saw some figures on the internet once, but who knows how true they are. Stats can show whatever you want them to.
  10. Anytime you win a national title, it is worth it.
  11. hopefully he ends up ok. Never fun to see anyone get seriously hurt.
  12. Big Sky doesn't guarantee anything. Though I imagine they should grow somewhat I suppose. Lets be honest, there are only a few important sports that people actually care about. If those get better, I suppose UND fans should be happy. Just because Women's Hockey is #2 in attendence doesn't mean anything. Now if Women's Hockey is going to make money, that means something. I believe women's hockey at UND loses less money each year lately? This is good for UND but who knows if that trend will continue or not. I'd consider anything less than a total black hole for money in women's hockey a success. So in that sense UND is doing just fine in that area.
  13. This is certainly good news for UND if there is an upgrade in that department. While it really is not a big deal, it makes the games more fun even if it is just 5-10 minutes at the most. I like that NDSU has some 3 PM kickoffs. It is early enough that it is bright outside for the tailgating, and when the game is over it gives people plenty of time to get home if they drove from say...Bismarck or something. It also allows them to leave for the game at a later time, such as 10 or 11 AM as compared to 8 or 9 AM. I, as a student, also prefer afternoon games to early or late kickoffs because I feel like more students come. I have no data to back this up, I just get the feeling. If you have it at noon, a lot of kids are not going to show up due to hangovers or sleeping in. If you have it at night, they complain that it cuts into drinking time. If you have it at 3 PM, it gives them time to get up, get rehydrated with the liquid beverage of their choice, get over to the game. Have fun, game gets done around 6 or 6:30. Get some food in your belly, then go live it up. Wake up at 11. Watch the Vikes lose, check that the (insert team of choice) won, and that my friends, is the perfect weekend. Just my two cents. I am in a good mood. I am going to go mow my lawn. Cheers!
  14. Have only been to one game in the Alerus ('03 Nickel Game), so can't speak from experience, my friends up North however, say that UND football games(that they have been to, few of them) can be pretty cheesy for pre-game and in-game stuff. Like I said, that is NOT from experience, just from what a few friends have told me. NDSU has it's cheesy moments as well. In 2010, for the students they played a video that was intended to get a new chant to catch on. It was awful. Didn't catch on. Cheesy. Made my ears bleed.
  15. I wouldn't say an easy buy on student attendence. Here in Fargo, even after a playoff run in 2010, 2011 wasn't much better for some games because the 2010 team went 9-5 and until the playoffs, wasn't always an exciting team to watch even though the 2011 team was exciting to watch. Just because attendence should go up for students, doesn't always translate. Especially in Grand Forks where football takes a backseat. If UND is exciting to watch, student attendence may pick up, but if they aren't overly exciting, or lose a couple games early, student attendence will not be impressive.
  16. As far as a theoretical top end, you might be right. FCS is also vastly different than D-II and being a consistent contender is probably extremely difficult for even the football-centric schools.
  17. football trumps all in Fargo regardless of how good the team is (barring a losing season and the basketball team being 'Woodsidesque'). I imagine in Grand Forks football trumps the non-hockey sports for the most part too. I think we are probably on the same page of thinking.
  18. Montana, App State, Montana State, NDSU, etc. I'd put Montana at the top of that list, Montana is the big cheese in their state. Their state has more people. Montana, from what I'm gathered, has quite a few more fans than Montana State. UND will always have to share with NDSU. UND also doesn't have a large basketball facility, or a large football facility like the schools listed above. For basketball, games can be played in other venues like the REA or the Alerus if needed I suppose. Honestly, I think it will be tough for UND (or NDSU) to become anything special outside of a few sports and the occasional "Woodside"-esque seasons in the lesser sports.
  19. Not too tough to swallow. It is a hockey contract. The Forum is in general, not a good paper. Good get for the Wild, I figured he'd go elsewhere.
  20. Bohl screwed up. Bohl also proved he knew what he was doing. Came in after a 2-8 season and turned that around, back-to-back 10-1 seasons, etc. Mussman hasn't done anything yet. How can you say he isn't horrible, but he could be really good? He has done more to prove the former rather than the latter.
  21. So...you were impressed with the way the 'Guins started playing like idiots after blowing a couple games? Tantrums on the ice, suspensions, malicious hits. The Flyers(my team) are never innocent, but to claim that the Penguins were just trying to give the Flyers a dose is ridiculous. They were mad that they were blew a couple games, and were not going to win the series. Crosby has never been the angel that some make him out to be, and that showed in the playoffs. When the going gets tough, Crosby and Co. certainly don't have any problem throwing shots below the belt. Accept it and move on. Oh, and I want Parise to go to the Wild, because that is a franchise where careers go to die. Or he can go to Phili and be the first UND alum in any sport that I don't actively cheer against.
  22. So what would people on here be saying if the kicker didn't save the day at Northern Colorado? Or USF had played good defense at the end of that game? Do good coaches allow teams like USF and UNC to be ahead going into the last play of the game, especially if UND actually has the talent that the people on here believe that UND has? I don't know really about Mussman. For all I know, it was a good idea to give him an extension. I just find it odd that despite a mediocre track record as the head coach, no one is dissenting the idea of him getting some job security.
  23. Oh, I think what you were looking for was "outgoing" or "personable."
  24. One could argue that a good coach doesn't let his team go down that much against such a mediocre team at home.
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