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Everything posted by JohnboyND7

  1. I think it'd be nice to get it back at some point. I would like UND to do something at D-I before they schedule it, but it is a nice, close opponent with some fun history. I imagine the first meeting will probably occur in the playoffs though...in the Fargodome
  2. you mean granted. '08 NDSU wasn't that bad. They weren't any good. But not bad. UND will probably need to win games before crowds start showing up. That is generally what happens in sports.
  3. Nate Montana doesn't play for them anymore. He left.
  4. I've made it clear in several different posts in this thread as to why I will do it. A.) If it comes down to my vote, you have bigger problems than just me. B.) Old spite, call it childish, call it what you want. C.) watching my Bison play UND as anything other than the Sioux would break my little heart. This reason has not been listed before. But it'd really tear me up inside. I'd worry more about the DaveK's of the world. If you cant get the UND/Sioux fans on board, people such as myself, AKA the people who want to be entertained (a small group), will be the least of your concerns. *** purple font implies sarcasm
  5. When I have my first born son, I am going to name him Fighting Sioux. Fetch and Dave will come to all of his sporting events. Well I don't know about that, he won't be playing hockey.....stay tuned!
  6. I don't think they have been stubborn. They were all for saving the nickname for a long time until it became clear that no other avenues are available. Some at different times than others, but they are all in the same boat now. I don't see where they are being stubborn other than in their efforts to get you to see the light. VOTE NO!!!!! SAVE THE SIOUX! (I want to stay in DaveK's good graces)
  7. The statement dave is so strongly defending about Minnesota is pathetic. I'm with you guys on that it was a lie. Minnesota not only schedules NDSU in football from time to time, but we play them in basketball every season I believe as well, or most seasons.
  8. Idk, UNI lost 4 games that year. But who knows, maybe. NDSU has also only played in there....twice. Would not have minded if the Walker teams would have played there.
  9. I can't walk right now. Right now, my life is bumming a ride to work, and then coming home and sitting on my butt. And volunteering? No thanks. When I work, I work for money. Maybe when I'm older and working on getting into heaven. From what I have gathered, it hurt there chances for one year, and after that the policy changed. You do not know what NDSU would have done. Perhaps NDSU would have said that UND is an exception to the "sub D-I" rule. Perhaps NDSU would not have. I, along with most/all NDSU fans were mad in 2004, that doesn't mean we feel a need to get it back. A lot do, I would like to see the teams play at some point. I would like to see UND do something big at the FCS level before it is scheduled. That could be soon, it could be a long time. Who knows. I'm guessing the game will get scheduled before then.
  10. Well, alright, if it wasn't a big deal for UND to end the games, then it should not be a big deal if NDSU doesn't accept any offers either.
  11. Prove it. You have literally nothing to go on in your belief that NDSU would have quit playing the games. No doubt their would be a big uproar IF UND had won a game. We don't know if UND would have won a game, two games, or anything, and we will never get to know.
  12. It didn't end up hurting. That doesn't mean it was not a crappy thing to do. Of course the games were replaced. And then you ask the question, "How much longer would it have been played?" You assume NDSU would have quit playing the game. Maybe, maybe not. But you are assuming that they would have. NDSU may have easily said, "you know what, this game is important, we like having it. we'll keep it going." NDSU had an exceptional transition, that doesn't mean that the games shouldn't have happened. Most people don't care about the same thing when they are 20 as they do when they are 12. People of all ages care about sports. NDSU football has been a huge part of my life since I can remember, NDSU/UND games were a big part of every season. But if you really want, I can play the whole "UND ruined my childhood innocence" card by throwing a century old rivalry down the drain. I don't think that will be necessary though. All I am saying, you can't bail on someone, then just expect everything to be cool when you are ready to be on good terms again. Any relationship, between schools included, is a two-way street.
  13. I'll assume you have never held a grudge before then.
  14. You are right on all of those counts. This is an issue I will play a game with. My one vote won't swing it either way, if it does....well thats just sad that the vote was that close to begin with. I think the UND Alumni group or whatever they are called are going to do a good job letting the state know what could potentially happen. I think the state votes Yes.
  15. I am fine punishing UND, if you could even call it that. If you do something rude to someone, I would expect them to do something rude back. I am a extremely rude to some people. They are generally rude back. Everyone has their own idea spin on if/when/circumstances of NDSU and UND playing again.
  16. In your opinion. I have no ties to UND other than friends, relatives, and my team plays UND in sports. I just want to be entertained. And seeing people like DaveK, Rob Port, and other crazies out there go nuts trying to keep the name, and seeing the logical people trying to drop the name, is too much fun. A "yes" vote, and the name will be gone immediately. A "No" vote, and I get to see an entire new season of one of my favorite shows, "How We Dropped the Nickname."
  17. Spite, entertainment, and making people like DaveK happy. It would also continue to drag things out, which would be nice, considering I might buy a new popcorn machine. But good point, not too original, but most people are using their brains/hearts to make this decision. I'm using entertainment value.
  18. No, I'm basing THIS single decision on the fact that to keep the name is so idiotic, and yet a lot of people want to keep it. I figure what the heck, why not do my part in giving them what they want. I don't think you are in any place to say "glad they teach you to think for yourself down south". At least I have a pretty original reason to vote the way I will.
  19. Bison06 is not to be confused with teh Johnboy. Don't be a jerk to him because he is a Bison fan. He is on good behavior.
  20. And because a lot of typical Sioux fans I know support the name. It should be noted they are mostly hockey fans.
  21. I'm not voting no because I think it is the right thing to do or because I think that some nickname is worth sucking at sports over. I'm doing it because there are people out there who honestly believe it is.
  22. Might be worth a shot, at this point you are probably running out of options.
  23. They'd still vote No. Think of the people you are dealing with.
  24. Like GeauxSioux said, it is fun to poke people. Especially on such a 'touchy' issue. Just because you challenge someone to do something doesn't mean they are going to do it. I don't exactly look at your post and say, "Aw Gee, better listen to him." If I challenge you to stay away for a week, will you? Probably not. I got surgery done. I'm confined to my house. Its the off-season. Other than playing solitaire, I don't really have a lot going on, might as well see what is going on. Ease up bro, I'd hate to see how irritable you get during the season. Btw, if your going to claim something is the 'best part', make sure it applies. What do me and other posters have to do with it? Both universities seem to be doing just fine. Now if you are referring to the fans, mostly people like Lakes will play the whole "moved on" card. The rest, not so much. I wouldn't be here if I didn't have interest in everything. Vote NO! SAVE THE SIOUX! IF YOU WON'T DO IT FOR ME, DO IT FOR DAVEK!
  25. I believe Gene said in an interview that he wanted to have a long-term plan in place before scheduling. I think what he meant was not just scheduling two games.
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