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About JohnboyND7

  • Birthday 01/30/1992

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    For me to know and you to never find out
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    Notre Dame

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  1. My sarcasm detector is off today
  2. Fire a coach who coached a team with a 1 seed?
  3. That's fun for Cornell. Not fun for my bracket
  4. My bracket is busted
  5. I think they could if they wanted. But I think they are all pretty content with status quo and have bigger priorities.
  6. Oh I've been all over! I'm a Jamestown guy. Fargo people do seem to think the world ends around Casselton.
  7. I mean they won when I was in high school. I am sure they need the stars aligned to do it but that's the way it is for most teams. I look at them the way I look at Lisbon or Napoleon in wrestling. When things are going well for them they can compete with the best teams in Class A. Not going to win very often but their best teams can.
  8. I haven't heard of Rhame but Enderlin is over between Lisbon and Casselton.
  9. My uncle is from Roseau. He insists they are where they belong and says Warroad is lame for not doing it. If you believe you are the best, you want to be measured against the best.
  10. I hate this.
  11. I think it's good in Sioux Falls. People whine about it there because SDSU and USD are close, but it's pretty central, great venue, and the town is supportive. Easy drive from Eastern ND, Minneapolis, Omaha, not bad from KC, and Denver people are probably gonna fly no matter where we put it. Nothing is stopping a healthy contingent of UND, NDSU, UNO etc. fans making it a point to head down to Sioux Falls for a weekend.
  12. Haven't they consistently been the best teams?
  13. I don't have a problem with letting them play. They are in the conference after all. It would be kinda weird i think to leave them at home. I don't think anyone complained in previous years?
  14. Yeah I just wasn't sure if the game was just that far ahead
  15. It seemed half the team was Moorhead guys
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