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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. Heard a rumor that the northside Perkins on Gateway is closing. Wonder if something will move in there?!!
  2. Comparing penalties and sacks to pedophiles that prey on underaged girls........Pretty sure that would go over well!!
  3. http://www.undsports.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=13500&ATCLID=209670504 Download this app. it will be the best thing you will do all day!! Looking forward to seeing it in full effect at the Ralph!!
  4. Video boards are a great addition to arenas across the country. There are endless possiblities of what they can be used for. Unfortuanely those ideas are quickly swept under the rug and the video boards end up just getting used for advertising. Look to the Ralph for further evidence of this!!
  5. Or shortened to "North Dakota Spirit"!! God help us then!!
  6. What they should do is instead of having the scored of other games on the video board for the whole game, they sould have the game stats for both teams. Having the scores once in awhile to update current games is ok, but after I know the score, I don't need to see it for another 2 hours!! Hopefully someone at the AL reads this boeard. We obviously have all the answers!!
  7. What could the NCAA do? "Soo" does not violate any of their nickname policies in place and a train engine logo certainly doesn't either. Sure it would probably be a shot at the NCAA, but legally there is nothing they could do to UND to punish them. I am all for it!! HA!!
  8. Funny how Notre Dame was awarded a regional at their on campus arena this year!!
  9. Maybe as "bad" as they beat a bottom feeding Big Sky team like Weber State!!
  10. ESPN told NDSU last year that they would love to come back. It's too bad that they couldn't wait until September 19th 2015!!
  11. Any reason why Shaugabay wasn't getting more touches? I would much rather have him and Simmons splitting carries than Having Gatman in the mix. Garman just isn't a D1 running back. Too small. If you are going to be small at RB at this level. You better be pretty damn fast. And he is not.
  12. Isn't it great seeing what can happen when the fans stick around and get loud? The crowd noise was absolutely the reason the snap was fumbled by RMU on that last play on 4th down. QB was clapping his hands and yelling, but the center could not here him. Fans need to recognize this and not just get loud one play a game. Needs to be like this every 3rd down.... Or more!!! It does make a difference !!
  13. First of all, it does. Second of all, chosing a new name does not erase the 80+ years of history the University had with the Fighting Sioux name. And third, having a school with no name for their athletic teams is unheard of. Tell me another school that does this? Even if the settlement didn't stipulate that we didn't have to select a new name, thier is no way UND would not choose a new one.
  14. How many people cruising down I29 would pull up behind a car with a North Dakota license plate with a green and white and black "interlocking ND" logo on it and think...."Huh, I wonder why North Dakota made Notre Dame specialized plates?" I don't theink there would be too much confusion around here. I do think that there is a minimum number they have to peoople commited to before they can make them. You would think there would be enough UND fans/alum/etc. that would pay the extra 40 bucks for one!!
  15. So why not Warriors? What if UND chooses the name "Warriors" to honor the military men and women who fight for this country every day? I get that it has a native american connotation because of other schools that have used it , but could the NCAA really say we can't use the name in reference to our military? And would any military, past or present, be offended by a University choosing a name that honors them?
  16. After it's all said and done, I do think Roughriders will be a strong possibility for the new name. I think if RRHS was not already the Roughriders, it would be the overwhelming favorite.
  17. I was initially a fan of Cavalry because I wanted UND to pick a name that honors Teddy Roosevelt and the Roughriders (without choosing the name Roughriders). But I think Cavalry will be confused with Calvary and then people will just shorten it to "Cav's" and that sucks.
  18. I am looking forward to a team that plays with heart and passion from opening kickoff to the final whistle blows at the end of the game. And I think Bubba is well on his way on making sure this is a priority. These last few years have been rough and the fanbase and maybe some of the players are down on the program. I am hoping Bubba can bring back a sense of pride in this program and put a team on the field we can all be proud off. No one is saying it is going to be easy, but I am deffinitely looking forward to wathcing a team on the filed that works had on every snap, every play, hustles to make every tackle, and puts forth an effort for an entire game. Win or lose.
  19. It worked for George Costanza!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RerJWv5vwxc
  20. Here is my take on the whole situation: With Gene Taylor at the helm at NDSU, there was no way that this game was ever going to be scheduled in the way that would be fair to UND. It's been over 10 years and the leadership, as well as fans, are still bent out of shape about UND not going D1 when NDSU did. Sure a vocal minority said they would not be successful. Obviously they have proved the nay sayers wrong in a big way. But for some reason, Gene Taylor is still offended about a decision made by UND 2 AD's ago. So it may be true that GT orchestrated the deal that would have 2 games played in Fargo for a low ball value with no return game to GF ans a final F you to UND on his way out the door. He may have never thought that Faison would have agreed to it. Who knows. So yes, on the surface a 2 for none deal with any school seems like a horrible deal. But look at it this way. NDSU did not want to schdule this game. But now since we accepted such a lopsided deal, they are committed. They are playind us. These games needed to be scheduled to get the ball rolling for future games. Especially for future game sin Grand Forks. So discussions are off on future games between NDSU and UND because we got two games in the books. Now do you think in a couple years when the conversation gets going again about future games that NDSU would be demanding that 2 more games be scheduled in Fargo? There is no way that UND would ever agree to that. In a way we have an advantage. After playing the game next year, people are going to demanding this game be sceduled more frequently. I doubt NDSU can get away with thinking that it should always be played in Fargo. So by agreeing to their demands for these first two games, it gives UND leverage in getting a game in GF.
  21. Pretty pathetic that NDSU brass see UND as a schedule filler and nothing more. This game is so much more than that. Sad to see some don't see it that way.
  22. Looking at the fan bases now and how they travel, any "neutral" site game would be a home game for the Bison.
  23. Already looking forward to next year when Parise brings the Cup back!!!
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