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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. Your "good ole boys" meetings are at the El Roco? I can just picture all you guys sitting around with your Old Milwaukee talking about the good ole days!!
  2. Seems like refs don't want to make call that is questionable to give a team a power play. With the ammount of one goal and overtime games so far in the playoffs, It could end up being a huge call in the game. What everyone wants in officiating is consistency. The refs are doing a horrible job in the playoffs this year with that. They are calling the games completely different from the way the regular season was called.
  3. IF I would guess, I put the top 4 in this order.... 5. BU 4. BC 3. Minnesota 2. UND 1. Michigan But I guess we will see what kind of a homer Dave really is!
  4. I guess that's what happens when you take a big dumb lineman and make him a head coach!! He becomes a bid dumb head coach!!
  5. http://www.undsports..._FOR_MOBILE=YES No W. Mich at home, and No trip to Duluth. Besides that, home/away with the rest of the NCHC.
  6. I could see Mattson with a letter on his jersey next year as well!
  7. And the drama continues!! http://www.myfoxtwin...s-keen-as-coach
  8. Come on. Do you think that the Gophers goal this year was just to win a conference championship? Sure you can be proud of winning a watered down 6 team conference. But don't fall back on it and brag about it when fail to win the Natty. Sioux fans have been there. The first game of the 2011-2012 season, they raises the WCHA Championship banner at the Ralph just 6 months after failing to win the NAtional Championship we all though we were going to win. Sure we were proud of the accomplishment, but it was bitter sweet seeing that one go up instead of a NAtty banner.
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! Yeah...I am sure that is what the team was saying before Saturdays game. "Well...at least we get to rase a banner. This game doesn't really matter since we have already overachieved so much this year!! HAHAHAHA Oh man. I can't stop laughing at this rediculous statement!!!!
  10. 2nd, 4th, 59th best team in the country. Doen't matter where you finish unless it's #1 hoisting a National Championship trophy. Every teams goal (realistic or not) is to win the National Championship. IT is not to make the Frozen Four, beat their rival in the playoffs, or make the Championship game. All other accomplishents don't matter unless you win the big one at the end. In addition to the "National Runner Up" banner they are going to proudly hang at the John, they might as wll hang a ".6" banner up as well!!
  11. What is the average IQ of a Gopher fan....... What is the average blood alcohol level of gopher fans during games (especially the ones in dinkytown)...... What is Adam Wilcox save percentage in the National Championship game....... What is the average length of male Gopher fans Pe............ok, I won't go there!!
  12. Rocco, do you want the semifinal game versus Minnesota to be the way you leave this program? Listen to players that have left early. Zach Parise said he regrets leaving when he did and not winning a National Championship. Go out on your terms. Not by the hands of the Gophers. Stay another year, hoist a trophy above your heat in Boston next year, and then start your pro career then.
  13. The difference is UND fans didn't make shirts that said "Wrap around" or "3-2" after that game. You made the point in your post. " the Gophers did not go on to win it all." Yes is was a big win and a crazy way to win a game. But because Minnesota didn't go on to win the title, it takes a little bit of the luster off of it. Gopher fans can bring up .6, make t-shirts, etc. But it will only remind them that 2 days after that game, they went on to lose the National Championship and get dominated by Union.
  14. I heard from a source that some players are thinking of leaving and some players are thinking about staying. I also heard from another source that I am connected to that the decisions will most likely come between now and the bigining of next years season.
  15. The problem with The last 2 years is the team had tons of experience with a group of guys that had been in the program for a few years and had considerable pplaying time. These guys had tons of talent and yet they could only get around a .500 record their Junior and Senior years. Sure they advanced to the tournament championship this game this year, but they deffinitely underachieved. This team was supposed to be a team that was going to win 20+ games, win some road games against some good competition, and make a tournament appearence. They failed to do any of that. Now was that all Jone's fault? Maybe. Or was it the ego of these Seniors thinking they were gonna be good and thought they were entitled to winning the Sky and making the tournament. Next year will be a very telling year for Jones future here. He won't have Huff to drop 20 points for him a night. He won't have an experienced PG in Anderson. And the rest of the guys that are leaving. 2014-2015 will be the season that either earns him a contract extension, or gets let go.
  16. How long is Jones current contract? Every articcle I look up shows his contract thru the 2014-2015 season with options to extend that for another 2 years after that. If Jones and UND struggle this year, I would guess Faison would have the option to not extend the contract and let him go as opposed to firing him and paying out his contract. Do I have things right here?
  17. Yeah, but now Ahelegbe has to live in Vermillion. Step down if you ask me!!
  18. Those Bison fans (especially on Bisonville) They sure are experts in college hockey aren't they!!
  19. If the title of the rankings is "Storied Programs", you have to have Michigan at the top. Granted, the mojority of their titiles were in the 50's and 60's, Just look at the number of NCAA tournaments appearences and final 4 appearences they have. Also 9>everyone else!! Not trying to a big Wolverine homer, but as far as storied programs go, they are at the top. As far as the rest of the top 5, UND, BC, MN, WI are deffinitely the other 4 in the the top 5 storied programs. The other 4 can be debated as far as order goes, but Michigan probably has to be #1.
  20. The problem with firing a coach is the decision to do so has to be justified. To the coach being fired to the fanbase. I think we can all agree that Muss' firing was justufied. One needed to only look at this last season. But with Jones it's a little different. I agree that finishing with a record around .500 is deffinitely not something to brag about. Now of course we all know that UND has finished 3rd and 2nd respectively in their first 2 years in the Big Sky. Now did UND and Jones take advantage of a weak conference with their conference record to finish that high? Of course. But you are not going to fire a coach with a winning record the last 2 seasons and finishing in the top 3 of an 11 team conference. I will agree that continued mediocrity will probably not earn him a contract extension. The senior class that he has relied on over the past 4 years is gone. LEts see what he can do with these new guys.
  21. College Hockey News‏@chnews40m early top 10 for 2014-15 1. Minnesota 2. N. Dakota 3. Michigan 4. BC 5. Miami 6. Providence 7. Union 8. Minnesota St. 9. Colgate 10. Maine
  22. Too early to make predictions for the Top 5? I think the top 3 are pretty obvious!!
  23. Everyone says we need to pay our coaches more. Well that's great if you are the coach, but I believe that you have to earn that pay increase. Has Jones done eb nough at UND to keep his job....a couple GW Tournament titles and 2 top 3 finishes in the Big Sky....I would say so. HAs he done enough to earn a pay raise? I don't think so. .500 records aren't gonna make you $175,000 a year. Win a Big Sky regular season or Tournament Champioship, then you can start talking about raises.
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