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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. Nice. Glad they didn't go too crazy. The stripes on the shoulders are deffinitely a nice touch!
  2. http://www.grandforksherald.com/opinion/letters/3819196-letter-petulance-some-und-fans-discredits-university Some great opinion pieces today in the Herald today. Another person who gets it!
  3. Will the NCAA really allow UND to have no nickname? Will other schools complain that ?UND fans are still unofficially using Fighting Sioux as the unofficial nickname? Can the NCAA really sanction UND for not having a name? Does free speech apply here? How long do we have to worry about this being an issue? If only there were a solution to end all these questions?!!
  4. THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The overwhelming majority of North Dakota/no nickname supporters are people that want to unoffiially still be the Fighting Sioux. You can all deny it, but it's true. And the NCAA knows this as well. They aren't stupid. If you think that we can slip one by them by doing this you are kidding yourself. There are 2 options; Pick a new nickname and be finally done with this issue or kick the can down the road and deal with this circus in the future.
  5. What is also worth noting is that when this all went down 10 years ago, these kids were not even in Jr High. Not that I am calling todays UND students ignorant, but I highly doubt that they have been informed on ALL aspects of this issue over the past decade. Uniformed voters are a dangerous thing. Just look at the last 2 presidential elections!! (but I will leave that topic alone) I think a more telling survey would be to ask for a 1-2 sentence telling why they voted the way they did. Would be very telling and would give the truw motive of most voters.
  6. "I strenuously object? Is that how it's done? Hmm? Objection, your Honor! Overruled. No, no. I STRENUOUSLY object. Oh! You strenuously object. Then I'll take some time and reconsider."
  7. It's all about the risk that UND wants to take. Sure they could not pick a nickname and the NCAA would be OK with it......for now. But there is a chance that the NCAA could revisit the issue if they see that problems exist with retaining the old name exist (in their opinion). So why risk it? Why go through all this again in a couple years?
  8. Deny it all you want, but the UND/NDSU game will be the biggest regular season game the Bison have played in since 2003. It will be an actual rivalry game. Sure games against UNI and SDSU have been intense this past decade, but not even close to a UND/NDSU game. Wheter the scores of both games are close or a blowout, the fans will be demanding this game to be played again and more frrequently.
  9. Has anyone actually talked to someone who likes the name Sundogs? I mean, do these people actually exist? Seems to me they are about as common as abdominal snowmen!!
  10. The Chicken Queso Burrito at Qdoba is a burrito sent to us from heaven!! Chipolte doen't have anything even close!!
  11. Can you provide us with the attendance numbers for NDSU wrestiling compared to UND hockey from last year? Thanks!
  12. So to avoid having to walk on eggshells wondering if and when the NCAA is going to act or not act if we move ahead with no nickname, the whole issue can be put to rest by selecting a NEW nickname. That is what most of us want to do. Get this all behind us and focus on more important things like winning games, conference titles, and national titles.
  13. I'll take a stab. Kelley said he was going to consider it to take control of the situation. There were rally's and public outcry ehen it was removed. By saying he is going to "consider" putting North Dakota back on the list, he can control the lynch mob mentality of the situation without actually going back on the committees decision. North Dakota will not be on the Final ballot. But at least for now, the firestorm is a least under control.
  14. NORTH DAKOTA IS NOT A NICKNAME!!!!!! It is pretty obvious the intent of the language in the settlement. An abritrator would most definitely agree that the intent of the settlemt was that UND would select a new nickname, replacing Fighing Sioux. Heck, Stenjehm knew this too when he signed it!! What the hell is is so damn hard for you people to figure this out!!
  15. Read the damn settlemert agreement!! Seriously!! Do I have to make a picture book and read it to you on the magic carpet in the preschool room for you to understand? Come on man!!!
  16. What part of "transitioning to a new nickname and logo" do people not understand?!! That language is in the settlement is pretty easy to understand. The absense of a nickname is not a new nickname. UND must transition to a new nickname. It really is that simple.
  17. They don't have to have a policy. The have a signed settlement agreement. Just because a committee decides that it is an option, doen't mean that it actually can. Once again, The NCAA has not given an answer to this question because they are letting the process play out. Why would they wast their time interjecting themselves in the process and comment on hypotheticals?! If you think that Kelley is going to allow "North Dakota" back on the list, you are kidding yourself. Not gonna happen.
  18. One problem with your argumnet. The NCAA does not have to prove that they have been harmed by UND not having a name. That was not part of the settlemet agreement. I really don't get how a couple paragraphs can be so twisted and skewed to mean so many things just to prove someones point!!
  19. Why don't you look in the mirror and say the exact same thing to yourself!!
  20. How bout this. When UND gets a new nickname, if you want to call them by that name, do it. If you don't want to call them by that name, call them North Dakota. Both will be acceptable.
  21. The NCAA could have no legal action against UND for not picking a new nickname. But they do have control over several things that affect UND athletics very directly. One being awarded regional sites for hockey. Another being awarded bids to host playoff games for football. Seeded teams automatically get to host, and then higher seeded teams host if seeded teams play each other. However, unseeded teams bid to host playoff games. Doesn't just go to the team with the better record. UND could make a higher bid than our opponent, but they could easily give the bid and the game to the other school. They have every right to do that. Still think "sticking it to the NCAA" is worth it? Not being rewarded to host a playoff game is a really big deal. The NCAA may not be able to force us to have a nickname, but the reprocutions of not having one are something that they can control. You may be willing to deal with those, but the athletic department deffinitely is not.
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