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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. It does so much for the state!! So much that I can't name all the benefits that it has given North Dakota!!
  2. So basically if you want to play in the NHL, play in the NCHC. If you are OK with playing Tuesday night games in front of half empty arenas on the Big 10 network, play for the Big 10!!
  3. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/education/3922918-application-date-extended-fighting-hawks-logo-design The way this article i written, it sounds line any "designer or firm" could submit a proposal to design the logo. So for all those who keep saying that some design firm from the east coast is gonna design the new logo, you may be wrong.
  4. I just asked for physical examples how the state of North Dakota has benefited from NDSU's success. There has to be a long list of benefits since you think my question is so ridiculous. So let's hear them? I want to hear all these benefits!!
  5. Just asking for physical examples of how the state benefits. (Not NDSU)
  6. NDSU wants nothing to do with starting D1 hockey. The majority of their resources go to football and they are stretched pretty thin everywhere else. Took them years just to renovate the BSA. Zero chance they will spend the time, money, and resources to start D1 hockey. Discussion closed.
  7. It is unfortunate that instead of supporting a name that would be good to replace it, most of the students (and many others as well) put all their effort to fighting a lost cause to try to keep the name and then putting their support in having no nickname. By the time that having no nickname was not an option, the list was already narrowed down to 5 names and there was no chance for students to get behind a name that they could really suppport. INstead they were stuck with the 5 names that were left at the time.
  8. OK, so what is your plan for moving forward? Complain about how the new nickname sucks for the rest of your life? I was not a fan of the Fighting Hawks name. I voted for Roughriders 3 times. Was I happy that Fighting Hawks won? No. But I am not gonna bitch and moan about it. I get it. Losing the Fighting Sioux name sucked. Picking Fighting Hawks as the new name sucks as well. But welcome to the real world. You don't always get what you want. Man up and deal with it. If you want to be that jaded, bitter, old man that complains about everything because you don't like it, that's fine. But the rest of us grown ups are going to accept reality and move on. The fighting Hawks name is not going away. The sooner you accept that fact, the better off you will be.
  9. Purpur for next UND AD? Wonder how long Faison plans to be around. I am by no means calling for his retirement. But, when the time comes to replace him, Purpur might be the perfect candidate.
  10. Let's just remember that there was a time not too long ago where NDSU football was not that relevant and UND football was king of the state. When the Alerus Center opened, the crowds were great, the team was playing great and the tailgating was second to none. All 3 were better than what NDSU had going on. UND can sell out a 12000 seat Alerus Center and pack the tailgate lot and put a competitive team on the field that makes the playoffs and contends for National Championships. I have seen it before. We all have. Let's not forget that. This is not a pipe dream. It has been done and it is looking like it will be back to that very soon.
  11. Sorry, but this stuff really doesn't offend me. If it offended you, then maybe you need thicker skin. No apology needed. Publicly being made a fool is good enough for me.
  12. He applied for the job, so they must be a little bit stoked!
  13. Jacksonville St. averaged 41 PPG during the regular season and is currently averaging 54 PPG in the playoffs. I realize that the Bison have a history of shutting down high powered offenses, but, this may be there biggest test in the last 5 years. The will need Wentz and his arm to keep up with this high powered offense. Stick is good, But Wentz may be the best QB to play for NDSU. If he is healty, you have to start him.
  14. You are dreaming if you think that is going to happen. I doubt we will see a goofy looking hawk mascot walking around. At least not for a little while. Would be more in favor of a live hawk that would circle the field/court/ice before each game. Not a new concept, but definitely better than a green big bird like mascot running around!!
  15. http://chancellor.ucdavis.edu/local_resources/pdfs/052012/R.Purpur-CV.pdf Pretty impressive resume for Purpur.
  16. So do stakeholders get to vote on the top 5?
  17. Seems to me the majority of NCAA logos (or any other logo) that has a bird as their nickname has usually the head of the bird or the entire bird as the logo. UND really needs to differentiate itself from all the other bird logos. (Of course not picking a bird nickname would have solved that, but that's a whole other argument). I like the idea of using just the wings. For all the people that say that the NCAA won't let us have feathers in our logo, that ridiculous. The NCAA is not going to tell us our bird logo can't have feathers. We can all agree that this logo needs to basically be a slam dunk in order to salvage the generic name. Making it different from all the other bird logos should be taken into consideration.
  18. How bout a hawk with flames coming out of its mouth!!!!
  19. I like these ideas a lot. I am all for the first come first serve tailgate spots. Can't stand the people that pull up to their tailgate spot 20 mins before kickoff. Having 20 spots between tailgaters not only looks dumb but takes away form the tailgate experience interacting with other fans!! The screeching hawk call is something that should not only be considered using at the tailgate lot to alert fans if he team arriving, but something hat should be used in the in game production of many sports as well. Alex Kroke is the main contact for tailgating issues for UND I have dealt with him several times he is a good guy. If you have and ideas, he would be more than happy to hear them. alexander.kroke@athletic.und.edu
  20. Oh gee, I don't know. Maybe because you want to support the school you cheer for and the CURRENT name!!
  21. The problem with your first option is there was never going to be a name that a large majority of people supported. Sure, Fighting Hawks won a majority vote, but that doesn't mean that it was a fan favorite. There was never going to be a name that had the popularity to be the obvious choice as a replacement. If there was, that would be the new nickname. The university spent hundreds of thousands of dollars with this process. I doubt they are going to do it again. There would have to be pitch fork and torches type movement before UND officials consider changing it again.
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