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Everything posted by Siouxperfan7

  1. We all remember when Kelley decided to have 3 names advance to the runoff and he said that the winner of that would be the nickname. The majority thought this was a horrible idea because the winner was sure to not have 50% of the vote. So what did we do? We emailed the people who make the decisions, voiced our concerns, and ultimately the process was changed to ensure a majority of at least 50% was required to select a new name. This issue required the same response. We do not need some outside firm from New York designing the new Fighting Hawks logo. There are plenty of local people with local ties to the University and the state that can come up with something that will be far superior to what a design firm out wast could come up with. Like I have said before, the last local guy with ties to the University designed a pretty good logo last time!! So voice your concerns to the appropriate people. You want to make a change in the process and make your voices heard? Contact the people who have a say in the matter. Let them know how UND's stakeholders feel. Give them a change to hear and possibly change their mind on the process It worked before, it can work again. As always, be respectful in your emails. robert.kelley@email.und.edu peter.johnson@email.und.edu
  2. Can I still boo opposing teams players or is that offensive?!! Seriously, this thread is soooo stupid.
  3. But Georgia Tech probably had some "good loses" that year so they were actually a pretty goof team!!
  4. The last local guy that designed a logo did a pretty good job I think?!!
  5. Fighting Hawks - 27 Mustangs - 24 Then we bite our nails till the selection show on Sunday morning!
  6. You mean like this?!!! To bad it is not a USAF plane.
  7. I think they are all from south Minneapolis. When the new district lines were drawn, it included a small part of northern or western Edina which included where Adam Banks lived. When they tell where they are from in D2, I assume they are saying where they are originally from. At least that is what I assume as it would be the only logical explanation. Of course remember, it is a movie!! Oh, and I agree, this thread is awesome!!
  8. It wiIll be interesting to see what direction they go with the logo. But remember, the NCAA thought these feathers were offensive!!
  9. Couldn't agree more. And I don't but the argument that the NCAA is going to get on UND for having feathers in their bird logo. Use the feathers from the old logo to make a hawk (like geaux_sioux did). Tie the old to the new. Will make it easier for fans to transition and support a new logo. More importantly for UND, more people hmay but the new merchandise!!
  10. Agreed on looking a bit to busy with all the colors. I do like the concept of including the old logo. The Brien logo had 4 feathers. Start with that change. Maybe take the exact color scheme and design of the Brien logo and incorporate it into the hawk like you did. Color up the beak to orange or yellow. That's a start I guess.
  11. Not a rip on students, but now that we have a new nickname and will have eventual merchandise other than the interlocking ND, are students going to start to more interested in UND athletics? Meaning, will they start showing up to more games and being engaged in what is going on, start cheers, stay for the entire game, fill student sections at the Ralph, Betty, and Alerus? We all say that the lack of student interest is noticeable and needs to get better. Now that the students have their Fighting Hawks name, will we see more Fighting Hawk student fans at games?!!
  12. If UND develops a logo of a Hawk with feathers, do you really think the NCAA is going to come after them? I mean....Hawks are birds, birds have feathers. Do you really think the NCAA will say "Hey that brid logo you have.....it can't have feathers".
  13. Where are those logos that a UND student developed that were going around?
  14. OK, where is the morphed Sioux logo that turns into a hawk that a UND prof apparently made? I have yet to see this. If anyone has it , please post. Would be interesting to see. If not, I am sure there are some creative people out there that could whip one up!! Let's see it!!
  15. Time for "Cowboy guy" to change his image!!
  16. Anyone else think that the new name will also be announced with a new logo? If you think about it, it is really the way to go about making an announcement like this. No need to keep the debate going for another 8 months on what the logo will be. I would be in favor of UND holding a press comference and announcing both at the same time. Think it will happen??
  17. 50.5% - 49.5%. Kelley will declare it "too close to call" and there will be yet another runoff!!
  18. "Our Hawk is better than your hawk"
  19. The end.....of this round of voting that is. The end is deffinitley not anywhere close in sight!!
  20. So, before the game, we were 5-4. The attendance was 6996. What would the attendance be if we were 7-2? Probably about the same. There is obviously a lot of talk about playoffs and we have a good shot at making it if we win next week. Let's say we do make the playoffs and we win the bid to host? What will be the attendance for that game? Obviously having the game on Thanksgiving is going to hurt attendance. (I would say especially students, but it will probably be the same). First playoff game in the D1 era and I don't think we would even get 9000. I really don't get it. I guess there is more to do in Grand Forks in November than I thought!!
  21. If we make the playoffs, UND needs to host. First FCS playoff game.....can't get oubid for that one!!
  22. Based on how long it took to get the previous 2 voting results announced, I would expect to hear something late afternoon next Wednesday the 18th. Does that mean all this is over? I think most of us can agree....not by a long shot!!
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