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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. Take picture. Post on the forum on your phone and hit the "Click to choose files" select files recent pics should come up on android at least
  2. If Bucci had 2 cents of hockey IQ to throw at anything, I'd suggest he be quite unwilling to throw it away. Yeah, I'd like there to be womens hockey at UND, just like I'd like there to be a completed HPC2&3, and a golf course made of electrically heated glades of incandescent poly-grass, and a football stadium that doesn't make me feel like I need to start grading potatoes. ...but id rather se that spinoramo OT winner in jumbo-vison as I suck down a couple tostadas and brewskis. And id rather that 1st round pick visit and be awestruck at the facilities for just a bit longer too.
  3. I'm sure the political power of GF would have been able to secure millions upon millions of nonexistent state dollars to fund the improvements for UND athletics all these years, or maybe use the majillions of dollars the University had wisely squirreled away to afford the upgrades on their own. Possibly the vanload of eager deep pocketed donors. Yes that makes sense. We don't need no REA. UND athletics would very screwed at this point without the fancy REA, its not that difficult. Pencil out that thought process. NO REA. = University sending the little dollars available to update multiple aging and decrepit facilities to meet the demands of the only D1 sport at the time. 100% No REA = No move to D1. The money just would never had been there. Period. End of story.
  4. Just. Can't. Grasp. the. simple. can you fanman7&8 NOT their money.... they wouldn't have that money AT ALL without the Foundations continued benevolence. the University....as others have tried to crayon out for you, .... would be spending all that and extra on the D1 hockey program. there would be no money to give back, there would be no FCSJV or D1 in any other sport had there not been an REA.
  5. Whelp it just ain't your call to make is it cowboy. Guess a few people a couple slots above your paygrade seem to see it a whole lot different.
  6. This is once again a leading contender for the … and I say this with ALL DUE RESPECT...…"The stupidest, laziest, most jealous, can't get a clue, makes less sense than a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on"...… comment of the year award..... which apparently you also want funded by the our benefactor.. Gunna be hard to fit that award title on a bronze plaque but I'm sure if all those logins can be managed … this can be managed too. Sure. Good idea. We all agree. It appears that the REA may be better at administrating pretty much anything better than the Athletic Dept. or the University... Who knows maybe any REA ran football team could make a playoff run?
  7. krrrrrrrripes ..... this bracket makes my regional tix investment on par with that cash i tossed at MCI.....
  8. UNDerground parking ramp, everybody wins.
  9. Not sure i disagree... When all the banners where the same and was theblogo... fine... it looks more uniform and structured. Once thatvhas been changed and now not uniform... I like the idea of period correct logos.. or wordmarks Not nobody gunna put sammy up .... Use a diagonal SIOUX for 1st 2 Bhawks logo variations... (permission may be an issue) Geometrics and of course the current UND for 16 and the future
  10. Chiarelli will foreverr be an example of a person just inept at seeing the ball. Alot of GM have to... in the end .. make as educated guestimations as they can. But few have ever been as wrong at bad at those guestimations as him.
  11. OMG .... NOBODY ever claimed those programs didn't exist. YOU concocted information related from a past that has NO relation to a future, inserted it into a thread you have abysmal knowledge about, and vastly misinterpreted the purpose and direction of said discussion. Then you insist on continuing to try and "win" a imagined contention, that does not exist. Just awkward, baffling levels of WTF in this thought process. Reading is difficult. I get that. comprehension even more so it seems. As evidenced by continual hot takes that shake out to have the long-range accuracy of a bent pistol. To be as consistently off about darn near everything ever typed ... and yet continue to blather is remarkable.
  12. You just aint right in the get it dept arr ya???. dear lord man.... wow
  13. Wow the Hawkzi kabul of mediocre butthurts have really got their waaaaambulance sirens reeeeeeeeeing over this already. good lord get a life.
  14. No thebprivates will never happen again. And it not just no, but...No. the current high school teams.... the last thing they want is to dilute the talent further, where would ice time come from. If you knew anything at all about all this that is the #1 factor in growth inhibitor There isnt a potential town that has enough ice to spare to add much more. Ice facilities are some of the lowest prioritized growth areas for parks and rec depts. New facilities are not easy to come by.... Unless of course maybe you think those Fargo privates could use Sunmart Arena for their games..... The additions of more teams in some towns have pushed 11 year olds to practicing till 10:30 at night. This is a factor that gets worse by adding teams in cities that have privates that funnel into the hs programs now. No way enough money or interest to justify their own facilities... no way. Cant happen in this day and age and environment.
  15. No there will not be a new team in Minot, the legacy and wf new are realities. The catholics will NEVER start their own programs.. not at any level. Not ever. Never. Worst prognosticarion in any of your 200 pages
  16. With out the jv teams its a perfect 10 team class and a 14 team classes... eventually 12 and 12. This wont happen, its just what needs to happen.
  17. Top GF kids... one team play MN high school league.... If even possible ... ND Class AA GFC GFRR Fargo S/S Fargo N Fargo Davis WF WF Sheyenne Minot Bismarck High Bismarck Century ND Class A Williston Watford Dickinson Mandan Hazen / Beulah Jamestown Bottineau/Rugby Langdon Grafton / PR Mayport / Alphabet Devils Lake Northwood Crosby Bis High JV Bis Century JV GF Central JV GF Rr JV Bismarck Legacy ( until established, with intent to move into AA with one other western program that can prove commitment to compete)
  18. No BHS is down, Century is the top West team. But yes gfc just took BHS to the woodshed, had their way with them.
  19. And this weekend at the Ralph the #1 team in the country will play a piss poor excuse for a college hockey team mired in the depths of the pairwise. UND vs st clown..... As a fan and supporter of this program its a damn embarrassment whichbof thebabove descriptions fit the above teams. Disgraceful.
  20. Its started.... the shytforbrains philly fans... (which is the cream of the crop for philly fans) have turned.... They will do anything now ... Wentz should just pack his !@#$ and leave, ask for a trade, anything. ...thing is the other guy may be the better. when wentz cant deliver a trophy next year the hate and vitroil about not having foiles is going to be worse than HakHate. Like him or hate him... Wentz is effectively done in philly... hopefully he can save himself and hopefully a meteorite can destroy every trace of that wretched waste of humanity and spare the reverse evolution to idiocracy od civilization that philly fans are capable of perpetuating
  21. To be fair... the reaults have not xhanged on the pp.... but i do think there has been some change in strategery. Maybe yhat highlights the lack of skill and ability... or it meand that the coaches havent figured out or wont adapt more.... or it just dont mean jack shyt and we jist plain suck... i dont know im just typing and frustrated and mad a bit plus pissed about being out so damn much money to watch duluth in fargo with st clown and an atlantic patsy... my god WTF is going on... I mean teally now... WTF Edit: Pbr
  22. but seriously....subscribe to the Atlantic..... by far the best writing on sports out there.... worth it
  23. Omaha is trying to get a call for the flop they pulled earlier... the one that their douche laid on the ice untill he didnt getvthe call and then miraculously jumped up and played the puck.
  24. Well... Playing with your stick above your head is strategery I really hope is discussed on his new blog
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