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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. Heres a classic Hawks hockey scenario.. Win 7-1 saturday night.... lose 1-0 on sunday.
  2. The Black sweaters are done, the magic sucubused away by thebemblems of embarrassment on the shoulders. Wear them tomorrow for the funeral prosession, end the misery, then never wear the black again. Officially retire them.
  3. Get used to it. This is Fighting Hawks athletics. We've gone from Tradition of Excellence to Memories of Mediocre
  4. I dont know but hes probly one of our top scorers on the year
  5. OHHHHH good Shaw's drawin something up. Is it possible he was doing up a resignation on the whiteboard?
  6. Seems UND system all year was focused on winning board battle = sucess yet the next step of making a pass and getting a quality shot was just skipped over. like someone took those pages out of the book.
  7. seem tonremember a long conversation on how this denvi tendybwas just struggling and fighting it forna few weeks. Rhis team cures that right quick
  8. These announcers remind me of two brand new to hockey squirt dads just tippen'em back and blurting out their thoughts.
  9. Sloppy sloppy sloppy... And yes announcers are putrid. Thome has been quite a bit oit of position... ooof
  10. GF balancing teams is a good solution to AA parity, without it its still a contest for 2nd 9 out of 10 years. GFYH needs to lead that culture change at the youth levels. i.e. balance equal teams In the A and B bands throughout. Maybe a A class allows for equitable establishment of the new Legacy and WF teams when they inevitably come online. Who knows... What happened in GFPR in the last 5-8 years has a lot more bearing on the near future than the ancient history you referenced, sorry thats the facts. Grafton as a whole has been a yo yo of class movement in sports throughout the past 20 -25 years. Might have a bit of experience with this one. Maybe they'll have to prove they can restablish and maintain a cohesive youth program and then compete with the AA. Heck, allow the top A team each year to play up, hell maybe a relegation series, gives an interest to those team at the bottom of AA. Who knows....make it interesting. Its simply not now for most programs. Or just plan to play for no purpose or goal, that'll keep kids interested. Why is having differentiated classes of for youth, AA, A, B1, B different tourney brackets, but then suddenly stupid in HS?? Different talent levels, different competition bands. Anything, ideas, discussion, solutions > foolish stagnant moronic ignorance toward the issues. Issues, BTW, outlined at length and highly publisized on radio and social media the past month. Not sure you can see that through the incredibly small tunnel vision.
  11. Whatever we all feel, it is well beyond time for the vested parties to conveen in VC and at least have the duscussion. HS coaches, ADs, Superintendents as well as the youth club representatives, USA hockey reps... All meeting with the silver haired unichs that envision themselves as the keeper of youth sports law. IF you think the current system is sustainable, that is a fool's road that leads to nowhere, or just are so blatently ignorant that there is no hope. This stinks of the moronic attitude of wanting your kid to given a spot on a higher team, just for the social status a parent can claim. Either way your, our I should say our opinions matter not. Everything is in the "capable" (hahahhahahahahha) hands of the VC kabal.
  12. 10 more reasons not to live in Jamestown. Sorry Jamestown, but well,....you know.
  13. Absolutely do NOT need to have Jr gold join right away. BUT 1000% Watford Crosby Langdon do exactly that. 10 teams to start. Perfect. These all travel all over right now anyway, the travel argument is a nonstarter. Williston Dickinson Hazen Beulah Mandan Jamestown -VC May-Port Bottineau GFPR or Devils Lake. ( This would be the only schools that would be even a little irked, solved when a Langdon comes in) And for gods sake NO, these kids do not enjoy getting the piss knocked out of them all year, it does not have to be "the way it is.".... thats foolish.
  14. Watford Williston Dickinson Hazen Crosby Bottineau Langdon Jamestown May-Port Mandan even... Zero chance to be competative in NDSHS Hockey single class ...Zero. None. Never. Why stay active, why make the move to HS? Either they need to all embrace the junior gold system or a simple easy to experiment with fix could be attempted. 1) Makes competition equitable. 2) Allows competative intrest to attract and retain more youth into HS program. 3) Allows large programs with huge feeder youth clubs to schedule more like competition, challenging those kids development as well. 4) Keeps more kids at home with friends and family vs. leaving home. Tier 1 travel is just travel, junior teams is not having precious time with your child for significant periods of time.
  15. Howsabout, restructuring a system to mirror how EVERY OTHER SPORT in ND is run. And yes there are a lot of teams in smaller towns in MN, If those teams had to play EDINA and Duluth East a couple times a year, instead of similar like schools, how long would those kids stick around in the sport? Noncompetitive is Nonsustainable.
  16. NO. Not welcome here again. That guy is dangerous and irresponsible. We've seen his self important song and dance scare tactics before. I can toss him at a dart board and end up as accurate as his forecasts.
  17. Dry Dome, a bit breezy, really nothing of note, last time a powerfull system let us down so bad.... UND had a pp.
  18. tier 1 AAA... flying all over the country.. tens of thousands MORE per year to "keep up" more and more kids leaving home.... This is EXACTLY OPPOSITE of what we need to be developing in ND. Absolutely unnecessary when there is a solution at hand. Really isnt a valid reason not to attempt a better solution. Kids arent dumb, if the end game final career goal in hockey for a kid from hazen or Bottineau or Watford or Jamestown is to maybe possibly not get beat "that" badly in the regions... Those athletes are choosing other things to do than play hockey. A balanced competative class of teams offers so much more ability to retain youth through HS and grow the game, at the same time offering the ability for established programs with the luxury of higher participation and developed athletes to participate in similar levels. Really EXACTLY the same reasons there are classes in football, basketball l, and every other sanctioned HS sport in ND. Remember growing the game isn't just keeping these kids in hockey, it's that hockey culture they bring to their children, experienced players to be coaches to assist the next generation. ND isnt MN, many if not the vast majority of ND hockey players in youth right now are 1st or maybe 2nd generation hockey families. mom and dad didnt play. I believe that growth and retention of youth players through high school can and will grow the sport in ND. We have to think larger than "this year" "this generation" ... culture needs to mature. Dwindling programs getting blown out 90% of the time is demoralizing, and with no goal of competative HS do kids stay in the youth programs ... or do they just pick up a basketball instead.. Create the passion, cultivate the culture, grow the game.
  19. Dell is a class dude, love his passion and attitude. Very cool, love the Sioux stuff all over. The look in his dads eyes is the greatest.
  20. i see zero chance of minny letting them in... now ... established under a "private scool" in esst grand?? there ya go
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