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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. We literally have a higher chance of being killed by an asteroid than dieing of the 'rona. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.popularmechanics.com/space/solar-system/amp33753168/election-day-asteroid-truth/ Should we go on full planet lockdown just in case? Will my magic cloth bioshield protect me? #DuckandCover
  2. It just makes you all the more sad for the situation because these groups of young men could have put together an amazing run. I still hold out hope that they can show us what they can do for a season or three. Could really go for some pep band serenating my nightly primenrib and bucket of nachos dinner, while watching, hearing and smelling the greatest place on earth.
  3. Well, well, well somone's mommy left her computer unlocked again didn't she
  4. Masks are exponentially less effective than, "duck.... and cover." Fairly easy to comfort the simple minds of children back in the day. Scary how easy its been to get total logicless compliance with the simpler adult minds of the left today. The mark of the beast will be easy to force onto the sheep of the Liberals.
  5. And if we keep that going and just full on buybin to those experts, theres no way to avoid, and antibodies are only good for 3 months so... basically every year we need to do 9 month lockdowns to slow the spread of something that will never end, mutates frequently and will kill 2 million or is it 200 million or is it a million with 2 kills or ... wait masks will stop it all like they did in Sweden .... wait no. Jusy best to obey. comply. Vote Dem and it will all be mmmmmkk.
  6. Correct! They all passed and moved along together regardless of work. Boom. Exactly as intended, and designed. Everybody gets a trophy, Nobody left behind, everybody gets to pass, everybody gets money.... Left right you name it...... dependant peoe are controllable people, and thats the purpose and the intent. Socialism, communism, satanism... they aren't landing on our shores like Normandy, or coming over the poles in bear bombers.... They are here now, and they are winning battles.
  7. Keep them dumb and dependent on a government. People said in the past it was rediculous, and just a fantasy, but now its a very dangerous reality. It is happening and the "slippery slope" is now an avalanche of Idiocracy.
  8. The thing is he's just too stupid to even know.... why he's stupid. Which is the dangerous part.
  9. We view the people celebrating the Presidents hospitalization the EXACT same way we viewed the throngs of pestilent slime that celebrated the towers falling on 9/11.
  10. Griffey and its not close, Clark was too Charlie Lao, Griffey was perfect combination.
  11. The great ones cant even keep up with the HOF stupid but heres to catching up...
  12. Like your posts Alpha, keep liking your own posts. I'm sure you'll get someone to change their mind someday, there's gotta be at least one slutbag out there that needs a mythical "$20" . Think you missed out on Kamala though, she's already been promised the White House, if the ballot harvesting does go their way, she'll end up f*$king the country instead of her superiors. Although you'll probably be ok with that as you've demonstrated and proclaimed in your posts that you approve of such behaviors and forced sexual degregation of women in the workplace. Someday I hope these women have the chance to stand on their own merit without being forced to resort to such a degrading culture as you've approved of. Disgusting. #Metoo.
  13. ...and the gun totin felon is still going to be wankin it lefty for the rest of his life... also in prison hopefully. I'd say we all owe a debt of thanks to young kyle. How many people, how many kids, did he save that night. #Savethechildren
  14. Wrong. You're wrong again, and repeatedly. Page right out of the libtard playbook, wait a time,forget about the previous times you've been bitchslapped with facts, and keep spewing false until you think people believe your BS. Nope. Nada. Zero points. You are continually wrong. AND as a reminder..... ............AND a felon.
  15. In a lifetime of experiences throughout this country, in business, athletics, education and the military.... By FAR and away they most racist and intolerant people I have ever met, or known have been white educated liberals. And it's not even close.
  16. Yes, I wish I was shocked you can't understand this. Read for understanding. The studybwas purposely done to look at the effectiveness of Hydrochloroquine as a Prevent measure. Which was never suggested, it was and is used as a treatment option. You cited a study that was equivalent to the National Institute of rRedundant Rediculousness findings that water is in fact wet. Then you attempted to equate a relevance of said study to attempt to slander thebadorangeman and reinforce your sheepled hatred. Again its an absolute nothingburger. Other than the public University who used public tax funding to deliberately propriate a misleading headline. Which was the intent all along.
  17. To show as an example to the millions of mislead Americans that it was a safe option that would not kill you as the libral screaming fear factory played it out to just to oppose Orangemanbad This isn't hard to understand.
  18. Never was meant as a preventative measure but an OPTION to treat symptoms along with other treatments. But congrats on your nothingburger of a story you seem to cling to in some desperate attempt to remain relevant.
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