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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. And yet not even a word of your pathetic babbling can stand on its own. Want to prove you have legs?... walk up the stairs, apologize to your parents and start trying to be a productive member of society instead of a drain on the system. We can't carry you forever. For real, not being comical, seriously, YOU need to be better.
  2. Such a lovely picture you paint of your liberal paradise on earth. Can't imagine why we wouldnt want those policies and cultures pervading the entire country, I may change all my votes to this progressive eutopian platform that has been established out there.
  3. In the libtard mind of 2 digit IQ.... this is somehow not comprehended.
  4. And of course.... the root cause those two.... 5G.
  5. I know right.... and they just keep going back, at this point the sheep don't even believe this stuff, they just go along without the intelligence, morals and character to adress it ethically. Hey libtard-tifa... Trump said today that every male born should NOT cut their own dicks off... can you believe that racist ahole!!! Dont let the BAD ORANGE MAN tell you what to do!!!!
  6. Now have mommy read you the full quote, and then find a maybe competent adult to explain it to you. I would, but I don't have the time nor the crayons to help you understand it today.... You sheep are easier to lead astray everyday, where will your masters take you tomorrow? Russia?.....again?.....
  7. The very fact that you can interpret any actual "science" out of the study, which fails every minor and major requirement of a scientificly reviewed study or research, not that you would be able to recognize that, but it also demonstrates why the leftards failed so badly at the overall global warming hoax.... sorry we not going with "global warming" anymore are we...... sorry "Nongendered humanoid-made global climate changedotorg.".... is that close? Put out "science" thats junkier than a Shaw's power play and then just scream at people to guilt them into blind obedience. Be better. Think of your poor mother and how much embarrassment you bring with that.....
  8. Frozen4sioux


    It's starting... https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2020/09/03/university-announces-delay-adopting-t-denny-sanford-name/5708807002/
  9. kid you are a blithering idiot, how did your parents fail so badly with you? Latimer did not invent a lightbulb as you sheepley regurgitated from your senile puppet. He filed out the paperwork for Edison's patent of the improvements Edison invented to make the lightbulb a commercial practicality. If filling out paperwork makes one a genius inventor, your caseworker must have an IQ of 340. My god you'll believe anything you're told to.
  10. Any minute now... How do we celebrate? I vote we roll some hippies down the street with 5G water cannons!
  11. Frozen4sioux


    Yeah, this isnt good. Sanford has done so much for youth athletics in the upper midwest. If he's guilty, to hell with him. Ot will be interesting to see where the branding goes from here.
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