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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. Best comment that can follow this is with a jif or a gif or a....
  2. Creepy Joe sniffing these supporters could be the next Netflix/Weinstein production, the left goes crazy for.
  3. Of note.... What ISN'T counted in the coevid numbers are cases such as a family member, who while in a longterm memory care center on lockdown... rapidly declined without her daily interactions with family and visits. She lasted less than 2 months before completely shutting down and passing away. Now it is very unlikely she would have lasted to christmas this year. but was doing well with daily interaction with her daughters and grandchildren visits. How many "coevid" deaths have been be the same. These numbers aren't counted anywere, because they dont fit an agenda. There's nothing to gain from them.
  4. yeaaah.. stay in your lane son, This has been explicitly explained many many times BY the dept of health both in print and in radio interviews. Deaths such as crashes and natural causes in which corona is found but post mortem, asymptomatic, having no effect of helath, ARE counted in the overall count. 219 above. They are not counted in the 153. the 153 are where coevid is the leading instigator of the death process which is coumpounded by the underlying conditions. To dig down further you can find the actual numbers of deaths without underlying conditions.... you can count those on homer simpsons hand. 153 is the number closer to an actual number the rona has caused the death of...... maybe. 37 is the number of no relation i.e. car crash. 29 cases pending, cant even figurebit out it was such a killer virus.. this equals the fear number... 219. Cause, math. If you'd like, you can call the Dept of Health and ask yourself to verify, they will be pissed at you wasting their time and not paying attention to the interviews they've given, but you can call. Not sure they'd have time meet and draw it out in crayon for you but .. you can call.
  5. This number is listed EVERY SINGLE DAY in the ND dept of Health coevid update news release. They specifically state, daily the number of total "coevid" deaths then identify the number of cases that coevid was a "factor" in the death, and that the remaining are deaths where coevid played no part whatsoever.. i.e. car crash, suicide, brain hemorage from hayalphas posts and so forth. Here is Fridays excerpt from the news release.
  6. Remeber of those 219 only 153 actually had something to dobwith Coevid.... the others coevid was a completly unrelated factor. i.e. car crash.
  7. Hay/Mike/foxtrot GOOD NEWS.... saw some slides in a presentation today and, there IS hope, these people claim educatable is a possibility for you. Have your mom get in touch with us and we can point her in a direction that can maybe get you some help.
  8. Holy hell I have repeatedly given you and others FACTS and hard timeline scenarios on exactly how this works, the potential areas of compromise and evidence of the process beeaking down, and being abused and manipulated. The repeated stupidity of not being able to recognize how massively this process will be used to manipulate the election is astonishing. So much so that the repeated blindness can not be accidental. Yet you still spout off arrogant talking points thinking you have some magic superior knowledge. You have talking points, sheepled into your incapable of learning brain. You are insane. I'll help you again, but not until you demonstrate knowledge in the 1st and most basic area. Just because you keep saying something again and again, this does not make it true. Get. Help.
  9. Ahhh..... Somebody saw a new word and thinks they know what it means. Its cute.... like a toddler saying a bad word they heard from Uncle Bob.
  10. Now this is as bad as it gets, its literally buying votes. ...... give us Barabous the mob chanted.
  11. Actually if you want to remember, they actively downplayed it and held news ... pr events in places like China town trying to make the President's travel restrictions look bad. Zero plan just whatever is opposite of President Trump.
  12. Go. To. Your. Bunker. Problem solved for you! Yeah mask! We will go on living and dying at normal rates and without deviating from normal life expectancy.
  13. well well well.. Truth comes out again. Breanna Taylor was NOT killed in a no-nock raid as the left and Dems have been using to destroy the country. Police did in fact, KNOCK and ANNOUNCE.... https://www.kxnet.com/news/national-news/officers-did-knock-before-breonna-taylor-shooting-investigation-finds/?utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_source=facebook.com Why am I not supprised the ministers of propaganda used this a lie to destroy the country. Treason.
  14. uhh-oh https://thefederalist.com/2020/09/23/hunter-biden-took-3-5-million-from-ex-moscow-mayors-wife/#.X2t5AFJpf2A.twitter
  15. My phone, my ipad, my desktop all different IP adresses. With the psychotic nature of their mirrored posts, quite plausibe the kid would use multiple devices just to stoke his own ego. Literally too scary to think there are multiple users of such low IQ in this relatively small community. Just sayin.
  16. Kinda like givn yerself a handy, I mean ya got off on it, but... now I bet you feel a bit sad N shameful and still have to throw your moms undies in the wash befor she gets home from work. I guess in the end, you'll have to ask yourself if it was worth it.
  17. Its quite possible these muttonchops stopped as much rona virus as 99.9999999 percent of the ineffective in incorrectly worn mandated masks.
  18. There will never be a time when I won't stand up for people and defend them against the oppression of weaponizing sexual manipulation for personal gain. Consistently, Democrats/Liberals/Satanists defend, support, encourage and reward the trafficing and weaponizing of sexual exploit for their own gain. This. Must. Stop.
  19. Will she also sleep with me to get me to stop reminding people she bent, slept, and sucked her way into positions of power? Will we then fairly evaluate the other oppressed and unfairly maligned canidates who worked and strived to achieve thise positions without slutting their way to power? Who in God's name thinks its ok to to support such corruption? Do you teach your, or others' children, ........their daughters.....that Kamala's tactics is how they have to act to get ahead? You think.... "You're" punching someone down who stand up against such corruption, dilusional. You are the problem. Arrogant liberals who are only outraged or offended if it fits your desires. Who will stand up and allow women and women of color to be judged truly on their merit and abilities rather than sexual oppression? Be. Better. #Metoo
  20. One thing about infection rates. IF this thing is such an easily communicable and spread virus as the fear and control mongers have made it out to be, wouldn't it have infected so many more by now? The sheep will say that masks, distancing and shutdowns helped. No. The truths need to come out, and this Bullshitery of daily testing will never allow for that, daily testing fits the narrative of fear. IF the US or even a state would put the money to antibody testing the population we would see that this virus HAS been spread and infected a MUCH MUCH higher percentage of the population, it has to have its just impossible thatbit hasn't. However if we did that and found that yes the vast majority have already been exposed, didnt even develop syptoms and just moved on with life, a few things would be certain. 1: The infection rate is extreamly high. 2: The rate of developing symptoms is extremely low. 3: The actual hospitalization and complication rate will be infadecimally low. 4: The death rate is and will be in the end, statistically irrelevant. None of this will actually happen because there will be no way to control people if the true rates are exposed. 1.8 million on a "wear your mask" PR campaign.... utter fleecing. Use that for antibody testing and it can all be over.
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