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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. Literally the most boring 1 goal game in hockey history.
  2. So is Philly still Hak's fault? Im betting I wouldn't have to dig very deep into Philly fan forumns to find something inbred enough to keep blaming Dave
  3. Crazy concept isnt it, that a business actually wants to sell something for profit instead of produce unwanted crap.
  4. You where just simply once again, triggered, by a word choice, to the point of not being able to control your gnashing teeth of jealous anger and rage to the point of needing to seek out an outlet to vent. You think maybe. just maybe, they produced a piece that may.... I dont know....sell, Instead of to slightly appease you as you walk by in your own self-righteousness?
  5. This is the future, A mid tier team in a tier2 league isnt a place to be, its a place to be from, or a stop along the way. It's the reality now.
  6. Wolanin on waivers... hasnt been the best year for alums... havent heard from some of last years signers either.
  7. It lends to the overall experience of the entire complex... just a massive pile of unmet expectations missed opportunity.
  8. They served the rarest burgers there last time we went.... Rare.... uncooked... they were one of those, which was suprising as it must have been on the grill for an hour or more. Did I mention the last time we went was... the Last time, we will have ever went. Might be my lowest rated place in GF..... of all time.
  9. "state lines" had been debunked, disporived and literally thrown out of this case a hundred times over. ... The jaw jacking from politicians is and will be nothing more than that. Local state and at the federal level this thing is over... except for the libel suits. And that is a scientific, and legal, fact.
  10. I think you may be barking up a few wrong trees at the same time.... but there is a point up in them branches somewhere.
  11. No, news cycle finally flipped. Nobody cares anymore. Congrats to those innocent still standing.
  12. UND: We want logo. SME: Ok $350,000 UND: We were thinking..... cheaper. SME: ok... we can recolor a current logo... $200k UND: We dont actuallycarr what it is just need something..... SME: We have a secondary logo for $100k UND: Getting warmer but like..less. SME: we can do a generic bird secondary logo "inspired" by the USPS, that can really only work in one direction?... $50k? UND: Awesome... I have this coupon.... SME: FML.... fine, go grab that intern we just fired and tell him we have another 2 days of work.
  13. Outdoor ice just isnt a reliable option out west there... but then again the indoor ice ain't that reliable either..."cough" wachter rink "cough"
  14. 2 at Southwest 2 at Scheels Hat Coliseum Fargo South School... Thats 7, is there still ice in Sunmart? West Fargo has 4 and 2? More being built? That would be 13 total plus 5 in Moorhead? That would be nice. Bis will have 5 in 2 years maybe.. and Mandan 2.. at least 1 more needed.
  15. The best part about this is that on the day of the ribbon cutting Bismarck will only be 2 sheets behind at that point. Absolutely rediculous waste of time, money, and resources that does not meet the needs of the current or the future, but punts the problem down the road another 6-8 years... which in Bismarck time will actually be 10-15 before they acknowledge the problem and begin to pretend they give enough shits to solve it. Lots of patting themselves on the back from an ignorant school board that ponied up the smallest amount possible for the 1st time in 40 years... thinking they "fixed" a problem that they themselves created.
  16. I stand by my ascertation that somebody in hockey hurt you and you just cant get over it... I hope you can get the help you need. Blaming the state of football once again and forever on your seething jealous hatred hasn't really worked, and never will btw.... Football is what 8 -10 of the nicest days of the year, in a warehouse, to watch a team that at best hopes to compete in an overlooked tier2 division... it can be fun, but the University has made it almost impossible to succeed long term by trying to keep up with the Joneses... Could have been a perennial, and more importantly relevant D2 powerhouse..... but no... had to have the field inside.... had to be in the big boy club, had to have the D1 (nevermind the asterik) beside the "name". And for this UND forever sacrificed every sport down the ladder as completly irrelevant and unable to compete in any real way. I hope one day UND football is relevant again, I do, but to argue that other programs need to have their success interrupted in order for football to have a chance is just petty and sad, it's a loser mentality. Thats the last thing football needs any more of. Winners back Winners son. It's a simple as that. Good luck with your demons.
  17. I just dont think much of a percentage of any of the "declines" you mentioned can be attributed in any way to a continued rift. "Enrollment" is a new entity almost alltogether now, and the athletic downturns of the sports mentioned are products of much different concoctions... besides.. didnt yall always say the logo never won or lost any games.... Its not a lack of pride you are seeing its an overall apathy to anything that isnt instantly of entertainent value. Flashes of school pride are here and there.... just look at how the student body came together to heap ridicule on the bronzed Mike Hawk.
  18. You and your 2 or three login buddies are literally the only people that allow any of this to bother them or effect their daily lives in any way. Find a hobby.
  19. His argument failed when trying to equate the logo with pepperoni pizza. A low budget afterthought of a logo is in now way equitable to one of the greatest creations of mankind. Even a clearence Jacks pepperoni is a vastly superior item to the useless 1 dimensional bird shape.
  20. Ya man , bad take, like really bad. You are correct in your facts to support your bad take for sure, but... No. I see leadership qualities in the young men that stood up and said enough. Good on them. Ownership and management in Omaha are turds, have been for a long time, Flush'em all.
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