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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. which I think is a mistake... to go back to the well too soon. It needs to be something special, even every other year seems like alot
  2. Nice try Mr. carpet steamer service salesman. I've learned my lesson. I gladly pull on that discreet protection and will advocate fully for a mandated 2nd pair.
  3. Please, please, PLEASE dont be the still naive MN sports fan?... You should know better, everyone should know better. NO, the russian kid does not want to be in MN, nobody wants to be in MN. He didnt come until he could do a short entry level, he signed this contract to get out after five miseable years of futile failure... but really four and a half cause he'll get a trade to a contender then. Of course its an Agent driven deal, he's got a decent agent, who will get him out of MN asap.
  4. Its almost as if people have maybe seen this movie before and can get a big wiff of which direction the wind is blowing and they dont want to be left holding the bag.... or from another perspective Maybe people are generally concerned for their health and that of their family and are choosing to no longer take on their percieved rising risk.... which is their right to do.
  5. So the wild get the kid for 4 and half years... obviously they will trade him for something before losing him. He wants to be in Minneaota the absolute least amount possible.
  6. Someone made a million selling that stuff to the hawks logo designer.... hey-OH!
  7. And because of it all rumors out there Minot may not field a Bantam AA team this year... but a moderator may want to send this over to the hockey thread before it derails any more
  8. If they could keep their kids in Minot for High school hockey, they probably could. More left this year, to Sioux Falls and Alexandria
  9. I'm seeing tickets at face in almost every marketplace group and online forumn... if you want to go, you absolutely. an fimd tickets.
  10. The preseason poll?..... No. The end of season finish and pwr.... yes. I do love not being the top of a preseason poll, just useless, but fun and something for the media types to do.
  11. Typical, demanding spoonfed info instead of educating oneself to the concepts. Grab a wooby, wait in your vaccinated safespace, and one day maybe you'll figure out why you may want to find out why before you blindly comply. Don't forget your mask.
  12. Thats actually kinder than anyone has ever described it. One of the most truly pathetic wastes of space on the planet this side of child molesters, IMHO.
  13. geeez give him a game first... at least get through the preseason...
  14. Interesting. At least Bismarck didnt try to slam another bike lane into and crossing turn lane traffic there. Never know where they are going to throw one of those into the mix.
  15. Reconfigured as in how? Out in Bismarck this year a big intersection was a damned mess all year and in the end.... the median was narrowed by a few feet and the turning lane was needlessly shifted. Completly fail to see some of the rationalization for these projects other than to use Fed funding or lose it.
  16. Did they have any clean silverware or cactus bread yet?
  17. On the way home last weekend had thw chance to get some cheap thrills by listening to the fans anguish on vikings fanline. In a matter of no time at all the fools blamed the refs, the camera angles, the camera quality, the vaccine..... and argued that Minnesota "deserved" to win the game. Nothing could have summed up the entirety of the state that Minnesota is in any better.
  18. The customer. The customers have the Gold. Good Luck Neville, Its a shame there isn't like...volumes of historical examples of why that attitude is so foolishly ignorant and naive, but out of the mouths of babes, as they say.
  19. Just a shot, no big deal.... ......Signed The Tuskegee Syphilis Study #Science
  20. Its just such a fine line between lake weather and plow the snow off weather.....
  21. Just another small papercut, no big deal.... but when you look at the othef thousand papercuts you start to wonder how many they feel they need to inflict? Removing coverage for mandated testing is next... Removing the negative test option... is soon behind.
  22. Anecdotally, history has show this to be not true or obtainable. More recently, maybe better a better outcome, may have to dig into this theory more, I'd like it to be tru and come to fruition but quite sceptical when the expense is a quality competative team losing its place in the tourney. Especially with the math of the pairwise being so close most years in those areas and the 16th seed being so far back.
  23. This thing should be dragged by his feet spread and naked behind a four wheeler through a dry lumpy potato field, during a bad year for thistle. Daily, or at least until whats left can be effectively shoveled into a septic tank and forgotten about. I see this as grandstanding by the judge, I dont know why, but it does. it serves zero purpose, other than to torment the family and friends of young Dru
  24. Lotta Mafia man mafia connections, favors, and horses heads in hockey bags for that bet to pay off. Love the underdogs but woof...
  25. Yeah I wasnt exactly sure who had more back or reloaded, or lost what to jumiors, or had a band of transfers around town for the year so I just tossed a coin and GFC came up so that was my pick.... Suffice it to say I hope some can compete and push but it aint gunna come from anything west of the ol' Big Chief
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