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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. Well yeah you do, but that's just the neighborhoods around SCSU...
  2. Hey... at least we're not Wisconson those stanky striped bastards are buried in the pairwise... and their teams are turning to lockerroom porn for attention... #Theresalwaysabrightside
  3. But kinda figured that's where he wa s going to end up.
  4. Jesus I just spit scotch out my lead lined chinese Sioux tumbler. Well the counterfeit sioux logo came off in the wash but... still.... thats funny right there.
  5. I'm actually going to start counterfeiting "replica" sublimated Nodak jerseys cause from whatnI see UND is really bad at understanding all this legal mumbo-jumbo. Anyone want in we could do this mafia style.
  6. He wears Hawks gear all the time. I've personally been around him many many public occasisons, snd more private and he wears and promotes the name and gear.... Old, lame, red herring. Which btw would actually be a better nickname... and likely logo.
  7. Whelp as you lik your wounds of failure on this one... Maybe we could con Port into doing a story about the "voting process" of the nickname.. Was it fair? Maybe he can just make stuff up about missing votes... shady midnight tally dumps? OHHH maybe look to see if anyone's daughter or son ... or somewhere in thw middle had connections to SME... Only $50 k for an entire branding identity... that doesn't seem right. Follow the money! Follow thw money! Cancel all public institution athletics.... Call a cab......
  8. Boy do you all look... https://www.grandforksherald.com/news/north-dakota/armacost-says-und-hockey-coach-had-no-conflict-of-interest-concerning-daughters-ownership-of-nodak-llc I hear seething curses and gnashing of teeth from the nest of the thise tornented in eternal jealousy that thought.... thought they had something here... You where all way way late to this party and really it was over before you found out you weren't invited.
  9. OMG we literally could not agree more on this. That cesspool of de-evolution is one of the worst things that's happened to UND athletics. In fact it's made me almost hate Fighting Sioux Forever folk as much (not as much but almost ) as much as the HEIL HAWKZI overlords. If there was only some.... middle ground. Some.... saving grace that we could rally around together..... NODAK save us now
  10. I bend the knee to no man, University or Hawkzi dictatorship.
  11. Port doubling down his own shitballyness is nothing new. Maybe what he should double down on is his child support issues.
  12. As ugly a ss.com has ever gotten.... it's still a Mmajestic county club when compared to Stearns County MN.
  13. But would it both shock you... and also not shock you to find out the answer to that.
  14. This is also why litigation of these things gets very very messy, very costly and very time consuming... with little to any actual benefit in "winning" for either parparty... i.e. http://thelegalblitz.com/blog/2012/02/28/the-battle-over-the-fighting-sioux-an-ip-perspective/
  15. Tough to say, UND has a long history of certain sports refusing to adopt the logo of the school and trying to create their own identity.
  16. Port was just a patzi... Farmed out after they tried to get this done by others. This hit piece came 100% from the hockey hating football faction of HAWKZI leadership in the parking lot of the Alerus. They've been trying to get traction for weeks and only college athletic hating Port would sleezeball themselves up enough to write it. They where always going to try to try tie this to the Engelstad foundation and REA as well.... Even after they knew that was false... they've been hinting at it the entire forum and now are just saying it straight out. Walking a very very fine line by the way... "jest"... nice try bud. You wrote the quiet part out loud. Only a fool can't see the purpose behind this all now.
  17. You can easily know this not in what he wrote.. but in what he didnt write.. and the manner in which he went after the vaugley veiled allegations as opposed to facts. Thats the difference between a journalist and a sleezeball masterclickbaiter ..... who you all put faith into to "get someone".... and at the end of the day. What you have is a big ol burger full of ... nothing. A nothingburger.. . and now you know, the...... rest of the story. GoofDAY
  18. Yes Schloss was well aware I'd imagine Or... he literally Port knew the full story... He knew exactly whatvand why he told only the one side
  19. No both the Brien logo and the geometric where very clear cut TM The alternate interlocking UND was also solidly owned and trademarked
  20. Not really sure you want to wade into the muddied water of trade mark on the Notre Dame interlocking UND Or the Blackhawk... It safe to say that UND has a bit of troubled history of playing fast and loose with logos and trademarks and...
  21. The Brien Logo was used appropriately on the jersey... Real question... why was Football so stubborn in refusing to use the official logo of athletics on their helmet... It's like the program was trying to create their own alternative identity.
  22. It's not normally advised. Who's in charge of this at UND? There's the story.
  23. Port kinda maybe inferred this.. purposely vague btw. Anyone with half a brain can figure it out Rink Live reporter just made it clear. Ports article loses everything if he actually told the whole truth.... but then he wouldn't get the chance try and throw college athletics in the mud
  24. UND is. NODAK LLC hasn't. How is this difficult?
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