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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. Independent schedule as in? Fully Independent? That ends ND high school hockey, immediately. Small schools go to a club world or just fold. Large towns just turn into Tier 1/AAA/Club U18 programs. That's a world that's interesting to think about. Northstar, Sioux Falls Power, Jr Force, THA, An Academy in Bismarck maybe Minot JR Tauros? or tied into a Canadian league somehow? Better for development but expensive and un-inclusive. Who knows kinda of a neat convo for the next 30 rack lobby show I guess. But I'm guessing you mean more of either a hybrid 6 point game allowance even against teams with full EDC/WDA membership or more practically a 2 tiered system for ND high school hockey. I have not, do not, and will not believe the current structure is in anyone's best interest. Certainly not the kid's.
  2. Awefull terrible news His appearence on the Has Beens podcast with Gage was excellent and worth searching out. RIP Mr. Dunn. Champions live forever.
  3. He runs and turtles more than a gopher. I bet he's a real keyboard warrior too.
  4. Anaheim PR spinning it overload style... which means it's exactly as bad as they ate trying to hide, or worse. I've never heard a good word about the guy off the ice.. or on. He's a POS.
  5. That's a great breakdown. I'd say accurate... probable?.. hope so...
  6. They look to have about 6/7 from the Bantam A team moving up so hopefully they can keep the program moving on. As stated the goalie coming up should help and there's some talented skaters. Tough to replace the Carter kid next year tho... A competitive tiered system would, IMHO, help them, and others, grow into or back into relevant programs.
  7. This was the most purposeful use of the down vote button in the history of the site. How DARE you sir! How dare you.
  8. Who then pulled a Argentinian Midfielder Special... A Los Angeles Laker Leap... a daytime Emmy attempt. Worst fake dive job since? well nevermi d that one's almost as bad.
  9. Impossible... Hak is the stupidest person to ever enter a hockey rink... accourding to the educated, rational, sober, and intellectually informed patrons of the Philadelphia sports world......
  10. This is probably the most disgusting part of UND hockey fandom I've seen in 40 years. The constant butt kissing and awkward references to distant yet connectable connections is gross. "Hey mamma I saw a map of the US and Canada today and your boy is in that map, and I saw that map. do you want a copy of that map.. ill send it to you! Make sure your boy knows me and your boy are both in places on that map.... WITH YOU!!" I know shes brought this on herself by engaging with the awkwardest wierd of our fanbase but,fer gosh sakes have some class people. But.. id probably be the same way if my kid would be good enough to be D1 player one day too... so... flame on Mamma, enjoy the ride.
  11. So the "big one" attribute in prospective thread... alluded to size moreso than...
  12. I'd expect jersey tweaks when the new NHL contract is done, as we've went over here before. Things not going well... change your clothes, change the look, change the mindset. Psychologically... it can help, little things, never know.... not so sure a new sweater makes stops turnovers but... why not.
  13. dang if I was a Duluth fan... (and was out of meth long enough to watch the game).... And I had a messege board to go to... I'd be soooo. Siouxsportsing that thing right now
  14. Straight up chubbed up watching that power play..... ...... and its gone.
  15. Was just going to say... Sometimes the box workers miss or don't understand the ON part of SOG... or are extreamly liberal in it.... or sometimes (moreso in bantams and younger)... the goalie's dad.* * Not saying that's what happened there, RR is a wagon and can put up a heck of a lot of shots in a very short time.
  16. Touched a nerve eh? Take off the spoked wheel glasses bud. It's bliss for you isn't it?
  17. That is interesting... I wonder how that works ... so an athlete gets use of a car, or items instead of money? Does the athlete then pay tax on that value? I'd suppose... Not an issue if takin in big bucks but say a UND Hockey lands a recruit due to a free truck lease from local scar dealer... Do they kick cash to cover tax liabilities too? Or does all that just float back under the table. In the end we will see that Athletes will realize they didn't push this for their own betterment.. Lawyers did.
  18. Wow.. talk about ignorance. Detroit wishes it was Vancouver. ... so they'd be that much closer to relevance again. Where is Detroit in the standings?You don't know without looking. Who do they have in the system? You don't know without looking. Is Detroit rebuilding? You couldn't figure that out by looking. Do you know why? Because Detroit is irrelevant. Has been for years, will be for years. As far a a 6 point plug in the American league is concerned... Detroit is purgatory.... Grand Rapids is hell.
  19. UND ... the entire UND community is light years behind in NIL already and it has and is hurting the program. but... take a look at the Jaden Rashada / Florida Gators situation... Just a nightmare for everyone
  20. Play like our D, end up in a rusty GMC.
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