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Everything posted by bang

  1. Funny, no it's a nickname that has nothing to do with carnal knowledge "of a woman". Although, it would be a better story and nickname if it did.
  2. You know I feel a little bit better today about the win than yesterday. I looked at some of the highlights from when UC Davis played Nevada and Hawaii. They certainly have some skill players and they're really not too bad. I geuss I kind of have that feeling you get after a one night stand and you roll over and see the gal laying there all hungover. Hair everywhere, makeup smeared, you know just a mess. A little later she comes out of the bathroom and gussies herself up a bit. You look her up and down and think to yourself not as bad as last weeks.
  3. bang

    FBS games

    How's that 1-3 record Bielema. You !#€hole.
  4. Oline made some adjustments and Santiago ran very hard today. I would love to see a different center but maybe Cox just can't pull it off. I think both him and Grady looked great at tackle today and hope to see them build on that the rest of the year. I thought the Davis offense was pretty good, both QB's made some clutch throws and the running back was pretty tough. We need some sacks on D. Overall we're just not a playoff team this year without some major improvements. With that said were definitely improving from the last two years. Don't get me wrong I love to see them win but I think it was evident after today that we're not a playoff caliber team but an improving team with potential to be good next year.
  5. I agree with the chemistry comment and the only reason I say rotating is that Miller is still a sophomore so they may want to try some rotation to keep getting him reps. You're though you don't see O-linemen rotated often.
  6. I think Cox starts and they rotate Grady and Miller.
  7. My assumption is Miller and Cox takes over at center. Just a guess.
  8. bang

    2015 season

    I agree 100% on your last two sentences. I don't know what is politically correct or incorrect about Mussman recruits to Bubba recruits comparisons? I just don't know why that should be brought up or pointed out as a reason a player has left the team. If Bubba didn't think highly of him he wouldn't of started him. What I'm saying is the comparison between the two sets of recruits are irrelevant. In case your wandering I'm not a Mussman fan and I'm definitely not a politically correct person.
  9. bang

    2015 season

    I don't think we should make the Mussman Bubba comparison. A lot of these kids that are leaving were yes Mussman recruits, but some were Bubba's and all of them are young (22 or younger). It's not really fair to make the assumption that all Mussman recruits are quitters and none of Bubba's are. It's tough to tell with these young men how they are going to turnout.
  10. bang

    2015 season

    If they are starting with him they can move on too Boas as well. I really didn't think he would start this year I thought/hoped somebody else would've stepped up. As far as Brown goes, for as much as the coaches raved about Tyus Carter I figured this move would've been made a lot earlier. I kind of figured Chris Carter might of been #1 coming into Wyoming.
  11. bang

    2015 season

    F1ck, does anyone have a current roster and depth chart? Or a link to it. Iverson hurts. Norberg to fullback? What else do we have?
  12. Not sure where this argument started or what building project or government entity is involved. I will say if a UND or for that matter NDSU hires a general contractor or architect to do a job. Pay estimates go through that private company. The company I work for does a high percentage of government work and believe me this process is slow at times, but everybody always gets paid if you do the work properly. What I'm getting at is government agencies are inefficient not broke. There is checks and balances in place to insure projects are fully funded by completion. In my fifteen years it's never happened to me. If it is happening somebody is losing their job.
  13. Remember when your buddies caught you making out with your sister? Run back to inbredville. Your comments aren't related to this thread and your Aunt/mom made some Mac and cheese. So, run up to the front of your trailer eat your Mac and cheese and make sure your not late for your shift at Taco Bell this afternoon.
  14. you're showing some class by asking. I appreciate that.
  15. idiot
  16. Yep, in order to hold a defense they must respect it. We've given no reason to respect anything.
  17. On the plus side KVLY is putting on another spectacular halftime report.
  18. A lot more than play calling going wrong out there boys.
  19. I agree. Hate him right now but would love to see another ND kid in the NFL playing QB.
  20. You're a brave man extending an invitation to this crowd. Either that or this is an attempt to congregate UND fans to the porta pottys.
  21. Funniest memory:Both 98 and 99 games in GF when a unnamed guy jumped the railing and tackled the NDSU fan running on the track with a flag and busted the pole over his knee. Best memory: tie between 93 and 03 Worst memory: 95 playoff loss.
  22. There is no moral victories in this game. Had Sundog banged one of those NDSU cheerleaders that would have been an "immoral victory".
  23. Ya, but you do the same thing every morning when you watch "The View". Hahaha
  24. NDSU 21-7
  25. These two dudes look alike.
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