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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Clever. Original post wasn't meant as smack. It was just a back-handed set up to smack UND fans.
  2. I noticed the Mrs. Danley graduated with an education degree. The education building is one of the few buildings on campus without a namesake. It's also an old building in need of repair (unless something has been done the last few years). The word was that it was always at the top of the list for refurbishment. The problem is that teachers make such little money, that their isn't enough in donations to get things fixed. Seems like a fitting place for some of that money.
  3. You're always so negative as well. We all get the picture. You don't like UND. You don't like NDSU. Nothing will work out. Blah, blah, blah. WE GOT IT! You've been recognized. Now get over yourself. There is nothing wrong with people speculating. It may get other peoples' hopes up, but I'd like to think most of us are realists. Lets not forget, that neither you or I have any idea what Kupchella might do.
  4. So much negativity from you. Can't figure out why you decided to come here. We have enough Bison fans that don't know what they are talking about. Let me just point out this reference. This was the NCAAs mistake and that's why the date was pushed. They never updated their online manual (IIRC), which doesn't even take into account that they made the change part way into the year. I just stayed in a Holiday Inn, though. So maybe The Sicatoka can help you out better on this one, since I believe he was the one that did some digging on the NCAA manual. Everyone is just speculating. Just like you are doing. Big whoop. I would think that most of us realize we aren't going DI-AA or getting right into a conference. But it COULD happen and there is precedent. I also enjoy this quote: Gee, and all these Bison fans had me thinking that it would be a cake walk. Didn't one of your higher ups say something about being in a conference after 1 year?
  5. What a third period to the Oilers game 3.
  6. Commodore picks up a shothanded goal! Tipped a shot towards end of third period.
  7. Article about Commodore and his robe. Also this player comparison.
  8. Lowe is required to have his masters for that position and will be finishing his work on it this summer. At least that's what the talking heads on the radio were saying.
  9. Down here, I see a lot of youth programs playing lacrosse. I don't think MSHL had much choice. The popularity is growing. Other surprising thing down here is they even have floor hockey. I'm not sure if it's sanctioned or not, but they do have a big end of the year "state" tourney. Saw a picture of the badminton state champs in the Strib today as well. I would've never guessed that one.
  10. No obsession coming from this post of yours.
  11. Nobody has even worn their HC jersey to the John, and Gopher fans are already upset. Priceless.
  12. From the games I've been too, the college kids don't seem to be the problem for showing up. Due to Sioux Crew, Sioux fb games have become quite popular. It doesn't hurt that the Alerus serves beer.
  13. There were a few dumb ones in there for both Greene and Hale. I think each threw a puck or two into the stands. Greene's last night should never had resulted in a PP for San Jose. Not sure how a dog pile in the crease with the SJ player throwing shots with Greene means only Greene should go.
  14. My guess would be that Herbst knew he wouldn't be getting the job.
  15. Here's the Herald poll.
  16. I believe that both Commodore and Hale had an assist today.
  17. Don't know anything about college hockey being on XM. I was referring to the NHL stuff. They do have the ACC and Big Ten stations. I haven't checked them lately, but I'm sure they are only up for football and basketball games.
  18. Both do right now. But I believe that next year XM will be the only one. They recently signed a 10 year deal that I found when I was researching which to get. Even better, they have an all hockey talk station which IMHO is excellent. I think XM has more name brand national sports talk stations. Sirius's seems to have their own stations. Not sure if they pick up syndicated programs or what. Sirius does also have the NFL if that is important to you.
  19. Bill Clement was on Espo's XM radio show today talking about how unheralded the Carolina D is. He then mentioned Commie as being one of the guys playing so well. Said it will be interesting when/if he has to face the Sabers who are one of the fastest teams. I think I got the gist of what he was saying. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  20. Not to mention that he took a delay of game penalty in the second game of this series for shooting a puck over the glass. I didn't think we'd see him again.
  21. What are you ever talking about? You come across like you have some big secret all the time, but I can't ever figure out what you're talking about. I'm sure I'm not alone. I'm guessing there was an interview on Fox TV? Do you want to clarify? Most of us don't live in the GF area. What's with the letter? At least your hatred for Buning shines through.
  22. The great thing about the OLN announcers is that every time they talk about Hale, Parise or Commodore they always mention that they went to the University of North Dakota.
  23. Have some women attend your school.
  24. D'oh! I'm an idiot on all accounts. Got my player wrong on D and was thinking that Marvin was a senior. Hard not to think that with as often as he gets mentioned on here.
  25. Don't forget that UND has Brad Berry. He makes the D-men NHL ready. Greene, Smaby, and now Finley were all big, but pretty raw when they got here. Have we heard anything on Aaron Marvin?
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