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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. When it was being built I don't think there were too many people that figured it would be filled every night. It is what the fourth largest college hockey arena behind Omaha and Wisconsin and Ohio State? I may be missing a team that plays in a large facility that they don't own or in another basketball facility. Consider also that the demand for tickets has really helped amp up Fighting Sioux Club money from those that want to keep season tickets. Some one will pay the higher fees. Would the demand filling a larger stadium be there and be sustained??? I think the size is just about perfect for hockey. Too much bigger and the fans are starting to be too far from the action.
  2. That's what I was looking for in the article as well. Good luck to him and I hope we get to see him play at some point.
  3. Obviously no one saw the MVFC coming otherwise they would've all announced together. South Dakota had to have told everyone that they were going Big Sky which would've meant they had to have gotten indication the board was going to ok it. They reneged on a commitment and sure it worked better for them, but you can't fault UND for not wanting to currently help them out with there non-conference. Which is one spot that UND really is sitting pretty. All the other dakota schools play each other in conference while we have a full conference schedule and could fill non-conference with the dakota schools.
  4. I was living in Cali when I create my name. I still have family there and travel out to watch a Pac 10 game each year. Hate the state though.
  5. Dang. I was hoping for Los Angeles.
  6. I've always wondered how coaches can walk into the house of a coach of a different team (even rival) and recruit their kid. Gotta be awkward. And you're giving your recruiting techniques to an opponent.
  7. NDH I'm surprised at you. Normally you are the most optimistic person on this board. I've always felt St. Clown was a forced rivalry. The only reason it got heated on the ice is that they have a dirty player/captain. I've been to every rink in WCHA except the two new and Alaska and the worst experience I had multiple times was in St. Clown. Their fans were worse than at The Toilet. I had people spitting on me and yelling ignorant things all game. The only good thing are those Husky Cheerleaders. What do they add to the new conference that Duluth doesn't? TV viewers??? no more than UMD. Top notch facilities??? Mankato has a better arena. National prominence??? Ha! Taking St. Clown only further weakens the WCHA and then we really are the bad guys.
  8. Commodore picked #22 and isn't wearing 64.
  9. This has been my thinking all along. The delay in making a decision just shouldn't take this long unless they are trying to get other programs to join them.
  10. Supreme court says we have to provide an education to any student that is in our borders. Having lived and taught in Cali I can tell you it is a horrible burden on the schools. I'm not saying they shouldn't be taught, but it causes overcrowding and test scores to plummet. Many don't come with much education or finish their education. So the schools get punished due to No Child Left Behind (hindering true education). And the language barrier can be more than troublesome, because the tests are all in English and you can't read them to the kids. Lets also not forget that many illegal immigrants don't pay taxes and so we really are paying for their education. Of course a better education means less crime and tax dollars going to that cause. Where I lived I couldn't go to the nearest hospital if needed because they always had to shut down the ER because of too many illegals showing up. So if you were in an ambulance you had to go 20 miles away. Short side bar story. One time the border patrol rounded up a couple dozen illegals in a few houses. They were going to transport them back to Mexico, but the citizens protested so much they let them go. Why the border patrol just didn't go to Home Depot is beyond me.
  11. Notre Dame must be leaning towards Hockey East, because you'd really think this new conference would be doing anything to ensure Notre Dame joins. And maybe they have. Maybe they don't want WMU. I also wonder if there won't be something happening out east with splitting conferences so Notre Dame can get big time institutions they want.
  12. In regards to some of you stating that this new conference should add more WCHA teams: Why did we leave then? I find it a bit strange that we didn't at least get the other schools to force out the current administration. There must be something else to make us bolt??? I like the idea of this new smaller conference made up of some big names. Adding more WCHA teams just dilutes that. Personally I think this was pre-mature. If we don't get Notre Dame this wasn't in our best interest. Why not sit on it until Notre Dame makes up their mind? I'm really hoping this isn't the death of college hockey programs, though I really believe without the Michigan schools some CCHA were going to fold whether this happened or not. I don't want to see a WCHA/CCHA merger as keeping those conferences small allows room for other "new" teams to join a conference and that is something that college hockey has been sorely lacking. At least a regional spot to play.
  13. But we're supposed to give you bonus points for playing the weakest teams in FBS and taking the money? You can't have it both ways.
  14. And doing that at the age of 37. Also Selanne has looked quick and he's 40!
  15. So I love watching the hockey, but find Vs. frustrating or at least the tv deal. I would like to see a bit of variety in the games. Every year they only show a couple different series. I realize it's about the markets, but a 1 vs. 8 matchup is not the best match up to be showing every game of.
  16. Smoggy

    Flood 2011

    I wonder if NWS doesn't tend to push the prediction a little higher to cover own butts. They did screw up 97 pretty badly.
  17. I'll be there and brother will be there. Grandma with her daughters from Florida, Arizona, and Minnesota will be there.
  18. Will ya still buy a beer when I scream "it's Neil Patrick Harris!!!!" and cause a mob to form around you?
  19. If Frattin wins would he touch the trophy?
  20. Faison was on with Tim and Swyg this morning. He said that he and other ADs are not happy with WCHA leadership. Now maybe I misheard this, because it was kinda slipped in while talking about the future of the conference.
  21. I believe it was about 58,000. At least I read that somewhere. I'm curious as to how that stacks up with other years. Edit: looks like last few years were over 80k and in 70s prior to that. So definitely down, but I think the 2 Thursday games hurt as well.
  22. Not to mention that West has two regional-ish teams (though CC won't travel) and BC finally has to hop a plane to play a game.
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