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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I can't even remember if I've posted this on the board or not... Ovechkin apparently bought out Gerrell's on some hockey items like sock tape. I guess he also purchased quite a few sticks. I wonder if it was all for him, or for the team. He also wanted to get his teeth bleached when visiting the dentist for a mouthguard. Has he signed his NHL contract?
  2. The USA-Russia game: WOW! I have never seen a snap shot like Ovechkin has. I don't see how any goalie could react in time to his shot. Montoya never reacted to any of the Russian shots that were goals. I really can't blame him either except maybe for the penalty shot goal. By the end of the game he seemed to be squaring to the shooter better and didn't need to react much due to great positioning. I was expecting a Russian blow out, and it amazed me how easily Russia let us gain the zone in the first period. They did a better job in the neutral zone by the third. Our drop passes and changing lanes really had the D confused in the first. Our D played pretty well against a much faster O. When you see Russia again watch when they cross the blue line. The puck carrier will kind of coast in, pass and then pick up the speed and dart towards the net. I really only saw one player get past our D on this move. The other times we did a good job of covering him. Suter got flat out schooled by Ovechkin on his goal. He also tried carrying the puck up a few times and ended up giving Russsia a rush. Two extra players on the bench. So eight D-man. No real reason to play Lee. Stupid reverse angle camera in the upperdeck was a pain. A lot of fun. If only the NHL could play like these kids. Or play at all.
  3. The worst part about the hotels is that it is making GF out to be a bunch of money grubbing turds. The Heraldo said today or yesterday that hotels at this time last year were only like 60 % full. I think filling to capacity would be plenty of extra profit. I heard that the guy that bought the Plainsmen dump and some other dumpy motel was charging $180 a night. I guess he was hoping to pay off his crap holes.
  4. I let the Wookie know that you had a crush on him. When I flew in, I got bumped from my first flight from MSP to GFK. Too many US players flying in. The next flight had the rest of the US team and Canisus. So I found Durno and told him to look for you. Also interesting that they didn't dress up to fly in. In fact the coach was wearing shorts and a T-shirt! Nice guys though.
  5. I think the bars should blame the hotels. They've jacked their prices so high that they can't even sell out. Just talked to a travel agent today who speaks with many Canadians and they have been saying it's too expensive to come down and stay. Most hotel bookings are actually regional people.
  6. USA has some bugs to work out. In the first period there was a shift where they only had three guys on the ice. Later, their penalty had ended and they still only had four guys on the ice. USA's first goal was a great thinking play on the drop pass to Suter, but the puck bounced off a leg or skate and went right too him. The forecheck by USA was very good. They were sending in two players. I'm not sure how well that will work against a team like Russia. Though the Sioux seemed to handle it all right. No major turnovers, it just took a little longer to get out of the zone. UND was cycling the puck very well and got many passes through to the middle cutter. It just always seemed like we couldn't quite get a perfect shot off. USA needs to work on the defense in their zone. The skill on USA is very good. Some of the stick handling moves were amazing. It should be a fun tourney.
  7. Would it ever be possible for football to NOT be a part of the NCAA? I'm thinking of the BCS schools here. But could this also be a way around Title IX?
  8. Is Mid-Con the same conference that people have been saying that SDSU would be looking at? My question for NDSU is this: What if you get in a different conference and the BSC wants to expand again in 5-10 years? Do you go for the BSC again? I think you're right that NDSU has other options, but they tried all out to get in the BSC and I think that might make other conferences a little nervous about adding NDSU.
  9. That Altitude sports channel seems a little different. I don't think I have it all the time on DirecTV, but every once in a while I get some minor league hockey. That normally comes out of Utah. I'm guessing it's due to the NHL lockout.
  10. 7 pm being prime time dinner hour? In the midwest? Come on, it's 6 on the dot. West coast dinner time is like 8. Never if your parents work in LA, because you don't see them.
  11. Correct. He was here for two years however. His first year he sat out due to some classes that UND wouldn't accept as transfers.
  12. I only saw the second half, but what a hard hitting game. Guys were getting crushed. Gotta admit that I was cheering for VSU. The arrogance of the PSU fans turned me off on ever cheering for them. UND proved PSU's defense wasn't that great, and VSU proved that their offense couldn't play catch up. So much for the greatest team in the history of football.
  13. Smoggy

    Division I

    What special things did NDSU do to raise money. More donations, beg the students for more fees, and what else? I would think UND would do the same. We don't need the Carr report. We have yours. Seriously, though, Dakotaboy is right on track about facilities. The one main advantage that UND has over NDSU is in facilities. How much are you guys talking to renovate various buildings? I think that far outweighs the cost of bringing women's hockey up to fully funded (I think it is on like a five year plan). Are your DI sports fully funded yet? Basically, we'll end up with the same costs (more or less) for upgrading the main sports. Oh and conference talk is quite interesting. Finances really aren't, and most of us don't know the finances behind things. Like how the REA makes so much money, but UND doesn't seem to get it.
  14. Here's a few articles from ESPN on the WJC: tourney article on U.S. Sandelin interview
  15. You need to read his article every week then. Bakken articles are half-serious and he mainly tries to just tell jokes throughout. I believe he also had one about the how UND and the state of ND should give in to every NDSU whim. I believe it was last week. I'll see if I can find it. Here it is, newer than I thought. Bakken article I think this one is actually the most serious I've read from him in a while. Though I rarely read his articles.
  16. You're right. There were some Gophers fans there, but you must not have been by me, because the Gopher fans around us were cheering for Ferris.
  17. Unless something has changed, we wouldn't have a huge contingent of Sioux fans. The last time UND was there along with the Gophers, very few Sioux fans were able to go. The problem was that the tickets were sold as all day passes/packages. So the Gopher fans gobbled up most of the tickets and then never showed up to the afternoon Sioux game. At the same time, few people were out scalping, and most Sioux fans could only get what UND was allotted. The demand by Sioux fans was there, but no supply.
  18. Earl seems to have the talent, but their must be something we are missing. We know he was quite cocky about last year. We also see him do a lot of provoking and diving on the ice. I'm sure Sandelin talked to people about him. So my biggest question is... Is he a me guy or team guy? I don't see UW a lot and we don't hear much about their team politics/turmoil if there is any.
  19. Smoggy

    Playing to win

    They got all the momentum anyways, because they scored on the drive following the punt if I'm not mistaken. Plus, their D got a stop when we were moving it quite easily on them.
  20. This was more of the point I was trying to make. I just don't think it looks good that a school is searching for an AD while trying to jump to DI. Makes it seem like their are problems.
  21. I think if UND were to go, UNO would also look at going. Lots of speculation, but I guess that's what message boards are for.
  22. Personally, IF we go DI, I don't like the idea of also having to find an AD.
  23. Smoggy


    How much fun would it be to see Boise St. put the hurt on these so-called bigger better teams in the BCS conferences?
  24. I still would not want to face UMD in the first round of the WCHA playoffs. They are struggling mightily, but they seem to be in every game and are still dangerous. I can't wait for next weekends' games, but I won't be able to listen.
  25. Smoggy

    UND @ CC

    I'm kind of looking for something within walking distance. I won't have a vehicle if I fly.
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