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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. I'm just happy that Larry King is posting on this board.
  2. I got to watch Roche play a little last night. DirecTV has been showing some minor league games. Anyways, Roche did one of his classic end to end rushes and the announcers were saying how surprised they were that Minnesota let him go. They also said how much better he seems to be doing out of the system now that he's allowed to use his offensive abilities.
  3. I'd like the WCHA go to like a rankings-schedule. The top five teams from the previous years rankings have to play 4 times. Bottom five vs. each other 4 times. The top 5 only plays the bottom 5 twice each. Using the Sioux as an example, that would give them 16 games against top teams and 10 games against the bottom. This is two games short, so the extra two games come form the #1 vs. #10 again, 2 vs. 9 and so on down. While this method would even out the WCHA (not like it needs it) by letting some bottom teams gain some victories, it would probably hurt the WCHA's teams rankings since the top teams wouldn't get the extra padding games from bottom feeders. The tough part would be who gets home and away against the bottom.
  4. I don't think Brandt was given a fair shot. Plus, we were playing Tech this weekend. Best chance for Brandt to play and in comes Parise again. Now you are talking about not playing Brandt for like 2 months. For a goalie that has done quite well for us, it just seems like he's being thrown away. Yes Lammy has established the #1, but I like the experience of Brandt and I don't think he's been given a shot at #2.
  5. Smoggy

    Nick Mertens

    Hopefully Nick goes to UND. The engineering shouldn't matter, because UND does have an accredited engineering program. What's the deal with the East Side reciever? Is UND recruiting him? I've seen it mentioned a few times that they'd like to play together again one day. Admirable, but you gotta do what's best for you.
  6. I think they pass more now, but I'm guessing it's the same offense. Kicker31098, what can you tell us?
  7. I realize that this is a different Pitt St. team, but it's the same QB. How many picks did he throw last year? I'm sure he's better, but he does have a demon to exorcise. Seriously, though, I expect Pitt St. to score. However, I also expect some interceptions from us. Pitt St. used to be primarily running and it seems they pass more now. Our defense is geared to stop the run, but our secondary has been doing way better this year. Does anyone have comparable #'s on interceptions by our D in 2001 and 2003? Our O will be the key. We need to be consistent. We can't be taking 3 and outs. We also need to hit a big play or two.
  8. OK, I didn't post this earlier, because it's kind of a heresay. My mom talked to some friends of Brandt. Or more likely friends of the family. Apparently Brandt has told them not to expect him to play to much this year and he said this a while ago. Read into it what you want. I've always thought that maybe something was going on between him and the coaching staff. But I don't see practice and have no idea about his relationship with the staff, so it just seems to me like he isn't being given a fair chance. I thought for sure he would have played a game this past weekend.
  9. I totally agree that Phil is #1, but I still feel the senior needs be given another game or two.
  10. I didn't see the game, but if memory serves correct, Brandt replaced Parise. Never an easy task for a goaltender, and normally it fires up the team a little. I think in that game it was obvious that the team didn't start playing any better.
  11. Smoggy

    Scary stuff

    Come on now. You had to expect this by starting a thread about the Gophers.
  12. It'd make more sense at the 215 instead of 213.
  13. I don't remember which section the band is in, but if it's 212 they are now cut off from the students by the GVSU fans.
  14. So where does our band go, because I believe they sit in either 213 or 212? I just hope they don't use the band as a buffer between the students and visiting fans like at the Ralph.
  15. At least it won't be too hard to find since we already have it listed on the FB forum.
  16. Smoggy

    Greene giant

    Did I miss something? I thought refs couldn't talk to the media.
  17. I have noticed more articles now that they are in the WWCHA.
  18. While it seems the NCAA still decides who gets the game, the last few years have gone strictly by seading.
  19. I hope you mean what you paid as being reasonable. How many season tickets (if they are) was each student able to get? I'm hoping you're also selling for your friends.
  20. I wonder how long the NCAA will lose money by having the higher sead host before they start awarding games based on $$$$$.
  21. Maybe it's a vast conspiracy on UND's part to get all of us that moved away to come back to the GF area.
  22. What if both regions sent the same sead? Is it always NW vs. SW?
  23. Woog just made the same comment on about the Gophers giving some cross checks and how they aren't being called.
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