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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Didn't Hardwick have a pretty bad injury last year? That could be one reason.
  2. What just happened? Are you guys just chatting with each other between your rooms, but were too lazy to actually open your mouths?
  3. What you are describing is not a forecheck. Forechecking is what we do in our offensive zone when the defense has the puck. I'm sure you just meant our offensive style.
  4. When you have replay, I find it very sad that the ref won't give it a look.
  5. I see that Minny is giving Johnson the goaltending duties tonight. It's delayed on TV. Anyone know the current score? UW beat UAA 3-2.
  6. Their is no reason for Greene to cross check. He is big enough that he should be able to just "body" the guy away from the front of the net.
  7. So how was the atmosphere/attendance at the Ralph compared to the Betty?
  8. I listened to part of that game. I guess something like 20 busses made the trek. Not sure who paid. I believe I read on one of the .com's weekly reports that this "away" game for the Gophers might have to be looked at by the league and changed in the future. Though it doesn't sound like any coach is openly complaining. FSN said that Lucia hadn't recieved any calls from any coaches about the game. Though if I was a coach and going to complain, I'd be calling Mankato. Could SCSU be next? What I think is a good idea is an SCSU-MSU-M tilt at the X. Though I don't think they'd fill the arena.
  9. No, the Mankato goalies are making Minny look good in this game. Irmen scored a goal just by throwing it at the net without looking and it went between the goalies legs.
  10. Actually, the Mankato goaltending is what has been pathetic.
  11. Sorry about that. 3-1. Wait. 4-1 on a bit of a weak one. Though it may have been tipped.
  12. Tough to listen to this feed. I have a lot of background noise and buzzing.
  13. Minny up 3-1. All very weak goals. Didn't see the MSU goalies last week, but they are awful tonight.
  14. Minnesota has been really buzzing Makato, then Mankato outlets, the D man falls and it's a break away goal for MSU-M. 1-1 with 12 left in the first. Quite noisy for both teams.
  15. Do you have music? Mine found that it was 96.1, but then said a network error may have occurred and that the server may not be available. It is still before pregame.
  16. But if MSU-M gets the money, aren't the Gophs fans doing them a favor? Anyone know what kind of cut MSU-M is getting for this game?
  17. Hopefully the Sioux radio feed works. I'm so sick of listening to the other teams announcers.
  18. Anybody know what the deal is on a few of those players that haven't committed? Are they looking at MJ's, just unsure, or not even recruited?
  19. Minny on first try. ND was tough. The farming question had thrown me off.
  20. True it's against weaker PK's, but it's still a good sign. I don't believe we scored on the PP too much in Mankato this year. EDIT: We were 2 for 11 @ Mankato this year. 3 for 8 last year.
  21. He made it again this past weekend against CC. I think it was on Sunday's game.
  22. Why not buzz Brigg's? He takes major offense to it as you could see him constantly high sticking the Tiger's players. I still can't believe he didn't recieve a penalty. It might have made him concentrate on the CC players too much instead of the puck and CC ended up winning. If Parise is in the net, then we have problems. If it's Lammy, I think he tends to remain a bit calmer through all of it. I sure hope our forwards buzz the CC goaltenders all weekend.
  23. Didn't I read in the Herald today that the PP the last four games is clicking at 37%. That's a plus. Let's see if they can keep that stat closer to 30% than 20% for the rest of the season.
  24. That was waaaaaay back into my youth. I think that was closed as the cheap theater in the early '90s. Then the cheapies moved to the current WDAZ venue and then to the Plaza Twin. The Twin was the last. Though wasn't there a theater in the building complex where the Down UNDer is? Not sure on the name of the complex. That might have been a cheapo at one time.
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