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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Green's punishment is fine. Keep in mind that he will also be punished by the judicial system. I personally thought that Green should step down as captain, but not be stripped. As for Rylan, he needs to hang up the pads for the year. Keep skating, but no punishment. Hopefully the summer will clear the fog for next year. No point in thinking you're OK and then getting bumped again and be in even worse shape.
  2. Smoggy

    Super Bowl

    After having to listen to two weeks of crap leading up to this game, by the time it comes I've normally decided to boycott it. The commercials are the only thing worth watching anyways. Pro ball is just too sssssslllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww. I read a study/stat about there only being 7 minutes of action in the game. I haven't made it through an entire game to test the stat.
  3. Hopefully he can get to a place to play. The odd thing was that his contract was gauranteed for the season just a few days ago.
  4. This is so ridiculous. GF and Fargo are more alike than different. So Fargo has more people. Big whoop. I guess then they better have more hospitals, hotels, and restaurants. West Acres. Whoop dee doo. Is there a big tourist attraction in either city? Is their truly anything to go to besides bars and college sports? This is the biggest difference between a city and a BIG city. I live in the desert just outside of LA (mountains cut us off). My city of Palmdale has about 125 - 150k. Lancaster (which is right next to us) has over 150k. We are not a big city. Just a bunch of homes sprawled across the desert. Oh wait, we have THREE malls. That must make us better. Oh and more hospitals. I'd hate to only have one to serve 300k. But wait! I need to also factor in any towns/homes touching our city. So now we stretch across the desert and consume Victorville and Barstow. So now we're over 500k. It doesn't make us a big city. It doesn't make us better. It doesn't mean crap. Some of you need to get out of Fargo and see some real BIG cities. I really love where I come from (EGF), but was forced out job wise as well. We all know that teachers make soooo much. I hope to go back one day to raise a family in a city where my kids have a chance to play sports. Where I don't have to worry about them playing in the neighborhood. Where I don't have to walk through metal detectors just to get into school. Where I can go somewhere and not have it take a half hour of driving. I can always go to the Twin Citites for my cultural/tourist attractions on a weekend.
  5. I can't figure out if you're trying to argue against me or for me. You even say there is collusion going on, which is the same thing I was pointing out. My statement was just that some stations are almost forced to follow along. I can't think of the name for the life of me. Luigi's maybe. Anyways, when that station opened by the old GFG in EGF, they set their prices way below every other station in town. In talking to the owners, they said that the other stations were harrassing them to raise their prices because it was good for everyone (meaning owners). GF is as bad as OPEC in controlling prices. There is no such thing as competition. When I'm home, I only buy from the small time locally owned stores.
  6. Why was the ice taken out? Wasn't it switched out before the Mankato series? And why wait so long to put it back?
  7. You're right that it is mainly for the students. I'm guessing it'll be designated a special lot and the tag will cost more. Behind Tabula would be better, but the ramp wouldn't be able to be as big IMO. All my classes were on the east end of campus. You'd have to drive around for 10-15 minutes just to find a closer spot. If you didn't, you walked all the way from the old REA. No buildings to enter on the way eaither. BTW, where the ramp might go is closer to the Union than the Tabula lot is. Not to mention that the Union is considered the hub/center of campus.
  8. Blame Simonson and the owner of the Holidays (can't remember the name). Anytime a gas station lowers its price, they constantly call and harrass that station until they raise the price.
  9. PCM, I can't believe that you would shamelessly plug someone else's article. Bad reporter.
  10. If you have a dish with a sports pack, you normally get a couple AHL games a week.
  11. The U.S. is the key. I believe they might have some problems when it comes to Canada.
  12. Exactly. We haven't proven that we can consistently win.
  13. Since Chara is 6' 9", he gets to use a longer than allowed stick. Does Scott get to use a longer than allowed stick? Or doesn't the NCAA limit stick size?
  14. Wow. Why was he in Warroad?
  15. Smoggy

    Don Adam

    I guess he didn't talk to anyone. My bad. Thanks for finding that.
  16. Lucia won't stray too far from Briggs. His confidence has to be going right down the ole crapper. Johnson has played well, but he's only played three games this year. How long can he keep it up?
  17. No matter what happens in the regular season, I think this will again be a year of upsets in getting to the Final Five.
  18. Smoggy

    Don Adam

    I can't find the stupid article now, but... Adam Wooden of CSTV had a chat earlier this week. Somebody asked about officiating and he said in talking to hockey minds from around the country, the WCHA has basically decided to not follow the NCAA directive
  19. Gophers swept back-to-back at home for the first time since 1977.
  20. First sweep at Minnesota in 34 years.
  21. What was even funnier was that a third Gopher came in to help the other two.
  22. After getting to watch Tech play Denver and win, they just seem to be a different team. The win didn't surprise me at all, expecially the way Briggs played against CC and MSU-M. I wonder if Johnson will get another start?
  23. The really old school shooting from center ice for cars, trucks, and four wheelers.
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