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Everything posted by iluvdebbies

  1. Do you call a Press conference to announce you've fired the Offensive Coordinator and the Special teams Coach? Or is this about Bubba?
  2. Well the Ralph is falling down.....haven't you heard?
  3. Most schools, if they have end seating,have the student section at the end the opposing team shoots twice.
  4. Somebody at the NCHC has a sense of humor. Read the comments.
  5. Good lord. You've posted a lot of stupid !@#$ on here before, but that has to be the dumbest post I have ever read.
  6. On the shoulders and the front. Is that enough? Maybe we could put a fourth on the back.
  7. Way too positive....try being more like DVD.
  8. Has a lot to do with how well the team they are playing against is playing.
  9. Never heard of the back ref blowing the whistle for the goalie covering the puck.
  10. If he blew the whistle.....why did he signal a goal?
  11. But you've been season ticket holder for a long time though, right?
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