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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. You must not be paying attention because the Summit is going to come to UND begging in about a month. Seven teams in a basketball conference doesn't work too well.
  2. Because he is still mad about what people did to poor NDSU back in 2003.
  3. What? I thought UND was going to get him.
  4. You like to take the bait don't you? I think you swallowed the hook too on this one. Three full paragraphs? I am glad your true colors have finally come out. Be consistent.
  5. How fitting that the Canucks season ends on a blatant flop attempt that leads to an easy 2 on 1 break.
  6. There are more ways to "pay" for a decision than financial ones. From everything I heard about it, USD has athletic training-doctor issues that were brought about by having poor vision when signing the contract. Sanford did not provide the support they were supposed to and they did not allow any competitors to help out. UND knew of this and tried to take care of it in the negotiations but it must not have worked out. There were probably other issues, don't know.
  7. Sanford is going to want something in return so get ready. There is a reason why UND turned down 10 million dollars. USD took the money and paid for it. SDSU is going to realize it also.
  8. It also sounds like he/she has concrete examples and know what they are talking about. Anyone who has watched UND play the past few years can identify with some of the examples they stated. There are major chemistry and ball hog issues on this team and nobody can deny that.
  9. I am out of the loop: where did Ben Blood go play now that the season is over?
  10. Sometime before Christmas the NCAA was on campus going through the study process with UND. It is a fairly lengthy process, as in days, not hours. I am sure the NCAA doesn't send out all responses to all colleges on the exact same day.
  11. On a positive note, spring football starts tomorrow as they head in to the Big Sky conference. The spring game cook-off is going to be fun again.
  12. Lets be honest. When the brackets came out most of us should have known we were in trouble with Minnesota in our side. It took a miracle to beat them the week before and they obviously came back strong off that loss by handling BU easily. They were the one team that I did NOT want to be in the same bracket as because of how last week's game went down. But, that is how it shook out and the Gophers didn't mess it up this time. They were hands down the better team today.
  13. What's thrown out on BV is not always reality, believe it or not. Do you really think the NCAA is going to let UND know in JULY that they are not a D1 member because of a stupid lawsuit/referendum from a reservation that has nothing to do with UND? The football season starts in August.
  14. The nickname has nothing to do with becoming a D1 member. Good to know you are paying that close of attention, though.
  15. "when we play our game we strongly believe NOBODY can compete with us" (coming from the 4 seed in a 4 team bracket). Really? Nobody can compete with Western Michigan hockey when they are playing good? I guess I find that cocky and preposterous but whatever.
  16. http://www.mlive.com/broncos/index.ssf/2012/03/wmu_hockey_captain_ian_slater_1.html These guys are pretty cocky for having never won a damn thing in their programs history.
  17. Minor story: I was in Vegas about 4 months ago and the TSA Agent noticed the logo on my shirt and asked me if we figured that "name thing" out yet. Then he used a couple explitives about how dumb it was.
  18. So for 2 days while the Bison were in town to play a football game you saw Bison gear. Great example. In a related story: I was in Fresno early last fall and saw a bunch of Sioux gear.
  19. No better way to show the committee how wrong they were than to go out and get rolled in the first round of the NIT, at home.
  20. Down by 4 with 20 secs left, they have Huff shoot a 3? The guy who shoots 19%.
  21. Oral Roberts had zero chance of getting in the tournament. I don't know where they come up with this stuff, complete lunacy. If Drexel and Mississippi State weren't getting in, neither was Oral Boberts.Also, Oral is a #4 seed in the NIT tourney. That tells me there was 12 teams rated higher than them in the NIT.
  22. Your forums followers made a huge deal out of those 'window dressing' numbers back about 5 years ago when NDSU finally passed UND after 120 years (we are the flagship now, we are the largest in state). Now that it is back to normal you are discounting the way they are calculated?
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