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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. I don't think your attempt at smack worked, not the same comparison whatsoever, on any planet.
  2. Glad that they suspended players for this. Got out in front and took care of it like a responsible AD does. This looks bad for the program and suspensions are the only answer.
  3. Nice way to dance around it by pigeon holing it to only Patty V. Weak. Of course she isn't going to say it, she never says anything. Several media members, including your own, and SIU coach Dale Lennon have said it. That is multiple people who work in the league and are the media for the league that are trying to put it out there for people to believe. http://m.thesouthern.com/sports/college/football/dawgs-to-be-tested-in-sec-of-division-i-aa/article_33f494dc-014a-11e2-803b-0019bb2963f4.html
  4. The other comment I love is how the MVFC calls themselves the "SEC of FCS"... By all the National Championships you have won in a row? I believe the SEC won 6 in a row and is completely dominant, MVFC has 2 in the past 12 years, with one of the teams not even in the league anymore. By how dominating they all are in the playoffs? We saw how that has gone. If anything the CAA can call themselves the SEC if they really want to, based on NC's and playoff participants. But they don't because it sounds so incredibly lame.
  5. Did you read what I wrote? I simply said that neither UND or NDSU or ANYONE in the country should be ranked if they are 1-3. This has nothing to do with UND but Yes, I agree 100% that UND would be 1-3. And UNRANKED. Everyone on here is stating that UNI should not be given praise for LOSING. Maybe after 1 loss but now they have lost 3 times. Their own fans are saying they should not be ranked, but of course expert Bison fans think they should.
  6. And we would be saying that neither of them should be ranked because they are 1-3. Don't understand why Bison fans keep trying to give them credit for LOSING. Three times.
  7. Sounds like 3 moral victories to me. Between here and AGS there are alot of explanations that equate exactly to the definition of a moral victory. Good job UNI - you lost just like you were supposed to, lets keep you in the Top 10! (even though your season is done).
  8. Sure those are not last weeks? They update the records first and then update the poll, sometimes.
  9. However, to offset the sting of putting UND in there he puts NSDU, YSU, and ISU 1-2-4 in the country.
  10. UNI is a really good program but like you said they are not any better than they were last year. Another minor point is how bad Wisconsin and Iowa have turned out to be - they are still major BCS programs but are down compared to past seasons.
  11. I know how you guys love to break down records for what they really are: UNI is 1-3 with no FCS wins and 3 moral victories. Indiana State is 2-2 with a D2 win and a non-schollie win - they really look "up". Youngstown, NDSU and ISU-R all look good. The rest are all "muddled up" in the middle of the pack with Western Illinois, Missouri State and USD being doormats. How is that any different from the Big Sky?
  12. So when the MVFC teams beat each other up throughout the year it is because of their unbelievable depth and quality of the teams. When the middle of the pack Big Sky teams get better and beat the top dogs, then the whole conference is mediorcre. Got it. Glad to see you are still neutral and a fan of both NDSU and UND.
  13. Faison already said he would accept it and they were working out details. Now Kolpack, who is GT's mouthpiece, has come out and said they are never playing again....ever. Or until 2075. Figure it out for yourself who is stonewalling it. The game isn't happening until Gene Taylor leaves, that is pretty obvious. Look what happened with the Womens Basketball game. As soon as Roebuck left the rivalry resumed immediately.
  14. Compared to most teams, they remained unbelievably healthy. As far as the schedule thing, I am done with it. The argument can go round and round forever if we include enough years. I will leave it alone.
  15. I don't even know how to respond to this. Look at the OOC teams again for NDSU the past couple years and come back. EDIT: I was referring to your OOC schedules for the last two years. The first two years are similar. They have obviously gotten much worse as you showed above.
  16. Its our first year out of the transition and they scheduled SD Mines, Portland State and San Diego State. Next year, Valparaiso, South Dakota State, and Montana.
  17. No need for smilies. GT has come out and said they only schedule teams they think they can beat. Hence the FBS teams with losing records every year. There is nothing to argue, he flat out said it.
  18. At the Bison Media Blog Kolpack tells of a heart-warming story of the great work Bison players do in the community. You have got to be kidding me. He has no shame. When the Bison football team is down in the court of public opinion, he immediately comes back with a community service article to tell how great they all are. Loser. He throws this in there at the end, completely unfounded: "I’m sure there are other Bison players doing the same type of community service".
  19. So why didn't GT just suspend them against the worst team in the FCS? Or is that this week? So many cupcakes I can't keep them straight.
  20. Let me translate: "Gene has told me, off the record, that this game is never going to get scheduled. That is, as long as Gene and Craig are working at NDSU." Kolpack is a mouthpiece for the NDSU propaganda machine. Everyone should realize that he was using an editorial piece to tell you that the game will never, ever be scheduled if GT is still there. Why would he say its dead FOREVER, what if a new AD comes in next year?
  21. What about Beck only getting a "handle it internally" for his SECOND minor in possession? Plus, Bohl knew he ran from the cops and was charged with it but his lawyer got him out of it. What happened after the first minor? Told him good job?
  22. Here is the thing about Rocky: the guy was a Class A dink but he won. He won games at NDSU when they were giving out more schollies than most teams and had the veer that could not be stopped. Give him credit for the championships he won. When things evened out with schollies he didn't do a thing. There are alot of coaches who could have won NC's with those 1980's Bison teams - alot! Look no further than his post-NDSU coaching career. Don't mean to turn this into rip session but he was not the nicest/most respected guy in the world - but he won. On the flip side, Roger was a hell of a nice guy who dug UND out of the gutter to bring them to the top of the NCC - but could not win a NC. Horse a piece I guess.
  23. Nope, just suspended for a game, which is what is happening. Most schools across the country take care of issues themselves. Others...I mean another decide its more convenient to go to court.
  24. I think she is going to Devils Lake Region initially.
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