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Everything posted by petey23

  1. One name that came up after the name had been decided and would have been a unique name would have been the Peregrines. Technically the Peregrine is a Falcon and not a Hawk but in North America it is also known as the Duck Hawk. I would like to see a logo based on the power and speed and hunting abilities of this perfect predator. It is the fastest creature in the Animal Kingdom with speeds of up to 240 mph.
  2. Other than they both seem to have financial problems.
  3. Key word. Cheaper instead of less expensive. You are seriously understating the UND fans in Fargo. There are NDSU fans and grads who are UND hockey fans. There are people who didn't attend either school who are fans of both programs when they are winning. The alumni base for UND is probably very close in size to the NDSU alumni base in Fargo and yeah you might see a UND grad at an NDSU tailgate or game, or a UND alum business owner catering to the NDSU student but sometimes that is the cost of doing business. There are very few UND grads in Fargo who are actual Bison sports fans....and those that are should be disowned.
  4. And you have identified the problem we will continue to have. Scheel's is in the business to make money. They buy merchandise with the Fighting Hawks logo on it and it ends up on the clearance rack. When it is time to order again, they will order less UND merchandise and also ask for designs that do not have the logo on it.(i.e., just text like "University of North Dakota" or "Fighting Hawks" or sport specific like "North Dakota Basketball" or "Fighting Hawks Football") I am not saying get rid of the name, that would be foolish at this point...but we seriously need to hit the reset button on the logo. Prior to NDSU going D1 and refreshing their logo, UND apparel and NDSU apparel used to run neck and neck in the Fargo Scheels store with UND even outselling NDSU some years. 2 things, this was prior to NDSU going D1 and this is directly from the person who used to be the collegiate license buyer for Scheels corporate.
  5. Not every other school in America was forced to give up their iconic logo and then voluntarily chose to get rid of their next best option on their own.
  6. You put your best foot forward or in this case front and center.
  7. Yeah. I didn't want to be the first to chime in, but unless it is just a bad angle, the middle of the floor looks like someone threw up.
  8. I am going with what we have. I agree the interlocking UND logo would be preferable. The North Dakota at mid-court might be a little large, but that brings us back around to the fact we have a terrible logo which would look even worse blown up to that size.
  9. I am not saying that REA shouldn't work with UND on what logos go where............but this might be a case of saving UND from themselves. If someone with photo shop skills wants to mock up a version with the Logo in the middle please go ahead. One possible addition would be having the "Fighting Hawks" and Logo on the sidelines and then renaming the end with the student section as either "The Cast" or preferably "The Kettle" but maybe instead of that, signage could be added behind the student section. This is a great look and if you told me we were refinishing the floor, this is what I imagine it should look like. This is a nice clean classic look. The name is prominent and truth be told if UND wants to sell merchandise and promote the brand it has to be more "Fighting Hawks", "Hawks", "UND", and "North Dakota" and due to our unfortunate decision making, far less logo. REA might be doing us a favor as far as optics go. Wouldn't be the first time a private enterprise knew better than a government entity.
  10. Great. Now you go and point out yet another terrible decision that was made in this whole process.
  11. Well he is technically an employee of Forum Communications which also owns the Herald.
  12. rule #243--it is always easier to find another job while you have a job to leave.
  13. I would be a combo plate. Unfortunate that we lost one of the most iconic names and logos in college sports due to forces beyond control and the unfortunate PC mindset. I can live with the name even though we could have done better. The logo? Nope, it is aweful. Other schools have touched up or tweaked their logos over the years without changing their name. We should move that timeframe up.
  14. It would be a better look if they used a scripted Hawks or Fighting Hawks at center court or center ice instead of the logo. The new wordmark text is a cool look. Both would be infinitely better than the Hawk logo which should be used in small versions at most. i.e. left chest or back tag size on a shirt or sweatshirt but never in a full front decoration. On Uniforms it could be on the shoulder or sleeve but would look terrible adorning the front of a jersey, again the name Hawks itself would be preferable to that.
  15. The text and new script are the only salvageable part of the new logo and should be highlighted.
  16. https://goo.gl/images/mJDaFF
  17. Can't remember what we paid, but if it was over 2-3 hours at $40/hour we got taken.
  18. Petey is definitely not good at art, but does work with people who are.
  19. Correct. 2 different sentences. My opinion happens to agree with the objective opinions of the vast majority regarding our unfortunate logo.
  20. Yep. I am the only person who thinks are logo is garbage. You win.
  21. I am financially invested and therefore that makes me emotionally invested as well. I stand by my opinion. The logo is trash by any objective standard. The name is a name. Not terrible, not good, just a name. Which was the point of my post...if they hadn't handled the process like a junior high summer marketing project we wouldn't have ended up with a terrible logo and we might have even stumbled our way upon an original name.....or had the common sense to remain just North Dakota until something came along organically.
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