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Everything posted by petey23

  1. Well. I am not a fan, but for starters, their logo doesn't suck.
  2. Simply put. It is a terrible logo. Out of this whole logo mess why not accentuate the little bit they got right in the wordmark and font.
  3. Had lunch at Potbelly in Fargo today. Ended up sitting at a table next to 4 girls all 19-22(guessing), all wearing UND garb head to toe(shirts, sweatshirts, shorts, sweats). One girl had on a long sleeve tee shirt that had North Dakota Fighting Hawks on it. The other 7 items of apparel either just said UND, University of North Dakota, or North Dakota on them. I talked to them a bit, they all currently attend UND. I made some comment about that being obvious. I asked them why they didn't have anything with the Hawk logo on it and a couple of them scrunched their noses and shook their heads and one said it is an Ugly logo. Couldn't argue with that. Asked about Sioux logo and it they owned any and while a couple said they had some from when they were younger they all considered themselves Fighting Hawks but hated the logo.
  4. Don't know, don't care. It really isn't something I notice more than once. My atmospheric experience hasn't changed in the last 17 years. Just would rather not have an ugly logo that we would hopefully be transitioning away from in the next couple years.
  5. No, no I don't. Have a Hawk deliver the game ball to midfield for the kickoff....and not the one in the outfit.
  6. Wow. The logo is going to improve the atmosphere? Take a lap and then shower up.
  7. For the sake of us generating revenue from licensed sales, hopefully this is the case again.
  8. For that kind of scratch I would hope it was privately funded.
  9. This is your opinion. Guess it depends on how you define "expense"
  10. Sure. Which was hopefully accounted for by the Athletic Department and Administration in looking at the money that would be required when we decided to go Division 1.
  11. The next thing that will happen is people will believe if we cut taxes that tax revenue will decrease.
  12. I am too lazy to go through the financial reports. They have been "doctored" in the past to cover women's hockey expenses and the like so not sure how accurate they are anyway. Keep it simple, yes or no questions. Has UND hockey outspent the money their program has brought to the University? Has football outspent the money their program has brought to the University? Has Men's Basketball outspent the money their program brought to the University? Has Women's Basketball outspent the money their program brought to the University? Has Volleyball outspent the money their program brought to the University? For the record, I have season tickets for hockey, I don't have season tickets for football but have attended about 75-80% of our home games over the last 10-12 years. I don't have season tickets for Men's Basketball but have attended about 20-25% of our home games over the last 8-10 years. I live 75-80 miles away from Grand Forks. Anytime we have a Basketball or Football game the same weekend as hockey I usually end up getting a hotel for the weekend and attend all events if their scheduling allows so save the Hockey only fan bit. I would go to more basketball games but Thursday nights usually don't work for me.
  13. So you are accusing them of taking the money? I don't think anyone has shown that one nickel has left campus.
  14. Ideally they would renegotiate the terms of the deal and have the REA management group continue to operate the building. Not that I don't trust a government entity to manage and operate a building efficiently and make sure the building is kept up to date and doesn't become run down but I don't trust a government entity to manage and operate a building efficiently and make sure the building is kept up to date and doesn't become run down.
  15. Lots of allegations in this thread by posters which have no idea wtf they are talking about.
  16. Usually Bonzers or Tavern U for us although the Crooked Pint is now in the mix as well.
  17. On another note. Whatever happened to David Fennell. It was probably 7-8 years ago when it was rumored he was going to be making a substantial contribution to UND athletics. Former football player and CFL Hall of Famer who has made a fortune in mining.
  18. Privately funded with contributions specifically for that.
  19. So the upgrades didn't come from the REA general fund and did come from private donations. good to know.
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