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Everything posted by petey23

  1. After this mornings hearings in the Senate, Senator Stolen Valor has moved himself to the top of the list. What a pathetic pile of sh!t.
  2. No fan of Lindsay but he has a lot of company on the list of sh!tbags in the Senate. Richard "Da Nang Dick" "Senator Stolen Valor" Blumenthal Cory "Spartacus" Booker Christopher Coons Mitt Romney Richard "Dirty Dick" Durbin Dianne Feinstein Kirsten Gillibrand Mazie "The dumbest elected person in America" Hirono Tim Kaine Mitch "Cocaine" McConnell Robert "Pedo" Menendez Bernie Sanders Chuck Schumer Elizabeth "Fauxcohontas" Warren Sheldon Whitehouse Ron Wyden
  3. You say eliminating, I would say restoring the disenfranchised citizens most sacred right.
  4. I am going to make a semi educated guess and say that 65-70% of the Athletes that will be in Omaha have already had Covid.
  5. Holy sh!t. Haven't you been paying attention? FYP while I was here.
  6. Good. Will shine the light a little bit brighter anyway when the new administration goes back to selling us out to China.
  7. Who is telling people to not wash their hands? What color is the sky in your world?
  8. Honest question for the board. If the U.S. had a President in office besides Trump(Dem or Republican), how far out would the vaccine be at this point? Another year, year and a half?
  9. If we are to believe the media and experts and they have given us no reason not to, one could easily make the point that Trump and his Covid team has save well over a million American lives.
  10. Well the Republicans need to quit nominating bigoted, racist, xenophobic, homophobic candidates who want to starve Children and kill old people.
  11. Still waiting for the answer. Besides the travel ban on China and Europe, which recommendations of the Fauci team should Trump have ignored? Fauci admitted HE was wrong on the travel ban but Trump did everything else they asked, so where else should Trump have disagreed with them and which actions should they have taken that would have been in opposition to Fauci?
  12. Probably would have been a larger margin over Lenz but Hendrickson might have siphoned some more votes.
  13. It is time to put them down like rabid animals.
  14. Scytl Raid ---not sure what to make of this? Of course none of the Democratic Pravda media are reporting on this. ---Scytl is denying the report ---Twitter is not censoring the stories that are out there I guess we will see if anything comes from this. Crazy times to be alive.
  15. Crazy. that is like what the media arm(aka MSM) of the Democratic Party suggested back in 2016.
  16. My brother who lives in the cities and has worked on the edges of Politics for years(part of his job involves lobbying) says this about the Minnesota Governor. "Nice enough guy, he would make a great Assistant Principal at a Middle School."
  17. I had a mild cold and cough for a couple days and in normal times I would not have missed a day of work. Firm believer that Vitamin D can lessen the symptoms and increase recovery time. $20 for a years supply.
  18. WDAY or any ABC affiliate in North Dakota
  19. I would rather be 10-12 feet away from someone with neither of us wearing a mask than sitting across a table from someone with both of us wearing masks.
  20. I think with all the "glitches" these states seemed to have with their voting machines that an audit of a sample of write in ballots should be done. Probably should be standard procedure. One question that is kind of in relation to this. Why is it that whenever a group brings action to try and update and clean up a states voter rolls the democrats fight it tooth and nail? It would seem to make sense to remove people who have moved, died, have an unverifiable address, etc.
  21. Well we have recounts scheduled for Wisconsin and Georgia and irregularities in Michigan and Pennsylvania and both states ignored State law regarding how their elections are to be run so not sure what will happen in those states. I don't think recounts, even hand counts like they are doing in Georgia would turn votes around... I would be fine with an audit of 200-300,000 ballots in those 4 states, Nevada and Arizona...meaning verifying that the ballot was legally submitted in the proper timeframe by a person with the right to vote. If the discrepancies are small after the audit, let's move on....if the discrepancies are large then we move to a hand count and complete audit.
  22. Which policies of Dr. Fauci should Trump have ignored? Fauci himself said Trump followed all their recommendations and the msm told us we must listen to everything Fauci recommended. So if we mishandled the crisis, which policies of Faici's should have been ignored. I know Fauci didn't think the travel ban was necessary but has admitted that it saved thousands if not hundreds of thousands of American lives.
  23. As I said...the media and Dems have been splaining this theory since April/May to try and make it seem normal
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