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Everything posted by petey23

  1. Had a little cold and cough, no fever over the weekend. Felt fine other than a little cold on Monday so decided it would be smart to not go into work on Monday even though we all have separate offices. Found out on Monday my sales manager tested positive and since I was in close contact with him the previous Monday I decided to go get tested. Went to the Saliva testing center in Moorhead. Pretty easy process. They give you a kit, then you need to complete info on your smart phone. Little container with a funnel on top. You spit into until you fill it up to the line. Remove funnel and twist another top onto the container tube until the seal breaks and the blue liquid mixes with your sample. Shake it up for 5-6 seconds and drop it in the bin on your way out. One tip which I had in my mind but instinctively did anyway....while you are completing info on your phone which takes a few minutes try and remember not to swallow. Got email today saying I should know results within 24-72 hours.
  2. It was a mini fossil fuel rally with vehicles with engines running and a/c blasting in the Florida sun....Al Gore would have had a stroke if he was there.
  3. The Susan Rice after the fact Cover Your Ass and Everyone Else's Ass email is a little suspicious though don't you think?
  4. Wow. I think people need to believe in something and apparently you took it a little further and believe anything or even everything. The mainstream media is a scary place for the small minded these days.
  5. Just wanted to put this here with regard to wearing masks. When you go into a business with your mask on it is not necessary for you to pull down your mask everytime you want to talk...as a matter of fact, if you believe in the effectiveness of masks this would be the exact opposite of what would be effective. I would rather you walk around with your mask as a chin diaper and then everytime you want to open your mouth you pull your mask up. Thank you. Rant over.
  6. It is no secret that Obama thinks Biden is an idiot. This isn't the first time this corruption has come up, particularly the Ukraine. Likely part of what Hillary used to keep Biden out of race in 2016.
  7. To be fair, he only took 5 days to prepare for the debate.
  8. He is in a tough spot. He can probably get more done for his district when the Republican's control the house and when the Democrat's control the house he is hopefully in a position to try and limit the damage to his district.
  9. This isn't a blood test so since you are an NDSU grad I will let you know that you do NOT need to study for it. I figured I would pile on as well. Hope you and your wife have no complications.
  10. True. But how many of our team and staff have already had the Rona?
  11. I know they weren't doing that back in June.
  12. This is why we need chips implanted or mandatory cell phone location tracking!
  13. My niece who just turned 16 had softball practice on October 12th at Eagan High School. They were outside in a group of 9 or 10 and none of them were near the coach as they are following the back to the diamonds protocol. On the 13th she gets contacted and told that the Coach that ran the practice has Covid. My brother and niece and nephew were supposed to come to Fargo on the 14th for a couple days which they ended up canceling. She had her drivers test scheduled for the 19th and next available slot open would be December 22nd. She went and got tested on Saturday or Sunday and tested negative. All the girls on the team tested negative as well. She took and passed her drivers test but her and her teammates are not allowed to go back to school until the 27th. How does this make sense to any rational person?
  14. School choice is necessary and the per student allocation of tax money should follow the student.
  15. I am not sure you know what that word means. Smear- 2. damage the reputation of (someone) by FALSE accusations; slander.
  16. I didn't realize that Ward of the State was considered a Government Job?
  17. Might happen in early November...just depends on.
  18. Dear Big Tech and Mainstream Media, "1984" was a fictional book written by George Orwell in 1949. It was not meant then and is not meant now to be used as a User Manual. Thank you.
  19. I am waiting to see how many democrat senators will show some integrity and vote to approve an obviously qualified Justice on the confirmation vote.
  20. Marching orders. Deflect, Dodge, Distract....but be very careful with your wording if you are going to Deny.
  21. Completely untrue. It has been brought up to some extent every 4 years for over 30 years. It isn't new.
  22. What is sad is the debate commission has a variety of news outlets like ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, PBS, NPR, USA Today and others to choose a moderator from and going back to at least 1984, other than the late Tim Russert have been unable to find one who has an ounce of journalistic integrity and the ability to at least feign being unbiased.
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