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Everything posted by petey23

  1. Sioux win 8-4 in game one today.
  2. I also emailed them and informed them that while I can respect a business decision, their lack of class in the matter will push me to avoid doing business with anyone who advertises with them whenever possible.
  3. I do like how he uses it in many different ways though. excitement disappointment disbelief shock etc. pretty funny actually, although I don't think that is his intent
  4. For the record. Scott Miller is unlistenable. my oh my.
  5. Better double that! Way to go Jake!
  6. Club level. cant remember which section, tix are at willcall. we have 6 seats...think section 38?
  7. If anyone has a hotel room near the excel that they no longer need, I would be willing to take it off your hands.
  8. does anyone remember the quotes from 2004 either before or after the 3rd place final 5 game by andy schneider about pulling on a sioux jersey and it was either a gopher player or coach about it being a meaningless game?
  9. Ditto. We play Friday, Saturday, and maybe Sunday. And when it's over, we will have won or lost.
  10. Umm, I was told there would be no math?
  11. It is unforunate that Dan "the common man" Cole hasn't discovered your talants yet, you would have a decent shot of winning this contest as you would likely have 9 or 10 entrants. http://kfan.com/pages/bridgepages/commonbracket/index.html
  12. If it comes to that, I would hope that we would go without a name until something comes along that makes sense and fits the University. Being known as THE University of North Dakota would be fine for as long as it takes(1 to 15 years) for something else to make sense. If there is some lame ass contest or stupid committees formed to come up with a name I will be pissed off and I dont think I will be alone.
  13. Conspiracy is your word. All I said was that it would be interesting to look at the timeframe of the alleged league mandate regarding summit league teams competing against the Sioux .I have complete confidence that whenever the UND discussion came up in meetings and/or emails that President Chapman and AD Gene Taylor as employees of NDUS did everything in their power to promote UND's gaining summit league membership and I'm sure that if the minutes of the meetings and emails were obtained that this would be true. The interesting part is the Sioux name never was mentioned as an issue until after Taylor's fumbling incoherent response to Dan Hammers question of what was stopping NDSU from competing against UND in athletics.
  14. The whole nickname/summit issue didn't really come about until after Gene Taylor fumbled and stammered through a series of lame excuses as to why NDSU wouldn't(or couldn't) schedule the Sioux in sports on Dan Hammer's show a few months back. He got caught lying and to me it seems that Douple then attempted to give him a little cover and it escalated from there. After Taylor was unable to give any legitimate reasons he told Hammer that the league had told their teams not to schedule UND which if true, apparently several teams in the summit other than NDSU had chose to ignore this league "mandate" as several teams from the Summit have played UND in a variety of sports the last couple years. Are the Summit League's meetings and minutes subject to open records laws? It would be interesting to see the timelines of this alleged league directive. I had conversations with Dan Hammer and Jeff Kolpack about this and in my opinion was that if the minutes from any of their league meetings showed that NDSU was not supporting UND's admission to the Summit that severance packages for Chapman and Taylor should be put together immediately as they are in the end employees of the North Dakota University system. As far as I know no one has asked for these records.
  15. NON CONFERENCE STANDINGS WCHA 34-19-4 .629 CCHA 46-26-11 .620 HOCKEY EAST 36-25-3 .586 ECAC 42-44-12 .490 CHA 15-26-4 .378 ATLANTIC 8-42-5 .191
  16. 17 Jason Gregoire--29 Chris VandeVelde--10 Corban Knight 19 Evan Trupp--22 Brad Malone--26 Brett Hextall 8 Mike Cichy--18 David Toews--21 Matt Frattin 13 Brett Bruneteau--9 Mario Lamoureux--27 Carter Rowney 2 Andrew MacWilliam--24 Ben Blood 3 Derrick LaPoint--25 Jake Marto 20 Joe Gleason--4 Corey Fienhage 31 Brad Eidsness 35 Tate Maris Please tell me that Dell is in Chicago with the team.
  17. Toews was number one star in Blackhawks win over the Devils tonight. In on-ice postgame interview he ended it with "I wanna give a shout out to my boys from THE University of North Dakota who are here tonight!
  18. apparently when he wasn't fighting, he was a hell of a dancer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaYLdFE7s9Y
  19. Looks like Coach Hakstol could handle himself pretty well. He was the Captain on that team and for the season had 150 pims in 79 games so not really goon status. Darcy loewen cheapshotted the goalie and Hak did what any teammate and captain would do and took exception. The 2nd tussle he had to step in for a "soft" teammate in Snuggerud(who played a different role and by no means should have tried to get dragged into it with Bezeau who was the stereotypical "goon" and who's greatest accomplishment was once amassing 590 penalty minutes in 74 games one season.
  20. Was at the game. Zajac was named number 2 star of the game, Parise was the number 3 star of the game and Nittimakkii earned the number one star for the Lightning, as if not for him this would have been a 6 or 7 to 1 game and not decided in a shootout.
  21. I remember Garage Logic had a caller call in and tell Joe about how his kid came home from little league and told him that they didn't keep score so everyone won! The father then informed his kid, correctly, that in fact they all lost that day.
  22. Going to see some former Sioux players the next couple of days. Wednedsay night I will be able to watch Finley and Jones play for the South Carolina Stingrays against the Florida Everblades and then on Saturday I will be watching Parise and Zajac withthe Devils against the Lightning with Hale and Smaby assuming they both dress. On another note Bochenski leads TB's AHL team in scoring with 6 goals and 2 assists in 8 games.
  23. Looks like I'll get to see Finley and Zach Jones play against the Everblades on the 28th. Anyone know what Smaby's status with the Lightning is this year? I see he hasn't played a game yet. I assume he is injured? I'll also get to see Zajac and Parise against (hopefully) David Hale and Smaby on the 31st.
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