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Everything posted by Hockeygirl97

  1. Does anyone know what the tailgating rules are for Bridgestone?
  2. Yeah, they really have no proof it reduces symptoms either... think about it, how do you know how severe it "would've" been? It's a hope, not a fact.
  3. Good luck finding a J & J shot in North Dakota. If you find one, let me know.
  4. Still probably have to beat the Bison at home to get the bandwagon Bison fans to come back from the "Dark Side"... but it's nice to see that we're not just the team with the best uniforms anymore...
  5. Approved, and still 20 seats available...
  6. Thanks for the update! Hopefully we'll get them filled. . .
  7. I'd be pretty happy if we weren't down 2-0 a couple minutes into the game . . . gotta get rid of those yips. . .
  8. Sorry...the e-mail is tory@patriothomesnd.com.
  9. I forgot to say, Second flight is leaving about 4 pm Thurs. to getting home around 6 pm Sunday.
  10. Tory Otto of Patriot Homes in Bismarck is working out Charter flights from Bismarck for the Nashville game. It's going to be around $600 including baggage and tax. Direct flight, no getting stuck in Dallas for a day trying to get home. He has the first flight filled, but has 114 of 180 filled of the second flight, so we need some more people to jump on board to get the second flight finalized. I know you're out there, Sioux fans, jump on board!!! He's finalizing flights (one or two) in two days...so get on this list!!!!!!! Just e-mail tory.patriothomesnd.com. and tell him you're on the list.
  11. I am not blaming our defense at all for this loss... they held them to 17 points for most of the game and got us the turnover we needed toward the end...if you can't score 20 in the playoffs, you aren't going to win. Field goals and missed field goals aren't going to cut it.
  12. If you're not being sarcastic... pull your head out and google it.. lord knows Kennedy should have....
  13. It's time for an "overcome all obstacles" kind of season.... let's do this....
  14. If you log in to midco and do the chat feature they are very helpful. They have Thanksgiving hours posted on the website...I think they closed at midnight tonight.
  15. I suppose w/ Deer Season and especially the farming situation, it might be a little light these last two games. . . hopefully if there's a playoff game, things will tick up. Seemed loud enough on TV last weekend.
  16. LOVE this and couldn't agree more!!!!
  17. And we just kicked the last guy from Minot State off campus ....as bad as he was at just being an offensive Coordinator I think we should wait another 20 years before we let another one on....
  18. She seems to be the one that has at least been around South Dakota quite a bit, if not North Dakota.....at least she hasn't hung out too much way out east or west? From what limited info I've seen.
  19. Cuz that's what we need....someone from Berkeley....
  20. Good Lord, man!! Don't jinx it!!
  21. I don't know, but it always seems like they play us tough at the beginning of the year and then go down from there.
  22. I'm super pumped about how well this weekend went for the hockey team. Probably more than I should be, until we see how we do against Mankato and Bemidji, but it'll be a hopeful week anyway.
  23. That's right... the way it's going now, we'll go 0-fer in the Missouri Valley for a few years and then drop football... if you're not going to want to compete with the Bison, why play? Find a coach who's going to get these young kids up for games!!! After last week, how could you not think you got a chance at the playoffs if you win? Our captains must suck too, by the way.
  24. I totally agree w/ EVERYTHING Ogie is saying. . . I told my kids that if the boys don't destroy Canisius this weekend, we're getting season Bismarck Bobcat tickets for the winter instead of staying home to watch the Sioux on TV.
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