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Everything posted by jdub27

  1. Welcome to dealing with the backlash created by the NCAA. Either get over it or get used to it. Its not going away. The only amusing thing about the whole nickname situation might be watching NDSU and other fans continuously getting nailed in the media for the use of so-called racist chants.
  2. #3 (Felt). Heck of a shooter, responded to a couple of our big 3's with one of his own. Also flops around, saw him on the ground 3-4 times without much contact. He did draw a foul on one of them so I guess it worked.
  3. Crowd was good tonight. Bjorklund is a beast when he gets the ball down low, but so was Brekke. Neither could stop the other. Huff played very well within himself on offense despite getting defended very well. Didn't force any shots and made passes where he needed to. Part of the poor shooting on both teams was due to the defense, I think the other part goes to the depth perception issues playing in the Ralph. I was also surprised with the rotation of players Jones used tonight. Don't think some of those guys have played that much tonight but they came off the bench and played well. As other's have stated, neither team played up to their potential, but I won't complain with the outcome at all. Now let's hope the team can finish strong, win the Great West again and play in whatever tournament we are eligible for.
  4. Not sure what the allegedly part is about, that is exactly what it was in response to.
  5. That's garbage. How are they in a no-win situation?
  6. I will agree and think it is a little confusing, but the home schedule hasn't been all that great in terms of teams and timing. Three game of the eight home games have been against Jamestown/Mayville/Valley City, not exactly teams you're going to get a large non-season ticket holder crowd for. Two of the other five home games were Thanksgiving weekend with Montana the night before Thanksgiving and WIU the Saturday after. Both nights that students are gone and alot of people are traveling. The one that confuses me the most is the SDSU game only drawing 1500. Was it because they got blown out so bad the week before? I think a win in front of a large crowd that hasn't been to many games tonight could do alot of attendance going forward.
  7. Here is what I have learned in the process: There is currently a waiting list that requires a $100 deposit that they will hold until you get tickets (or I suppose tell them you want off the waiting list). If you give a donation, you are not guaranteed tickets and you do not get your donation back if you do not receive tickets, but as other have said, you can use your donation to acquire other tickets . Receiving tickets all depends on renewal rates for existing ticket holders and priority points. The more money you give, the more points you get, the better chance you have at tickets, but again, donating money does not guarantee the opportunity to purchase tickets. Josh Morton has been very helpful in answering any questions I have had short of what the minimum donation would be to guarantee tickets, but this is a moving target so it would be tough to say anyway.
  8. I talked with someone higher up in the ticket office at the booster luncheon Friday and he indicated that sales had significantly picked up the prior few days and sales were right around 6,000 and they were expecting to surpass 7,000 and near 8,000 by game time depending on how things went. He also said that they expect a large walk-up crowd, for some reason its common for that in Grand Forks. Take that for what its worth. The lower bowl is now sold out and the best set of 2 tickets in the middle section is 8-10 rows up.
  9. They were outside before the women's game this afternoon with an air horn, blowing it to get attention. I found it off-putting, but to each his own I guess.
  10. Fixed it for you, and even then its quite a bit of a stretch. Big difference between secondary and non-revenue.
  11. Check the twitter/facebook posts of quite a few of your players. A few weeks ago, a Lehigh fan did just that and found more than a handful using the exact word that got the Lehigh player suspended. So there's that...
  12. You're better off avoiding it. Its kind of all over the place. One thing is for sure, he definitely has a chip on his shoulder and wants to prove everyone wrong who has overlooked him. That can work out great, but I don't see him transitioning well if he can't be the starting QB. Doesn't seem all that thrilled that UND was the only one really interested in him. I'm wondering if the coaches aren't putting their neck out a little on this one in terms of looking at talent and hoping that everything else falls into place. At this level, sometimes you need to do that and it can work out very, very well. There's a reason that some very talented kids end up in FCS, too small, not quite strong or fast enough, attitude/work ethic, etc.
  13. The Centurylink Center (formerly Qwest Center) has and upper deck and lower deck. Its the primary home for Creighton basketball, which was the driver for the high capacity. The attendance for the first game was their second largest crowd in the history of their program. The second night, every TV in the place was on the Nebraska/Texas A&M game that was going on in College Station. As you stated, it was no surprise that attendance was done significantly. They used large black curtains to "close-off" sections of the upper deck both nights. They didn't have 5,000+ empty seats that anyone could have just went and sat in Friday night. Saturday night there were more closed off sections Saturday than Friday though and it was more noticeable.
  14. Curious why you think that most would only be able to get tickets for the outdoor game? There were definitely tickets available last year for the Omaha series and they had most of if not all of the upper deck closed off. I believe that it holds just under 17,000 for hockey which is a huge amount.
  15. jdub27


    Are ones that say Flickertails acceptable?
  16. Exactly. He (along with others) is not a fan of the University of North Dakota. He (they) doesn't care what happens to the University as a whole and what keeping the Fighting Sioux nickname could mean for the student-athletes, the athletic department or the Univsersity of North Dakota. He's (They're) a fan of a nickname and logo and are willing to risk the school's ability to continue to move onward and upward in both academics and athletics.
  17. I'm in a group of six going. I've talked to a handful of people going, but I think its going to be a disappointment attendance-wise.
  18. CBS SN is broadcast in both standard and high definition (314 and 635 respectively on Midco in Grand Forks). Regardless, not sure on whether they bring there own cameras in or not.
  19. Getting your information from the anti-nickname folks or Bisonville? Just curious so I know what kind of response you'll come up with next...
  20. Maybe it was somewhat of a dig at our neighbors to the south who seem to have recruiting info in the paper whether its 100% accurate or not. Or at least that's what it seems, particularly lately with the article in the Forum how the RB from Wisconsin had committed (Horne I think?) when in reality, he hadn't. Same with the write-up about Mollberg leaning towards NDSU. Could it be that someone down there leaks this info the paper? Or I could be reading into it all wrong and Mussman is just tight lipped about it and that is it.
  21. You obviously missed the NDSU/Alabama thread over on your home turf...
  22. They did this 2 or 3 years ago and you saw them all over town. I had family and college friends from across the state and region asking me to get them so they could put them in their yards. Felt pretty good pulling up to a friend's house in Fargo with UND signs proudly displayed in the lawn. Laugh about them if you want, but people like things like that. Pretty cheap exposure and it makes fans feel proud to be able to stick something simple in their yard to show their pride.
  23. What could go wrong giving a voice to those that don't really care or even worse, those that would love to see something that is easily ridiculed put in place (i.e. our friends to the south).
  24. As other have said, good job by Faison to replace Central Arkansas so quickly. Both Massey and Sagarin have UCA and PSU ranked very closely, but it will be nice to get a preview of a Big Sky opponent a year earlier than planned. Still would have been nice to get a playoff team from this year at home though. Has anyone heard if its a one game deal with a guarantee for PSU or if we did a home and home deal? My guess would be a guarantee with the money from Central Arkansas but I haven't heard one way or another (might have just missed it). It will be interesting to see if there is any room in the budget to get rid of the SD Mines game. As much as it pains me, I would rather see us go on the road against a counter than play a non-counter that is a no-win situation for the team.
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