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Everything posted by MoSiouxFan

  1. Any idea why Stanley isn't on the two-deep?
  2. Don't see Luke Stanley on the depth chart, either. Wonder if he's not fully recovered yet or what.
  3. Hadn't realized that. Thanks. The most loaded weekend I've ever experienced, and I've been doing this for several years now, was last Nov. when we got to see men's BB and women's BB Friday afternoon, Denver hockey Fri. night, No. Arizona football Sat. afternoon (boy, was that a game!), and a DU hockey game Sat. night. Interrupted only by several trips to the Red Pepper. That's a weekend that'll be tough to beat going forward.
  4. The weekends with both football and hockey are a big plus for some of us out-of-staters. I plan my fall trips around the combination weekends. This fall, I plan on coming for the Gopher/Sacramento St. weekend and the EWU/Miami weekend. The plan is to bring two or three friends with. Getting the Gopher tickets will probably be a challenge, though.
  5. Am wondering/hoping that all freshmen have showed up.
  6. Very nice unit. Gets kind of pricey, though, after you add in the cleaning fee and the service fee.
  7. I'd go with curtain no. 3, but there's going to be a lot of competition, especially for the left guard spot, from both the vets and the rookies.
  8. Go to undsports.com, then click on "Buy Tickets" on the upper right, then click on "Ticket Information under "Men's Hockey."
  9. I'm sure it's too late, but I sent an appeal to Brian Faison today anyway that he lower the price of the Gopher tickets. $99 is outrageous, IMO. Please send him an email if you agree.
  10. This isn't exactly the upper Midwest, but I get the PAC-12 network here in Missouri with Time Warner/Spectrum.
  11. I'm hoping for a little payback, as I drove down to Springfield to witness that drubbing that we took 3 years ago. Wasn't pretty, but that was just at the start of Bubba's regime. Hoping to be in the Forks for the return match.
  12. Great get, IMO. Way too early, but it's fun to speculate: who leads us to our first Natty, Studs or Nate?
  13. Mooney looks like a prototype QB for our system--throws and runs well and has decent size.
  14. Good post. Would love nothing more than to see him pull a Frattin; i.e., straighten his life out and prove himself for a year, then come back (assuming that that's even in the cards) and turn himself into the excellent ballplayer that he has the potential to become.
  15. Hoping there's room ($) for, and time for, another dropdown. Depth is getting to be a real problem.
  16. Thanks. Was trying to fit it into football lingo.
  17. Thanks much for your post. Please ignore the one or two negative Nellies, because, as you know, there's always one or two in every crowd. Your son is obviously a young man of great character, which is undoubtedly why Coach Schweigert and the other coaches are so attracted to him, besides his obvious ability. However, there are a lot of young men out there with ability; it's the ones like Elijah that the coaches are building this program with. We welcome Elijah back with open arms and are fully behind him as he not only reestablishes himself on the team but also gets an education so that he is prepared for life and is well prepared to support that precious little child of his. I will be praying for him, as I am sure others on this board will be, too.
  18. If true, it's time for THANKS giving.
  19. Very encouraged that there's mutual interest. I totally agree that landing him would be huge. With our running game and receivers, our offense would be a juggernaut for at least the next three seasons. And, as you say, it would give us some serious depth at that position that we haven't seen in a while.
  20. I totally agree. I don't think that you can have enough depth at the QB position. Where will we be if both Studs and Zimmerman do down? If just Studs goes down? I think Ketteringham's stats were very good, especially considering that he spent half of the time on his back at Sac St. Ideally, he would redshirt next season, then come in after Studs graduates, but would be ready to step in in case of injury. If we're lucky and Studs doesn't get injured this season, then we're ready to go against U of W the following season with a good, experienced QB that has had a year to learn our offensive system.
  21. You're probably right. Wrong timing.
  22. I wonder if the staff is giving any thought to Nate Ketteringham being available. With Studs graduating next year and Ketteringham having three years left in which to complete his two remaining years of eligibility, I would think that he would be a great get. I believe he was a three star recruit and had good numbers for a lowly Sacramento squad.
  23. Please speak German so that I can understand you.
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