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St Patrick

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    Hatton, ND

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  1. OK, I don't get it. I went to the west side RP three times over lunch over the last two weeks. Tacos are nice, same price as TJ's, but better. Well worth it. Enchiladas, cost much more, but are excellent! Grinders are boring as hell, all you taste is the sweet bread, like a bland sandwich on Hawaiian sweet roll. It was dreck. It had been 25 years since I had one but it was not good, despite the magical white sauce. Am I missing something here?
  2. It looked to me like he followed through, too. Otherwise, tough call.
  3. Been to a twin cities Chuckie E. Cheese lately? It has finally arrived in Fargo and the owners probably gave up. We can't have nice things anymore.
  4. Such a fun movie. Whenever it came on TV on a weekend, I would get sucked in. What a cast!
  5. Maybe, if he was trying to do a backflip. Nope, he meant to inflict pain.
  6. I couldn't get myself to watch the video after all the warnings...until tonight. That was absolutely 100% intentional on the kick. 100% That guy should be in jail, not suspended from hockey, in jail. I am livid and completely sickened after seeing this. God Bless Adam Johnson and family.
  7. My brother is in town and want to show him UND hockey at peak intensity. 3 tix, together, anywhere. Thanks!
  8. ESPN announcers cannot stop drooling and fawning over "coach prime" and his kid QB.
  9. Arrived this morning, hauling the goodies for the team and staff.
  10. They logos both completely suck. Ours sucks more with regards to being a generic name, AZ due to a terribly boring theme.
  11. Everything about the logo, etc., looks cheap. What a disaster this has been.
  12. I sure don't miss those terrible Nike Swift sweaters, yuck.
  13. So sad. Hopefully he can get back for a year or two and make a difference for a contending team. It seems like yesterday the DOT line thrilled us all.
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