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the green team

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Everything posted by the green team

  1. Last night on the radio broadcast- it was mentioned that Coleman although dressed had been suffering flu like symptoms. In addition to that it was also mentioned that Nash apparently had a knee repaired over the summer- and it seems to have flared up again causing him discomfort, which has forced him to miss practices. And continuing with the trend it was also mentioned the De Rouen had some serious back issues that had been hampering him...but it seems that he was able to overcome that, as he had what was a fairly solid game in the loss.
  2. Yes, I believe that is the difference- UND I believe made the move to HD Cameras to accommodate Fox Sports and have better quality webcasts (was talking to one of the kids operating a camera at half one game). That's one thing I like about UND right now as they in many ways seem to be taking the lead in the quality of their product TV, Webcasts etc...when in comparison to Big Sky brethren. I may be the only one but I appreciate it.
  3. I think if our team was healthy, our bench would be deeper in this match up...I'm not sure where we are with all the injuries, but we've already had quite a few, and if that remains the case, that may negate the advantage somewhat.
  4. Ron Burgandy, awesome - that's exactly what that question mark was for. I never know when gfhockey is either on something, or onto something.
  5. Shepard comment is funny. Needed that today.
  6. That's fine, but we aren't playing at Memorial are we?
  7. I guess I don't really see where your coming from where you constantly see failure by this Athletic Department led by Faison. I've seen a lot of things happen since he's been at the helm... there is an indoor practice facility being built...and before you say that it's being built despite of him. This didn't get done on during Thomas watch, or Bunning's watch, but his. Also, who was Athletic Director when basically UND Athletics handed over the keys to REA? It wasn't Faison. Meanwhile, they've expanded TV for sports such as Volleyball and Basketball with Fox Sports ie more games. Have actually produced a substantial revenue stream for tv coverage where UND Athletics actually gets a sizeable check from Midco. Tailgating has been far better for me and my friends at games with the addition of Tailgate Village etc.. I'm not saying it's perfect...but forgive me if I don't see all the doom and gloom that you do.
  8. This^ The other parts of the article didn't surprise nor do I have a big problem with. Although, I think this 2 year time table seems to be way way too drawn out. But what you mentioned is what raised my eyebrows too. If we are not picking something to do with Native Americans, they need to have a special place at the table, why? As someone already mentioned what about other tribes or people of different ethnic descent...this opens up a whole can of worms- to me that statement is really bizarre, I have no idea what their thinking is on this. And this isn't because I harbor some hostility for not granting us the right to use the Sioux name- it's really about, why would you even want to open up that can of worms about giving some groups other than alumni and students special treatment at the table?
  9. This might just be the greatest reference in the history of histories on here. The Dream Team, gotta love it. I still laugh any time I see that movie.
  10. Sometimes its ok to be a little lucky- and maybe they aren't very good, but I bet there were 2 or 3 players on their team that we tried to recruit. So let's enjoy a road win, and build off it. Still lots of room to get better no doubt but good step forward just to win on the road.
  11. You are aware that Women's Basketball and Men's Basketball are quite a bit different? In women's basketball teams can turn it over 30 times and still win the game. As we've seen many many times. I'm not sure I've ever seen that in Men's Basketball.
  12. What do we really know about Women's basketball, this year? You say they've reloaded. But I'm not sure that's the case. I'm not sure we know enough about the fresh faces yet to really know where there at. Plus, most of this teams success this year has been because of players that have already been on the roster. We certainly don't know what's sitting behind Evers- as that depth is a great unknown.
  13. Let's see UND's Men's Basketball team has started the season missing 95% of its scoring production from a year ago...I would say they are both paddling in the same creek. The other comment I was referring to is that the Big Sky is a bad basketball conference. OK, RPI says it is. The eye test tells me that the Big Sky is a bad football conference right now as well. It wasn't surprising that Montana St. got beat, from what I've seen from Eastern Washington and Montana, they don't look great either. Bad losses are bad losses, no matter when they occur is my point. Year 1 or Year 9.
  14. Are you comparing what UND Men's Basketball does in recruiting year to year or over 4 years to what Duke and Kansas Men's Basketball do? That can't be right can it?
  15. Losing to a bad SUU team on the road in football and at home to a bad Weber St team is troubling as well. I guess we can go round and round on this.
  16. Ok it's a bad basketball conference... what should we do about it? What is the solution?
  17. Just looking at last year alone, no one team was great on the road in conference play. Weber St was 5 and 5 in conference road contests. NAU was 5 and 5 Montana was 4 and 6 UND was 4 and 6 PSU was 4 and 6 EWU was 3 and 7 UNC was 3 and 7 Sac St was 2 and 8 I guess my point is- that in any conference it is hard to win on the road. In a conference as expansive as this, it might, (key word here is, might) be tougher. And in reality we were only 1 win away from being on top in road wins last year. Heck the top team in our conference Weber State had only 5 road conference wins, and we helped them with that by them winning here at The Betty.
  18. Did you compare his conference road record to other schools conference road records since UND has been in the Big Sky conference? You'll find that winning on the road is tough and UND has fared on the road at least in conference comparatively better than most others in the conference.
  19. Disagree. 1. It provides a great educational opportunity for young people. 2. The opportunity to begin practicing early as a team which is allowed by the NCAA can be an invaluable headstart to a season. Just ask the women's team how their trip worked out for them last year and if they thought it was worth it? Sure they didn't go to Italy, they went to Canada- but Women's Bball doesn't play for the kind of pay days that the men play for. In my mind bigger paydays= bigger trip. I think the most they can ever do this is once ever 4 years, and it's no guarantee that they will do it that frequently.
  20. I very much agree with what you say. Unfortunately, I have a sneaking suspicion that with some supporters out there, that's all they are is words. When in reality we probably all have to dig into our pockets a little bit more and continue to give financial help to fund athletics to the level we believe it needs to be at. You are absolutely right, if we can't afford it, we should not have moved in the first place. I haven't seen any new sponsors in The Betty since it's been built, why? If there is limited availability in The Ralph to advertise because it's sold out, a person would think where much more growth could be is with the basketballs, and volleyball at The Betty. And yet, at the same time I haven't seen much additional revenue being generated over there...but that gets us going around in a circle again as there is no video boards, no LED scorers table etc... if I'm a potential sponsor, what can they offer me...other than have a person walk around with a sign of my business. The PA isn't great there. If they want to generate more revenue, I would think they would have to address the advertising infrastructure of The Betty. Regarding baseball, I'm sure it's not cheap to be on the road for the first 30 days every season 20 plus players, coaches, hotels, food transportation. I'm sure it adds up, with the early season schedule.
  21. Can you say...Diva? This is so utterly ridiculous. Maybe he has to have a driver so when he can create free time to look for "lost" emails.
  22. Where are is all this money suppose to come from Darrell? From what I understand, Athletics already runs a budget deficit and basketball over the years has been asked to take on its fair share of money games...which one hopes to win, but more likely than not is a mismatch. I think if UND Athletics had more money, maybe Men's basketball might be able to afford to bring in a team for a change instead of going on the road all the time. I don't think it's Faison not giving money, when reality is probably closer to he probably doesn't have a lot to give considering budget constraints. Whenever we lose a nonconference road game, I try to think how a 6 foot 8 players body must feel after sitting in coach for a 3 hour plane ride. I know how mine feels even after 2,3 days and I'm 6 foot. It's not like this team flies charter like the big shool teams or hockey or womens hockey for that matter. Also, if you look at our road record in our first 2 years in the Big Sky you'll see our team has done pretty welll on the road in conference games as oppossed to our conference brethern. In my humble opinion, how we do on the road in conference play matters far more than non-conference.
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