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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. I'd like to see WI get beat 10-0 10-1 just so the NCAA could stuff their selection right up their anti-nickname a**es!
  2. You can really rack up the frequent flier posts on the "score updates" threads. 10:00 left in OT.
  3. Apparently I have some free time on my hands?
  4. As opposed to the one doofus who clearly didn't know what offsides was? Did anyone else catch a Sioux offsides early in the game when he blurts out "...and there's a whistle for........icing...".
  5. Jones robbed by AFA goalie. NO-bey Baker!
  6. Buncha cake eaters and mamma's boys.
  7. Not even 2:00 into OT, AFA picks up a penalty. Uh oh...
  8. Wow, I'm not far away from 4,000 posts. If I spent the next 65 days doing nothing but posting here on SiouxSports.com, I might be able to catch AZSIOUX.
  9. Once in a great while, I make sense. Not often, but just like lightning in a bottle, it's gotta happen sometime!
  10. No way. I used to detest those snot-nosed Edina and Bloomington Jefferson kids who went to school at UND and cheered vehemently for the Gophers when Doug Woog brought his team to town.
  11. I'm going to guess the same way someone from Minneapolis/St Paul could go to college in Grand Forks and become a Sioux fan.
  12. I'm talking about last year's NCAA tournament game against AFA. The one where Minny was dominated thoroughly until about the last 3:00 of the game.
  13. Wait a second...the WCHA tournament champs were palying their WORST hockey of the year one game after the Final Five? Did you mosey on up to Joe Senser's in Roseville today?
  14. Miami scores on the PP. Wow, this must be eerily familiar to the kids who played last year's game against Minny.
  15. Yea, 'cuz Minnesota smoked Air Force last year in the semi-final. Clearly a no-talent hack team.
  16. About 9:00 left...AFA too many men on the ice penalty.
  17. Any further updates on Air Force/Miami?
  18. OK, honey, now go get your Barbies and play...it's time to leave mommy and daddy's computer alone.
  19. I'm about to leave the computer and head downstairs to my couch but can't help but think "why didn't I just drive to Madison this morning?".
  20. I usually watch games with my shirt on too!
  21. I'm fairly certain UNH was a #1 seed when they lost in 2000 to Niagara, weren't they? Dick Umile has always been unpopular with a certain segment of the population out there at UNH. My guess is he'll get "Woog'd" before too long. Same old story...dominate Hockey East, get into the tournament and flounder. It was bad enough that UNH was second fiddle to Maine and BU. Now that even BC has a fairly-recent national title, the heat must really be on now...
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