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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. I couldn't agree more. I think the hardest part to accept was that it was all over so quickly. Speaking as a fan and a fan ONLY, I felt like the 2nd and 3rd period were simply a countdown to the inevitable.
  2. Good call, Gopherguy33. Some of these posts are jaw-dropping. Notre Dame: 1 Frozen Four appearance in 40 years. North Dakota: 4 straight. Anything can happen when it is one-and-done. And it usually does. Just ask Michigan.
  3. BC has 28 NCAA tournament appearances, not Frozen Four appearances. That number is 20. Six times in the past ten years, they have played for the national title. A loss Saturday would give Jerry York's Eagles a 1-5 mark in championship games. Hey, BleedSiouxGreen, fire Jerry York if BC loses Saturday night?
  4. Although I was the lone wolf in the forest last year saying Michigan State had a chance to defeat BC while everyone else here was saying 8-1 or 9-1 BC, let me be the first to say this time around: BC 7, Notre Dame 1
  5. It's been another wonderful ride. Thank you, Sioux players and coaches for yet another season of hockey memories.
  6. Don't forget to meet the team at the GF airport tomorrow afternoon so you can personally tell them that.
  7. YOU wanted it really bad? I'm sure the players wanted it 50 times more than some senior college student sitting in the stands. Tell ya what, jerkweed, I went to school from 1988-1992 and times got lean then. From 1992-1995 they were even worse. And you know what? I stuck by the team because I bleed Sioux green. What gives you the right to think you're somehow entitled to a national championship. They've won 7 in the history of the program, yet you were somehow DENIED a title? Appreciate the fact that this team went as far as its did and you had a wonderful four years watching them. You could have spent four years watching Bowling Green, Lake Superior State, Providence, or any other half-assed program. Instead, you were treated to four quality years of hockey. Go Fighting Sioux. Forever.
  8. The Sioux fans ripping Greico for leaving school in the middle of the season are the same ones chuckling at Jeff Frazee sticking it out until the end of the season, then leaving. The ones saying that some Sioux players are "just acting their age" are the same ones telling Frazee to "grow up." I'm sure Frazee isn't the only player who went into a program with high expectations that weren't fulfilled for one reason or another. Listen, I am not a fan of the guy at all and the 180 foot goal by Bina is still in my youtube.com favorites. But when your unpaid goalie coach throws you under the bus to a local newspaper and your reaction is to accept your benching and not totally blow a head gasket (would I have done the same?), I have to give the guy some credit. Now, let's just hope Kangas was a half-season wonder and he flops next year.
  9. Confucius say not very funny.
  10. Man on little blue pill be careful and not get too cocky.
  11. Great story! Thanks for the link. Thanks also to sagard for sending the jersey back.
  12. I wasn't implying you personally, gopherz, I meant Gopher fans in general. Psssst...link didn't work.
  13. Rip all you want on Jeff Frazee, I'm actually going to stand up for the guy. Kyle Okposo says good-bye to the Gopher program in mid-season and fans brand him a traitor. Had Frazee done the same thing after his benching, you guys would have cheered. The guy was the Gopher starting goalie and World Jr. Tournament goalie and barely played in the second half of the season. His unpaid goalie coach made disparaging comments about him in the Twin Cities' own newspaper. Jeff could have pouted and become a team cancer. Instead, from what I saw, he sat on the bench and appeared to support his teammates, even though many of them threw him under the bus by publicly lobbying for his benching. He finished out the season and has now chosen to take another path to try to advance his career. I don't defend Gopher players very often, but I give Jeff Frazee lots of credit for how he handled this season.
  14. PM me your cell # and I'll text you when the plane touches down in Denver Saturday afternoon.
  15. Have fun all you Al Pearson bus riders. I'll be there in spirit. 0:100
  16. Well how come YOU aren't going? 25:75
  17. I ran some numbers on priceline and travelocity last night. Like I said, I was paying for my dad anyways, so we're talking about $400 for the bus, $400 for hotel room, meals for Wednesday-Sunday, etc...for a few hundred bucks more, it may very well be worth it. Hey, new odds! Saturday only: 40/60
  18. I've lost sleep crunching the numbers in my head, but there's a possibility that if the Sioux win on Thursday, I may just break the bank and fly out of Minneapolis/St Paul with my boy on Saturday and return on Sunday. Considering I was going to pay for everything for my dad on the trip anyways, I'm guessing a five day venture by bus can't be much cheaper than a 24 hour stint by plane, can it? 5:95
  19. I sent my dad one last e-mail asking if he was 100% certain he was willing to pass this trip up. 10:90
  20. Good question. I'm even mulling over the thought of coming down there on Friday/Saturday should the Sioux win on Thursday. Crazy! 7:93
  21. She'll have to divorce me first for him to have a shot at her. 5:95
  22. It's lower bowl or bust for me. And I'm not talkin' the kind of 'bust' I saw at The Platinum Fox in 2005, either! 12:88
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