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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. After Wisconsin gets thumped by Denver, I double-dog dare someone to hold up a SHOULDA PICKED MANKATO sign
  2. Dude...mapquest.com. 4217 American Blvd West Bloomington 2350 Cleveland Ave Roseville
  3. What's 10 extra miles and 8 extra minutes in your car to Bloomington?
  4. I was just there for the co-rec broomball state championships two weeks ago.
  5. 2008 NCAA tournament: Lost in regional semifinal
  6. In Bloomington, its Channel 28.
  7. So I'm not the only one tired of Dick Vitale fawning all over North Carolina while Jay Bilas drools over Kansas?
  8. Is anyone heading to Joe Senser's on Saturday for the Sioux/Princeton game? Meeting some people there sounds much more fun than watching the game from my couch.
  9. How exactly did the Titans let him get away with it?
  10. She doesn't have Comcast digital service, that's why!
  11. Hopefully you're right, but if I had a nickel for every time I heard a player had changed his ways only to do something stupid yet AGAIN, (I'm talking to you, PacMan Jones), I'd be a rich man!
  12. Uh...hopefully Delmon Young is on board with the "playing the way the game is supposed to be played thing"... Delmon Young Bat Toss Day
  13. You believe? It was hilarious. The bus stops in Oakdale, MN, picks up a couple of guys, then stops again 10 minutes later for breakfast in Hudson, WI.
  14. MafiaMan

    Tom Pohl

    Dude, real fans DO care and no one wants to see a guy's career ended by a life-threatening on-ice injury. We're all on the same team with respect to Tom Pohl.
  15. MafiaMan

    Brian Lee

    Not from me...from the Sioux dude sitting next to you. Triple-dog-dare you to lean over and ask what his moniker is on siouxsports.com. I guarantee you he has one.
  16. MafiaMan

    Tom Pohl

    The Gophers wore helmet stickers with 21 on them this past weekend...
  17. I'm impressed! Pepsi Center: More Happy With the Sioux There
  18. "...Too much time on my hands...it's tickin' away with my sanity..."
  19. Get on the list. If enough people do it, there will be more printed.
  20. That was me! One of the two friends with me at the Hoggsbreath is a Gopher fan. He and his wife made their first-ever trip to Grand Forks and he did mention that Sioux fans sitting around him really knew their hockey. He also mentioned how nice it was to walk across the bridge from Grand Forks to East Grand Forks and re-enter smoke-free Whiteys.
  21. Yes they are. See the link below. WCHA Limited Edition Print
  22. MafiaMan

    Brian Lee

    Wow. I'm going to cancel my package for next season. I've been to basically every Final Five since about 1994 and from what I've seen, every team that has won the title has celebrated the tournament like it IS a big deal.
  23. The difference between exorcising demons and exercising them is much biger than exchanging an "o" for an "e"... and this...
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