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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. I hope you're being sarcastic. If a bunch of inner-city kids threw a Cowboy party, I doubt if protesters would call them out saying "these are a bunch of inner-city punk-asses and we need to send them to diversity training." I love it when people who specialize in breaking down stereotypes say things that perpetuate stereotypes.
  2. Hmnnnnnnn...this thread got awfully quiet this morning...
  3. Thanks everyone, for the radio links and updates. Very entertaining.
  4. Actually, I think he borrowed it from Denny Green. No one can beat the Spartans when they play...like they play...when they play!
  5. Sounds like one of Frank's "keys to the game"! Doug: Frank, what would you say is the formula for success for MSU tonight? Frank: No super-secret potion at all, Doug. MSU must simply score more goals than Colorado College. If they do, there is a good chance they will advance to tomorrow night's title game. Doug: Uhhhh...thanks, Frank, for that valuable insight.
  6. Scott Owns should have them all doing 'herbies' after everyone leaves the World Arena tonight. Seriously, you're playing the defending national champion on your home ice in the regional tournament for the right to go to the Frozen Four...and you come out and lay a gigantic egg like that?
  7. I guarantee you that no one on the board had that in the cards for today.
  8. True, but that's rivalry. It's like the Sioux/Gophers. Even if one is #1 in the conference and the other is #10, you know it's going to be a battle. Like I said, Michigan will be cheering for Notre Dame. Colorado College: TERRIBLY DISAPPOINTING!
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall this being discussed on FSN or USCHO before: A team hosting a regional on its home ice has never failed to advance to the Frozen Four. You're right about Michigan...Clarkson, then either MSU or Notre Dame. Those rivalry games can be trouble, though, and I'd bet the maize and blue will be cheering for the Irish tomorrow night.
  10. I like playing at Be-Bop much better. For some reason, I feel like I should pack a pillow and a sleeping bag every time I make the drive from Bloomington to Diamonds.
  11. I agree. I had them losing to UNH tomorrow night as well. They seem to have something in common with UNH: Both very good regular season teams who just can't seal the deal in the post-season. CC should be particularly disappointed. You don't get to host regionals every day and when you do, you'd best win it. To not even advance to the Finals? Terrible.
  12. Ramsey? I'm there like every other weekend in the summer at softball tournaments at Diamonds.
  13. I hear you there. It's amazing how exhausted you can get by sitting at your computer since about 3:00 pm this afternoon listening to hockey broadcasts. CC...stick a fork in it...this dog's done.
  14. They also swept teams at home that they should sweep while the remainder of the teams in the conference seemed to have split-itus. It's not about who is most consistent, it's about who is hot at the right time. CC had a struggle with Anchorage in their opening playoff series and obviously did not play well at the Final Five. And the way it looks now, the WCHA champion is about to wind down its season on an 0-3 skid.
  15. I think I understand what you're saying. Kind of like the "new" NHL started calling penalties everywhere in the regular season, then the playoffs start and its back to putting the whistle in the pocket, at which point everyone is completely confused?
  16. Good. Now I don't feel so bad. Wow, are these the MSU announcers or Holy Cross guys?
  17. I would hope that Niagara, St Cloud, UNH, and CC don't go home complaining about a disparity in the quality of officiating in the tournament and instead give some props to their opponents. The men in stripes didn't put a puck in the CC net with 7 seconds left in the second period, did they?
  18. All I've heard for weeks is how much better the WCHA is than everyone else in the country. Suffice to say, I think that's not the case. I thought this season that CC and North Dakota were far and away the best teams in the WCHA. I don't know what got into the Tigers lately, but what a disappointment. You're dead-on about Wisconsin. No business at all being in the tournament. Mankato, Boston U, or Vermont would have all been far better choices to get into the dance.
  19. I'm personally guaranteeing one WCHA team winning tomorrow.
  20. No way. This game is over. Lucky for CC players, it's a short walk back to the dorm!
  21. Wow. I'm stone-cold sober and don't have a computer clue.
  22. CCHA one period away from being 3-0 today.
  23. Holy crap! When did Pawlenty order the Minnesota National Guard to annex Houghton?
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