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Everything posted by moser53

  1. moser53

    Jacks game

    Is SDSUs star runningback Kyle Minett hurt? If he is the Siouxs chance of winning went from 10% to 40%. He makes plays like the Montana runningback. Off memory was the last time we played in Brookings 2002. Year after we won the title. Kelby Klosterman our star QB was injured in that game. Him being from SD they were proably doing alittle headuunting, just a guess on my part. Reading the comments about UNDs lack of a passing game. I agree with alot of the comments on how to move the ball when you no medium to long range passing game. There is a game plan to play to our QB'S strenghts work on one and send our Seniors out with a W. Remember last year when Brock Bellmore blocked how many kicks to win the game. My prediction Brock Bellmore again sends the seniors out with a win. Sioux 24 Minette less Jacks 21. I plan on being there.
  2. Watching the NE Pats tonite with Danny Woodhead and Wes Welker on the field together Dressler would fit right in. Bill Belichick knows how to draft and use players to fit a system. I'd love to see him with the Vikes but he might get killed there. Is he just to small to get a shot?
  3. A 20% drop in attendance for any of UND's athletic teams is a reason for concern.
  4. Thanks to the 3 Amigos. The base would have been toast with the other guys. But with Berg tied to Fargo and the Air Guard there things should be OK I hope. If you like Politics things are really going to heat up. Are the Repbs. going to get rid of pork barrel spending like alot of the tea party want. I think the answer is no it's nothing but campaign rhetoric. We'll see.
  5. Your right an empty stadium looks awful on TV
  6. How can you explain the drop in attendance at UND Football games this year. There was what 6800 at the game today. It looked like there was about half that in there. The same can be said for SU the reports said about 12800 at the Dome. On TV it looked like 8000 in there. And they are in the playoff hunt . It's not the economy all of ND is in good shape. As people have said Grand Forks is a hockey town. The number of Sioux hockey jerseys you see in GF on game day is impressive. Me being a football basketball guy wish there was more support for those sports but what can you do. Better days are ahead let's hope.
  7. moser53


    The Sioux at times have played some pretty good football on the road this year. N. Illinois and Poly were pretty good efforts. At this point I think we all wish Landry was playing.
  8. moser53

    Landry Out

    Tough way to end a young man's career. Jake did what 99% of us could not do. Quarterback a college football team. Good luck.
  9. Take this thread to Bisonville. Where you can continue the Grand Forks lovefest . Sioux Fans?
  10. Kansas looked disorganized. SU will play better coached teams in the Missouri Valley. Nice win for the Bison they seem to play big time programs when they are down.
  11. moser53


    We really don't know what kind of a team UND wiil be this fall. How much has the defense improved. We gave up 65 points to Stephen F. Austin last year on the road. I worry more about getting a pass rush than I do stopping the run . Landrys game has to improve but with this inexperienced receiving core is it even possible. I hate to be a downer since i love the Sioux. There QB will looks to be a difference maker in this game. Then again Idahos players are not pumped up to play the Sioux. They are looking at the Cornhuskers so we may be able to sneak up on them. But If there QB is as good as they say Idaho 34 ND 14. Prove me wrong Sioux.
  12. No thank you. Last year the band went to Texas Tech and I believe they get one trip to a football game a year. They may be going to Idaho and they are a fun bunch. And of course alot of parents always go.
  13. I believe Krabbenhoft grew up in Northwood. That's what I've read.
  14. Thanks to the 3 amigos who have fought long and hard to keep this base open. I have heard many on UNDs campus are woried about future funding for UND. I wonder how Senator Hooven and I hope not Congressman Berg would fight for funding things in ND that are already being funded by Washington. Are things like the nut lab on campus pork? When you talk about long range implications for UND and GF when then state is not fighting for you have a tough road to hoe. The potential of the aerospace industry around here is almost mind boggling. Why wouldn't the state go after this big time. In last ND legislative session the reps from GF asked the state for 20 million to promote the GF air base and the UND aerospace. One of our reps from GF told me 5 million was all the state would give GF. And he told me we were lucky to get that since many in Bismarck wanted to give nothing for that cause. When you look at the last legislative session and see the things that did get priority funding it leaves me scratching my head.
  15. Does anybody know if WD wants a shot at the NFL? Can he take the pounding he's pretty small. I'd love to see him there. As far as the CFL goes it keeps your attention with the fast pace.
  16. moser53

    2010 Season

    Talked to the fb weight lifting coach. He said he expects UND to hopefully have as good a record in 10 as they did in 09. But he said the schedule is pretty tough. I asked him if anyone of the seniors can play at the next level he said the coaches feel Ty Boyle has a chance. He said the o line has put on some weight getting them closer to the 300 pound range. I asked him about 2 young o lineman Doeling and Field who left the program. He said one was homesick and the other had girl friend issues. You hate to see the big guys leave. Should be a fun season, can't wait. Go Sioux.
  17. I met him in 97 throwing sandbags. Still strong as an ox.
  18. I believe it was Lou Holtz who wants Colleges to have one spring official football game. UND ana SU should play twice a year spring and fall. There would be lots to talk about if that ever came to be . Count me in. Hammersmith start a nationwide campaign to get this going. I'll bet the players would love it.
  19. Of course it was easy. A ll of my tests are open boob errrr I mean book. I need a better comedy writer. ha ha
  20. Is the NDSU UND cold war about to end? Who is Ronald Reagan and who is Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev in this conflict.? Interesting times ahead.
  21. Bledsoe is starting to play like Allen Iverson . Iverson is 6' 165 Bledsoe about the same. It's amazing to me what Iversons done in his career at that size. I think the Sioux are surprising us all. Congrats Coach Jones for keeping the faith.
  22. Since you put in your 2 cents the Repbs were kicked out of office for one reason. THEY TURNED A HUGH SURPLUS INTO A HUGH DEFICIT AND BRAGGED ABOUT IT WITH CHENEY SAYING DEFICITS DON'T MATTER. PATHETIC. OK I'M DONE. BY
  23. Pork is only an issue when Democrates are in control. On a side note do any of you really think a Democratic administration could get away with a Patriot Act type of bill. Only Republicans can get away with taking away your civil rights.
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