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  1. Wonder how they will move the deck chairs on the Titanic around this off season?
  2. Easy to have a lot of posts on a subject when a person has several nicknames.
  3. Tough to justify a five hour drive when it's always been one and done. I have enjoyed the times I have gone and UND has a nice social room to gather in and visit with others fans, player's parents and UND staff.
  4. As we all know until UND can beat the SUs on a regular basis there is little room for error on the schedule every year. Last year's collapse is unexplainable, thinking the turn around could start right away this year.
  5. Not too long ago there were two "Dakota schools" that wanted into the Big Sky and only one was chosen. I think University Presidents have some say in which schools are invited.
  6. Is it true their students threw stuff on the ice after the Saturday night game?
  7. Most of those "fans" have IQs lower than football numbers. This is the same fan site that has threads of pornography on it. No concern about what they think of anything at UND.
  8. Not doubting him but if he gets offered six figures I understand if he changes his mind.
  9. I have, it was still not worth the trip.
  10. Job saving win in an environment where the AD is reluctant to make coaching changes. I really want to go to the Summit League tournament but can't justify the distance and expense for one and done every year.
  11. Just two cents worth: Make the spring game more than it is. Yes, I understand this was a Bubba thing to downplay it, but remember back in the day when they at least tried some things - a burger competition, free tailgating. I understand having a real game doesn't work in the spring and there is never gonna be a big crowd but marketing the team is a year-round thing. Game day: letting tailgaters know when the players buses are coming. Yes I know the general rule is two hours before the game but there were plenty of times when tailgaters missed the Hawk Walk because the buses were early. All it would take is to have someone on staff blow a horn from the Champions Club tent. I often heard player's parents lamenting that they did not know when it would arrive - and yes they understood the irony that their own son wasn't communicating the arrival time. Would be great if we could subscribe to a text message blast.
  12. Not reading anyone is "upset". Fan boards are for discussions. That's all. How hard would it have been for UND to post a short survey on their website or X where anyone could share thoughts? This topic has run its course. We shall see if anything tangible comes out of this myopic study.
  13. All good - did anyone bring up: - by only inviting those on the current active list they are missing those who quit tailgating and why they quit - they could have been reached by posting something on social media or sharing a survey to everyone on social media. - Just because a car is parked does not mean it is not being used to tailgate, many tailgate sites have numerous people active why should they not be allowed to park near their group site? - People driving their car through a the crowd less than two hours from the game is just a matter of communicating that this rule will be enforced. The first time they have to turn around and go pay $15 for a parking spot they will understand. - Like the energy the students bring, but there must be a way to prevent the mountain of trash they leave (ask student leaders to step up) - tailgaters who pay for their spots leave their site as clean as they found it (by the way I often bring food to them so I'm not anti-student). - There is no good reason why tailgaters shouldn't be allowed a Happy Hour after the game - have never seen any other school not have it. - Why do we have to get a summary from you and not UND?
  14. I sometimes think when a recruit includes "received a full scholarship offer" in their announcement its because they are letting other teams know where the bar is.
  15. If you look at the picture they posted there were plenty of empty seats in that room.
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