Just two cents worth:
Make the spring game more than it is. Yes, I understand this was a Bubba thing to downplay it, but remember back in the day when they at least tried some things - a burger competition, free tailgating. I understand having a real game doesn't work in the spring and there is never gonna be a big crowd but marketing the team is a year-round thing.
Game day: letting tailgaters know when the players buses are coming. Yes I know the general rule is two hours before the game but there were plenty of times when tailgaters missed the Hawk Walk because the buses were early. All it would take is to have someone on staff blow a horn from the Champions Club tent. I often heard player's parents lamenting that they did not know when it would arrive - and yes they understood the irony that their own son wasn't communicating the arrival time. Would be great if we could subscribe to a text message blast.