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  1. I haven’t seen much on them but look like great athletes who can handle it. Definitely think they have great potential, good gets by Sather & Co
  2. Its Karson, he posted that he is committed
  3. Well good thing this is college basketball and not anyone applying for a job. Any word on who UND is looking at with the last scholarship? What type of player should UND be going after to fill this last spot?
  4. I dont think he officially has a year back yet. He applied for a medical waiver for a previous year, so if his waiver gets accepted then he gets the year back if not he is out of eligibility
  5. Not the news I expected to see today
  6. I hear the SDSU forum offers a pretty decent NIL package. I’m sure they would take you and you can post all your portal takes there.
  7. Im more worried about your mental health lately. You alright?
  8. I’m going to miss Stevens
  9. Never said anything was wrong with it, just was giving my perspective and opinion. I appreciate the time the players gave to UND, I dont gain anything from players leaving and failing. When they leave and succeed it at least looks good for the program in the fact we recruited and signed a talent player. I have no ill will towards most of the players that have left and dont hold a grudge. I’m not trying to tell anyone how to be a fan, just my perspective. It could be right, wrong or somewhere in the middle.
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