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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. I try to explain that cheer to people when I describe Sioux hockey in the late 70's and early 80's. Somehow, they don't get it. That cheer still makes me laugh.
  2. Friday, December 15th, 1978. Sioux beat the rodents 4-1. My first game at the old Ralph. (I think it was called Winter Sports Arena then..) We used to go ice skating at the arena during the week to tape bottles of schnapps underneath the seats for the games. Oh, what fun we had...
  3. Probably in Laramie, Wyoming. Work weekend. I'll sneak away....
  4. First two rounds best two out of three. Higher seed gets home ice. That would take two weekends...the second during the BB Final Four. Then, the following weekend, The Frozen Four. Problem solved.
  5. Well, at least you have that to look forward to. Who knows, maybe sometime in-between minimum wage will go up? That will give you two things to look forward to...
  6. I was at that game. I sat in a crowd of Gopher fans. Honestly, they couldn't have been nicer during and after the game. (But, I still hate the Gophers... LOL)
  7. Don't throw it by the tail. They tend to break off and the gopher may land in the lap of the person behind you....
  8. My concern is that we'll run into a hot goalie. With that being said, here is my favorite Save Ferris song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCzWPBR30Nk
  9. You have to put this into context. Women and the University of Agriculture and Applied Science had their College of Home Economics. Of the few women that actually attended, they tried to "put them in their place". One of the reasons they are considered an inferior school.
  10. We can talk basketball if you want. And influence within that sport. I think that the College of Home Economics at the University of Agriculture and Applied Science comes up just a wee bit short... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Jackson Good job though on beating a mediocre Oklahoma team...
  11. First we love them. Then, we hate them...and beat them. Let's beat Ferris Bueller State!
  12. Well, he is the poster boy for the University of Agriculture and Applied Science. I thought it was appropriate.
  13. The few from the University of Agriculture and Applied Science that actually do know how to use the "interwebs" seem to find their way here.
  14. Physically going to the library? Why? UND has state of the art online services at the Chester Fritz for research. Just login from anywhere, and you're good. Fargo U will catch up to the 21st century someday.
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