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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. I understand that the UNI game is big for you folks. But, I'm with you. We can play Montana/Montana state over and over, but it will always be the ag college that riles us up in sports outside of hockey. Which is the greatest sport...EVER!
  2. Mexico vs. Netherlands 10:00 AM MT Time... Sunday... I'm curious to see if Mexico can match their possession time. They'll probably need to exceed it to have a chance.
  3. I wonder if there will be/is some backlash against the oil companies coming from the university of agriculture and applied science...maybe not the school itself, but from the faithful fry cooks?
  4. Go Portugal! (only win by one goal...please...) Although it would be better for the US to tie or somehow win against Germany.
  5. I think he said he went to UND in an attempt to cherry pick his alma mater...
  6. Personally, I don't consider it an alma mater unless one has graduated from there. Therefore, I believe that I have two, not three. UND and UW. And no felony convictions. If I would, they wouldn't be third rate, that's for sure!
  7. While living in Fort Collins, I made an agreement with UND to take coursework at CSU and transfer it to UND finishing my undergraduate degree. Later, I went to UW and completed a master's degree. It's pretty simple. Unless you've went full retard, like the third rate felon LakesBison. Never go full retard.
  8. In the north country, no doubt. Recruits sure as Hell don't want to play in harsh outdoor conditions, risking injury and their scholarships or potential future athletic careers.
  9. Or best Pro Football team in Minnesota. (Hey, this coming from a long suffering Vikings fan...)
  10. True. But, I draw the line at Florida State.
  11. So happy to see this! I expect a slew of UND hockey players coming from this marriage! If only half as many as her dad and mom's brood, we're in good shape! (yeah, there's more to life than UND hockey...I get it..)
  12. http://guardianlv.com/2014/06/leonardo-dicaprio-talks-ocean-conservation-but-rents-super-yacht-to-party/ Yeah... That was a d*ck move.
  13. I attend UND games because it is my alma mater. I am interested in them for that reason. I attend CSU games in Fort Collins because it is the local team and I took classes at CSU to finish up my undergraduate degree. I go to Wyoming Cowboys games because it is my graduate degree alma mater. If I am in Fargo, I visit friends and family. I have no interest in going to the Fargodome and watching some lower tier football game that has no meaning to me. I'd rather go to a high school game where a friend's kid might be playing. I might go to Greeley from time to time with friends that graduated from UNC and see a football game. My interest there is that UNC plays in the BSC, so there may be something at stake for UND. If I am in Denver, I might take in a Pioneers game when UND isn't playing. Because it's the highest level of college competition in a sport that I enjoy, and again, the game may affect the standings of the NCHC and ranking of UND.
  14. Tico! Tico! Tico! Diggin' the upset!
  15. UND would be glad to accept that problem at the Alerus. We gotta keep an indoor stadium. Or at least have that option. Recruiting, attendance, etc... I say retractable dome over Memorial... yeah, it's a dream.
  16. John, Myself, I'm not a fan of the Redskins name. But, I'm not sure this is the way to get rid of it. I find the approach interesting. If I remember, the NCAA wanted UND to keep the copyright and trademark to the Sioux logo/name so there wouldn't be a proliferation of Fighting Sioux products after the name was put to rest. As mentioned by another poster earlier, it looks like if the administration is successful, there would be a whole bunch of Redskins products being sold without a dime going to the team. So, if this would work, the Redskin name could be retired, but the product could be all over the place. To me, that would only be a bit of a win for the administration.
  17. I also wonder how this change will affect those companies that already have merchandising agreements with Redskins gear? More knock-off gear from China? I have an Alan Page jersey from China that I have totally convinced myself is 100% legitimate.
  18. Big thumbs up on this post about El Tri! Hope they can score in the knockout round though. I'm pulling for Chile. Time the peninsulares get knocked down a few pegs.
  19. I"m happy with Mexico's 0-0 tie with Brasil. yeah, yeah, yeah..I know most of you find this stuff boring. I'm having fun with these games. I must be getting old...
  20. I'll bet during the plea of guilty there was sobbing and crying. Like a little girl.
  21. Yup. Nothing ticked off Lincoln more than a person who abused animals.
  22. I felt sorry for FU about seven years ago. I thought I'd make a donation to help them out. Turns out that some FU alum stole and used my credit card. I hate it when that happens. I'm sure glad people like that get caught and end up convicted third class, or third rate, felons.
  23. Those grads of FU better be careful. One day, the UND grads may stop approving their payroll every other week...
  24. It would be great to see a home/home in basketball and a game in Oxford in football. I appreciate reading your comments. They have been very sobering and informative for many of our more enthusiastic supporters.
  25. Well, there was another statewide institution that he DID attend there. At least, one that seems to say he was *guilty* after attending. That Jamestown Sun. It's a fine, fine online paper...
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