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Everything posted by Hayduke

  1. Here is the link to that online article: http://und.edu/news/2015/10/new-runoff-voting.cfm So, now it's 50% to win...unless Kelley changes his mind again? I guess the backlash was too much...he couldn't go back on his word.
  2. Look who's in last place. I knew home ec majors couldn't play hockey.
  3. President Kelley rigged it for Fighting Hawks. Him and his expensive consultants win.
  4. I've given Kelley the benefit of the doubt up until this decision. No more. Blow this up and start over without his oversight. Time for a reboot.
  5. Many alumni still haven't put the anger over Fighting Sioux behind them, so they didn't vote. Just sayin...
  6. The students seemed to have carried the Fighting Hawks name. I may decide to go that route. I think I would rather the students get the name they want.
  7. Former UND hockey players make millions. They are some of the top players in their sport in the world. How can anyone be so dimwitted to compare this to FCS football? What a stupid thread....
  8. I can't remember...does the voting close down this weekend or on Friday? I would imagine if it closed on Friday, we would get the results over the weekend. Especially if there would be a runoff. (Which I predict there will not be...but, hey, it could happen..)
  9. RoughRiders will win outright on the first vote.
  10. I don't think there will be a runoff. The no nickname crowd is a very small but deep pond. The alumni will carry Roughriders over 50% in this vote.
  11. Only felons create their own message boards to argue with themselves on. Possibly using a "borrowed" credit card to fo so...
  12. So, it has come down to this. The no nickname crowd is so angry that they are willing to saddle UND with a stupid nickname like "Nodaks"? Pathetic.
  13. Who cares? They're probably not winning this year.
  14. That is so precious. Ill bet those fans in Columbus just wanna pinch your little fat cheeks...
  15. I agree. The four in a row is impressive. But, as they might say in Columbus, Ohio... if they even heard of the byzun, "Ah, they call themselves the Division 1 National Champs. Isn't that cute!"
  16. I heard that. Interesting loophole that will be closed soon...imho...
  17. Can't believe the gov't hasn't stepped in to totally shut these sites down.
  18. Fargo U lost again? I didn't even know.
  19. A lofty goal. Kudos to the College of Home Economics for trying to get out of the Special Olympics category of higher education. Don't stop believing.....cue guitar solo....
  20. Before this game, I thought we'd reach the playoffs without a doubt. Now, I think we'd be fortunate to make the playoffs. I'm not going to say UND is not making progress, but this was a horrible loss.
  21. It doesn't even have to be attached to Teddy Roosevelt. Although, it could. A lot of options. Even the Wikipedia on Teddy's Roughriders states: "That term was familiar in 1898, from Buffalo Bill who called his famous western show "Buffalo Bill's Wild West and Congress of Rough Riders of the World."" North Dakota is a tough environment to live in, the winters and summers are harsh. It's barren, and tough people, like my great grandfather, homesteaded in that harsh environment. I like the toughness that the word "roughrider" conjurs up...
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