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Everything posted by MplsBison

  1. I'll stand by my opinion on a SR vote: at this point it doesn't matter if the SR vote is 100% for the nickname. It just won't matter. What's done is done. The 'people in control' got what they really wanted and it's going to take a heck of a lot more than some rally and a SR vote to change that. Not saying I agree with it, just calling it like it is.
  2. Short of keeping all players under lock and key, what can Bohl actually do to stop them from making bad choices? He can yell at them and he can plead with them not to do it...but you can only lead a horse to water. The players made their choices and Bohl kicked them off the team. Good job coach! You did the right thing. The media can and will latch on to this and bleed it for everything it's worth. Just hang in there. Your job is to win with the players who want to make the right choices and be a part of the team, school and community.
  3. Did either of these kids have a record of being in trouble in high school? I could see not recruiting them if they did, but I doubt they did. They just decided to make some really poor choices in their short time in North Dakota. Bohl kicked them off the team. I really don't see what more could've been done or what could've been done differently. The media is going to talk it up day and night because it makes them money. It's high profile and it involves NDSU athletics.
  4. Summit wants UND because this is a rare chance for a mid-major bball conference to have a state flagship public university in their membership. They already have 3 of the 4 Dakota flagships locked up, it only makes perfect sense to get the fourth.
  5. Message boards and Facebook have no credibility at stake. Therefore, they don't have to check out the sources or wait to see if the info is bad. And that's why you can't take them at their word. I won't believe anything reported on a message board or facebook unless it is backed up by a valid news service that has credibility at stake.
  6. I assume that being inviting to a booster function means you have a significant investment in the athletics department. Makes you feel a little different, doesn't it, when you actually have your own money invested in an institution. You want that institution to succeed and not taking a multi-million dollar hit by missing yet another year in a real conference is a step in the right direction.
  7. I'm glad you guys got yourselves a good radio deal, it sounds like a good deal anyway. But please do keep it in perspective: how many homes are gathering around the family radio for a good listen, these days?
  8. Amazing, the difference in reaction between businessmen who have substantial investment in the UND athletics department and message board fans who have nothing to lose by spewing venom and disavowing the AD.
  9. This is incorrect. I know for a fact that Akron has one and that Youngstown is building one. There should be a few others as well. But certainly what you said is true, it would be a great benefit to UND athletics (let alone the T&F teams). The nickname will have zero impact on donations to the athletic department. If anything, as Sic points out, donations may increase.
  10. MplsBison


    Hear! Hear! Never mind if Kelley strengthens research activity, builds new facilities for both academics and athletics, keeps a balanced budget and increases the national profile of the university nationwide....who cares about all that bulls**t!?! He retired the nickname! He's got to go!!!!11
  11. They could use some new facilities. It appears their entire athletic department uses the Dakota Dome in some form or fashion for training or games.
  12. here's how every hockey game I've ever watched goes: did someone score yet? no did someone score yet? no did someone score yet? no did someone score yet? no did someone score yet? no oh...wait a minute...something's happening!...oh that was offsides... Seriously? Every sport has 'fans'. In other words, people who like that particular sport. All sport rules are completely arbitrary...why like any of them? This whole hockey fans bashing bball thing is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. You feel so insecure about the (apparent lack of) commercial success of the sport you like that you feel the need to put down another, completely unrelated sport?
  13. Tell me something, honestly. If I were standing in front of you right now, would you punch me?
  14. The tribes had more than enough time to get a vote done. They chose not to have a vote.
  15. Ok lets look at them. Marquette -> moved on to the Big East and has enjoyed numerous successes in Men's bball. I don't see how the nickname change has held them back even slightly. Dartmouth -> how has the nickname change impacted the sports teams? The issue might never go away with the bitter fans, but so what? It doesn't hold the school or athletic department back even slightly.
  16. Well put. I agree with you 100%. This was the only way to truly put the entire issue behind the school and move on.
  17. Please....don't mistake the crap you read on bville as representing the majority of NDSU alumni. They wish they did...but not even close. Most NDSU alumni want the game back.
  18. College ice hockey: big f****** deal. Now field hockey....
  19. Actually I'll take it further than that. UND could've avoided this a long time ago if they had treated the tribes like business partners in the usage of the name and treated the Sioux tribes with the same respect as the state's Chippewa tribes. If both of those happen, then you don't have the opposition in the tribes to the nickname and this would've been settled years ago.
  20. There is no other conference. Take your pick: Summit or Great West. I know which choice a businessman would make.
  21. My take on this issue is very simple: the nickname was retired the moment that the state agreed to the deal with the NCAA. It was inevitable. There was too much residual opposition in the tribes for both to agree to keeping the nickname. And, most pertinent to the issue, there was nothing in the deal that forbids the state from retiring the nickname before the deadline.
  22. And he doesn't have a bat either. The nickname is retired. The the only thing we don't know is if the date is Apirl or May.
  23. Not even close. Your spin would make Fox News dizzy.
  24. Damnit! Now the nickname won't be retired until the May SBoHE meeting... unless they can somehow get word today and work it into the agenda. May is going to be cutting it close for getting UND in the Summit for the 2012-13 season...hopefully they can retire it today!
  25. From what I've read there is no chance of UND joining the Summit for 2011-2012 and if they don't have this thing wrapped up by early this summer it sounds like 2012-2013 would be out the window as well.
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